May PC Magazine!

May 25, 2005
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The May issue (plus other booklets, etc.) has just clattered through my letter box!!! I made a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy, what is usually, a very good read. However, this issue seems to be full of advertising and little else. What do other forum members think?
Dec 1, 2005
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Hi Ann

I havn't had time for a proper look, I did flick through yesterday when it arrived, and I tend to agree with you - too many adverts.. Maybe I will be totally wrong when I get the time to look peoperly!

Lolly x
Aug 28, 2005
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Ann I have to agree with you, I especially found the brochure which contained details of static caravan holidays a riveting read !! (NOT)

We took out our subscription purely for the reader offer at the time, So I guess we've been sucked in because they can go along to all the customers (the real ones -advertisers) and say look we've got this many subscribers are we wonderful !! - now pay more.

Monkeys Husband
Mar 24, 2006
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Hi Guys

I too have to agree. I stopped buying the mag 6 months ago. I felt that there was too much advertising and too much emphasis on the Editor and crew driving around the country with the same cars and same caravans.

Jul 25, 2005
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Hi Ann,

I to remarked to my other half about the over whelming number of adverts in the mag. As a subscriber I am getting rather

dis-allusioned about the content in general. Being new to touring caravans I was hoping for more tips and tricks on the basis that this is a "Practical Caravan Magazine"


Pop a 'Caravan Magazine' subscriber


Jun 9, 2005
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PC is not good VFM at the moment. I agree that there are too many pages of ads and that the regular feature on the journos' rather boring trips should be axed. Any ideas on alternatives to PC?

Lorraine (Bailey-owning Lorraine, not the other one!)
Nov 1, 2005
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Yes there do seem to be more and more adverts every month. This month's mag is all of 210 pages, in which I can see full reviews of 4 caravans. And while the extended buyers' guide (this month on the Vanmaster) is excellent I rather liked the old section where 4 or so 2nd hand 'vans were pulled from dealers and viewed as a prospective purchase. What I would really like to see in practical caravan is a bigger section on maintainance/DIY, etc. Not just for the DIYers but so owners know roughly what to expect when their 'van goes for servicing, etc. It would be good if the magazine could persuade a workshop to let them visit 2 or 3 days a month to see what's going on.
Mar 14, 2005
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I can never see the point in all those site listings when the Caravan Club and C & CC issue handbooks with them in

Would like to see more PRACTICAL CARAVAN articles.Very nice paper and presentation but content mostly adverts with no substance
Mar 14, 2005
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I can never see the point in all those site listings when the Caravan Club and C & CC issue handbooks with them in

Would like to see more PRACTICAL CARAVAN articles.Very nice paper and presentation but content mostly adverts with no substance
And my add from the website STILL hasn't gone in !!!
Jul 12, 2005
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I really hope you are reading this thread. I don't subscribe to the mag but did for some reason get last months issue through the door.

I have to agree with the comments above and would like to see more real life content. Now please don't take this the wrong way but 1 pic of the editor is enough, its not needed on every comment you make in the mag.

The idea of a workshop feature is a good one, let us see what they do when they service our vans, lets see a damp repair etc.

I understand that advertisers are the main income, but please pick them with the readers in mind. Touring caravan users are the readers not static users (ok some may read the mag, I admit)

Also, the mag does need a second hand buyers section. Not everyone wants or can afford new and this means they need more information than any other buyers.

Just my 2p worth

Jan 1, 2006
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With you all the way, first thing I did was to open the mag over the blue bin and let the "extras" go in. I do this with most of this type of post only with PC I keep the mag. I prefer to get out & about,as I like that sort of reading, so as others will be changeing my habits in future.
May 21, 2008
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Well here we go again!!

I actually found the fiamma booklet quite interesting for a change. Usually when I open the book (over the recycling bin) the get aloan, how about insurance, etc just flutter into the bin!!

I whole heartedly agree about the lack of DIY info and features these days. I fitted an electric flush cassette loo, gas/electric water heater to my caravan using those DIY episodes printed about ten years ago, and was pleased with the results.

Nice to see the exploits of the editorial team exploring Pembrokeshire. (guess they have to justify the salaries somehow)

The old style of showing what you can get for your money on the second hand market was also a good section.

While I understand that advertising has to be there to fund the mag, I think there's not enough write up to tantilise the taste buds of the reader.

Lets face it, not all of us can go out and buy a new van every year. Anyway from what I read both here and in the book, the new vans are more of a liability than an asset. May be one three years old might be ok after all the glitches are ironed out and it is re-sealed.

By the way my van will next year celibrate it's silver anniversary, with a small damp patch that has neither grown nor shrunk, and it's dated looks. But am I bovered. nope, not a sausage. I still love it warts and all, cos it's all mine and not shared by the finance company.
Jan 2, 2006
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I thought I would add my twopenneth,I agree that whilst ads are needed to run the magazine financially there are far two many with little else,that is why I stopped my subscription and only buy the one that interest me.

Has anybody else noticed in the caravan press how it seems dominated by all things Bailey!

