Loo question,to poo or not to poo!!

Mar 8, 2019
We get our new van on Friday.
I've seen that many people don't poo in the van. My daughter and I have never done number 2's outside but I see many people don't use their loo for number 2's.

Can I ask why people don't, or indeed do?

Similarly is there a reason people don't use the van shower?

Sorry if this is a gross question

Thanks once again:)
Nov 11, 2009
VanNoobie said:
We get our new van on Friday.
I've seen that many people don't poo in the van. My daughter and I have never done number 2's outside but I see many people don't use their loo for number 2's.

Can I ask why people don't, or indeed do?

Similarly is there a reason people don't use the van shower?

Sorry if this is a gross question

Thanks once again:)

Surely if you are old enough to drive and tow a caravan you could make your own mind up on this one.
Nov 16, 2015
We always use our shower in the van, during the day if you have time, #2 in the sites loo's, sometimes I sit and think , other times I just sit, :sick: . Do your own thing , depends who empties the Honey bucket.
Nov 16, 2015
Damian-Moderator said:
I know it is April 1st , but really???????????????

I know but, SWMBO, states that if in the van The folded paper goes into the loo first, to stop , skid marks.
Oct 12, 2013
EH52ARH said:
Damian-Moderator said:
I know it is April 1st , but really???????????????

I know but, SWMBO, states that if in the van The folded paper goes into the loo first, to stop , skid marks.

O c'mon hutch , to much information !! :sick:

If we are on a site with on-site facilities we will go over to them ( even for the showers even tho I have a decent one in the van ), only the kids will do a 2 in the loo if desperate , I draw the line at us as it's me that emptys the pot :sick:
Feb 23, 2018
VanNoobie said:
We get our new van on Friday.
I've seen that many people don't poo in the van. My daughter and I have never done number 2's outside but I see many people don't use their loo for number 2's.

Can I ask why people don't, or indeed do?

Similarly is there a reason people don't use the van shower?

Sorry if this is a gross question

Thanks once again:)

I believe there is a common preference amongst Cassette toilet users, that only 1's are allowed, due to the emptying process... What goes in has to come out... There are automated emptying machines now in some places, but it may not remove all the waste.

With regards to the shower, we use ours: my wife will exclusively use the onboard shower, whereas I prefer to use site showers, as the washroom shower is too small (I could use it if there were no site showers though) and I like long showers.
Sep 4, 2017
What's the next question:

To be or not to be?

Shakespeare re-written

To pee or not to pee?
Mar 8, 2009
What is it about natural bodily functions that people can't accept. (perhaps they don't have them?!!!) - Done 700+ rallies over the years and toilet facilities were as rare as 'rocking horse s---' (poo). Never ever thought twice about using onboard facilities, as family never did. Dug a few pits in my time for emptying 'em too. (Now that's a way of seeing the sights!) - Ps. If you want to get away from female company for a while -- take the loo to the emptying point, always seems men only!!
Mar 14, 2005
Presuming the question was genuine, Both the toilet and the shower are designed to be used and should be fully functional, however many caravanners prefer not to soil these facilities when alternatives are available. It simply a matter of personal choice. As some one else has pointed out if they are used, you have to be prepared to deal with emptying and cleaning.
Mar 8, 2019
This was a genuine question. We have never owned a caravan so have no idea (clearly!)

I am a woman so toilets are important to me as is where I 'go', which is at home.

Thanks to those with useful responses. Didn't realise I could cause so much controversy but there you go.
Oct 12, 2013
VanNoobie said:
This was a genuine question. We have never owned a caravan so have no idea (clearly!)

I am a woman so toilets are important to me as is where I 'go', which is at home.

Thanks to those with useful responses. Didn't realise I could cause so much controversy but there you go.

And that's only your first query about caravanning !!! :lol:
Get some popcorn , take a week off work and browse through some of the topics on here , you will learn a lot .
Feb 23, 2018
I do understand the question! I'd never used a cassette toilet until last year! So the whole blade open/closed thing was a mystery! Plus I nearly lost the sliding cover down the chemical disposal... Steep learning curve!

This thing does an ok job for a daily empty:
(Only ever seen it at one site though)
Jun 15, 2018
Well, me and the Mrs do utilize all the facilities in our van. So convenient we think. We just don't find the 'walking to the site facility', remotely enticing. especially in good old British weather. My mate and Mrs don't use their van facilities. We've debated this more over the last two years than Brexit. Think we Brits have a toilet thing! Anyway..........if it helps any, my Mrs told me that the blue chem smell was getting on her nerves one time. Looked around for an answer to this and found a fan up-grade called SOG. Im about to fit this coz Im a gadget freak. But all the same, this pulls a negative draft from your side, through the caset to outside when you open the blade. (automated switch is included). The makers claim that it's so good, you can do your number 2's all week long without any chemicals!!! Fancy that.....we'll soon see.


Nov 12, 2009
VanNoobie said:
This was a genuine question. We have never owned a caravan so have no idea (clearly!)

I am a woman so toilets are important to me as is where I 'go', which is at home.

