New club

Mar 14, 2005
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I am hoping to start up a new caravan club with the help of a couple of other caravanners, Can anyone enlighten me as to the pitfalls if any of doing such a thing,And are there any laws etc one has to abide by...... Many thanks.....
Mar 14, 2005
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The problems with running a club of any description are that you can't please everyone all of the time. Despite your best efforts you will always get people who are ungrateful, unaccommodating, not prepared to compromise and then, unfortunately, you do get the downright rude people who set out to cause nothing but trouble. On the other hand you will meet a lot of nice people and you will bring a lot of happiness to many. If you are an easily stressed person I would recommend giving this a wide berth.
Mar 14, 2005
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Eddie, you don't say why you want to strat a new club or what the terms of reference would be.

Supposing it was to be for retired, bearded, Chartered Engineers, now seemingly unable to put down the corkscrew, then I could well be interested. I fear in this nanny state you will have to be very careful about membership qualifications _ "everyone" should be safe, but be careful after that.

Let's hear more...
Mar 14, 2005
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Eddie, Beware regulations and a forthcoming crackdown. Go to from the root page click "Search Publications" and enter "Review of Permitted Developement Rights", also gen up on VAT rules etc.

OR join an existing club, there are lots !

Peter T
Mar 14, 2005
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Eddie would suggest taking the constitution of a classic car club and adapting that. I set up a kit car club and took the constitution, rules etc of a large classic car club that I had been involved with and change it to suit. The advantages are that a large part of it works, including throwing members out and you just need to amend such things as name, aim etc. I am sure that most classic car clubs will not be 'precious' over their documentation - they may even have used this method to arrive at it.


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