Finally the jaunts by Alex and co are a bit boring but I emailed them to complain about setting a bad example when she stated that an offside rear bulb had gone but they set of anyway even though it was dark,she then went on to say that she always carries spare bulbs and it only took a couple of minutes to replace the next day,we get enough bad press without the editor of PC endorsing this behaviour,my email received acknowledgement but no explanation.
May 25, 2005
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Hi Ann,

I to remarked to my other half about the over whelming number of adverts in the mag. As a subscriber I am getting rather

dis-allusioned about the content in general. Being new to touring caravans I was hoping for more tips and tricks on the basis that this is a "Practical Caravan Magazine"


Pop a 'Caravan Magazine' subscriber
Hi Pop

You might get more of the information you require just by using this site. I wonder how many people will eventually just give up on PC Mag? Over the last few months it has been noticeable the amount of advertising!!!
May 25, 2005
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Hi Guys

I too have to agree. I stopped buying the mag 6 months ago. I felt that there was too much advertising and too much emphasis on the Editor and crew driving around the country with the same cars and same caravans.

Hi Jack

If you had received a copy of the May PC issue you wouldn't buy it again - ever! The amount of advertising is ridiculous and growing by the month. Eventually, we will have a magazine with ONLY adverts in it!

Dec 1, 2005
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Hi - me again

With regard to this months magazine, I am referring to the reader rally information on pages 8 & 9

Now, correct me if I am wrong (and after the day I've had, I probably will be) - but I vaguely remember Haymarket said our Easter Meet was not allowed to be called a rally, so how come they are now advertising one?

Apologies if I have completely got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Lolly x
Dec 30, 2009
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Well Ive just finished the pc mag or should that read the Bailey mag or was it the Swift group mag.

I agree with you all not a great deal in this months issue at all, I do recall last month not alot better.

They need to start to up the game if they want to keep my subscription, as from where Im sitting the cc mag is better at the moment (and I wouldnt have said that a year ago!!!)

Kevin H
Nov 7, 2005
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...and another thing, why the hell are we reading the May issue on March 25? On the day the rest of us put our clocks forward, i wish magazines like PC would get back to real time. They're too much ahead of themselves in too many respects, and in serious danger of disappearing up their own proverbial...!


I cancelled my subscription last Autumn for similar reasons to those outlined above, and I have to say, I have not missed it. I do occasionally buy one of the caravan mags of the shelves of WH Smith as and when something grabs my interest but i agree that PC mag has far too many adverts, they take much too much space in both the mag, and my bedroom floor, and the content is getting deplorable. I note one of the competitor issues has completely chnaged its format to concentrate on true caravanning issues and it tends to get my purchase. The current PC team may have journalistic skills, but they have doodly squat real life experience.
Nov 6, 2005
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I confess to reading magazines in the supermarket, without buying one, while the other half does the shopping (her choice, not mine!).

PC magazine isn't one of the ones I read anymore. If you exclude the advertising and the promotional "reviews" there's virtually nothing to read.

I can fully understand why many of those who buy the magazine feel that it's very poor value.

It doesn't help that the "other" magazine is just as bad, as is the Caravan Club Magazine.

In my view a magazine called "Practical Caravan" should have lots of practical articles for caravanners - I'd probably buy it if it did!
Apr 11, 2005
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I for one have throat for a long time they had to many advertises in it and one other thing is that P, C when out and got so new soft were for print the magazine. This cased one copy to have bits miss form it and last mouth we got a magazine full of caravan parks to make it look thicker so people would buy it in steed of put them in a book let.

It mite be better if they started a page on this forum to see What we would like in the magazine.

Dec 16, 2003
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I feel PC (Mag is to some level subject to our PC (Pol Correct) world.

The Magazine is a business and has to keep the accountants happy and provide a return for the owner. All though a privately owned business it has to compete against share holder run business and is not a charity.

Numerous magazines come and go and the guys at PC have to bring in Revenue. Bailey are a market leader in Caaravans so it is obvious theirs and others ads are likely to dominate and all the smaller people in their market place will be looking for a slice of the caravan market places revenue and will do all they can do align themselves near the main market leaders.

PC provides this forum and that will not just be a charitable act.

In our "PC" world, as soon as anyone mentions DIY on here be it fitting a tow bar or checking electrics or gas somebody soon jumps in with comment about calling a "proffesional" or don't do that it may invalidate your warranty.

Caravan days of old have gone it seems, what many tow today is somehow a slice of their home and normal lifestyle. Sat TV, Video, Shower Room, Pocket sprung Double Bed and CH and Aircom etc.

If you dare to mention on here any variation from the route to your final campsite destination that might in some minds pose a risk however big that may be, you get shouted at. Mention a small or possible risk and people are up in arms saying that they've never had a problem. Also Re "PC" you have debate about 4 X 4 and "green" issues and then what is offensive. If the magazine were to feature ladies in bikini's or other destination shots it would seem the mag would have existing customers running for cover.

The magazine has to remain solvent yet where do the Journo's go. Tips and DIY are a risk assesment "No No" to many and then they have to try not to upset a variety of peoples personal isssues.

I feel some of the comment about the magazine a little unfair. The magazines content is a reflection of our society and a sort of middle line of acceptability for a very wide customer base.

Caravanning and and Caravans have moved / evolved into more of a "lifestyle" market.

Caravanning,Camping,Basic,Minimal and Simple all seemed to Gel together years ago. This no longer seems to be the case, the vans no longer reflect that and nor do many of the users requirement levels.

I'm not sure how the Journalists handle that, but following this forum I think gives many answers why they have a problem and the difficulties they have to produce an entertaining magazine.
Dec 30, 2009
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Cris, are you an employee of pc mag, it realy sounds like it. Yes they need to make a profit, what was being said was loud and clear to me. If the content does not get better people WILL vote with there feet and buy something else. Not conjusive with profit me thinks!!


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