Thanks to those with useful responses. Didn't realise I could cause so much controversy but there you go.

Your question is a valid one.
A lot depends on how you intend to use your caravan. If you intend to stick to sites with full facilities (toilet / shower blocks etc) the issue may not arise if you use the on site facilities.
Smaller 5-van sites (open mainly to members of either the C&CC or the CAMC) often but not always have acceptable toilet facilities, read the reviews first before you decide whether to use the smaller sites.
If you decide to try weekend caravan rallies, a great way to meet new friends and to maximise the use of your caravan without spending a fortune, as often as not there will not be toilet blocks etc, so your loo and shower will be used in every respect.
The toilet chemicals and cleaning that you use and the frequency of emptying come into play if you decide to make full use of your toilet.
Ask yourself this. It's pouring with rain, the wind is howling and it's freezing cold outside at 3amon an unlit 5-van site in the middle of nowhere.
You really need to go to the loo. Do you

1 Spend an uncomfortable sleepless night trying to hold on until morning?
2 Put on layers of clothing, brave the cold wind and rain to visit a toilet block that may be 500 yards away?
3 Get out of bed inside a nice warm caravan to use the onboard facilities that you paid for when you bought the caravan, safe in the knowledge that you don't have to fiddle about unlocking the outside door and leaving it unlocked while you're away?
Having used the appropriate chemicals (I use Thetford Aqua Kem blue) you will empty the contents of the cassette and clean it as part of your morning routine anyway.

Edit|: I use Cassette Toilet Cleaner as directed to keep the toilet cassette clean and fresh and Bowl Cleaner for the loo bowl and slide.
Mar 27, 2011
I have no problem using the facilities on the van at all, although if there are site facilities I’ll use them, my job entails my driving round the midlands covering anything from 35k to 45k miles a year, when your on the road as no doubt many people on here are, you find you have very little choice where you “go” public loos are few and far between and needs must, it’s just the British I think that are embarrassed by toilet use.

Jun 17, 2011
It's your choice. We have always used on-board facilities Some hints. If you use the loo buy soluble paper, from caravan dealers or chandlers. It doesn't block the outlet tube. Find a chemical whose scent you can put up with. We use Elsan Organic which can be used in cassette and diluted in the top tank. Line the loo with paper to stop marking. I recommend emptying daily, as it gets too heavy otherwise. To empty give a very gentle shake then uncap and point. Press air release button and empty. Rinse a couple of times. If you use the shower remember you only have 40 litres of water and possibly 8 litres of hot water. So shower on and wet yourself. Soap, Rinse off as quickly as you can. Wife and I both get a shower one after the other on our hot tank. To clean shower and loo I use Thetford bathroom cleaner. Be careful not to use domestic cleaners. If you have a clear shower door use Autoglym Fast Glass. (It cleans acrylic and glass and is good for cleaning the grey plastics on your caravan as well.)
Oct 8, 2006
OK, here's the follow up question:
If you sit down for No1 or No2's do you sit (I said SIT!!) with the trap open, or with it closed and then open it when finished?

To expand a little - we have always used ours closed, but when we got out latest (and first new) van the dealer said always open the trap first. We do that now and it certainly cures the skidmark problem! If you have put enough chemical in the waste box unless you get up off the loo and immediately go to empty it, any solids have usually had time to break down by the time the tank 'needs attention.'
Jul 18, 2017
Our routine,lift lid ,sit down,open flap,No1,stand and flush,close flap and lid.Wash hands,job done.
Oct 12, 2013
Brasso530 said:
Our routine,lift lid ,sit down,open flap,No1,stand and flush,close flap and lid.Wash hands,job done.

Same . Blade trap always open , and so is the heki vent in the roof in the bathroom to as soon as we are parked up and pitched !!
Jun 20, 2005
Any Woosie should make full use of the Throne.
The chemical used is very important. Over the years I can confirm the best imo is the Elsan Blue. All solids dissolve within hours. ,It smells sweet. Sadly I cannot agree with Parksy regarding Thetford Aqua kem Blue. Never seems to dissolve anything in my pot. Worth noting some sites demand organics. As previously advised the Elsan Green Organis is very good.
BTW, don't waste your money on Thetford paper, use your ordinary home rolls.
Feb 23, 2018
Dustydog said:
Any Woosie should make full use of the Throne.
The chemical used is very important. Over the years I can confirm the best imo is the Elsan Blue. All solids dissolve within hours. ,It smells sweet. Sadly I cannot agree with Parksy regarding Thetford Aqua kem Blue. Never seems to dissolve anything in my pot. Worth noting some sites demand organics. As previously advised the Elsan Green Organis is very good.
BTW, don't waste your money on Thetford paper, use your ordinary home rolls.

The best bit about caravanning is your own private cludger!

Only been to one which demanded Organic/Formaldehyde-free, but will concur; the Elsan Green stuff is good.
May 24, 2014
I would suggest everyone equips themselves with an army surplus folding spade. Not to take out the offending waste and bury it nor even dig the famous pit.

No sir. Use it to club whomsoever dares to pass solids into the cassette and leave for some poor blighter to empty.