- Dec 16, 2003
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I realise that you are trying to make valid points, "claim" to have is though a little rude JohnL.
Having IAM,instructer, and other adavanced driving and riding qualifications does not make one a saint.
My 1st IAM bike test was done by the serving head of a county Police traffic bike division. Part of the test as you will see from others posting in this forum is related to "making progress", that means no dawdling, travelling at a decent speed and not hindering others etc, under Police instruction that also includes exceeding the speed limit where considered safe to pass other slower moving traffic or remove yourself from possible dangers.
Another police officer who trained me explained that any police officer who attempted to prosecute a biker for a safe fast overtaking manouveur whilst making good progress or to remove his/her self from possible danger "should be shot and was failing in his duty".
This doesn't mean that you race around over the limit like a banshee suicide pilot, but you don't sit behind granny doing 45 in a 60 limit or a caravanner under the limit, clearing the space behind them and making good progress was/is acceptable!
I also have to have medical to keep my competition licenses.
"the Law" is an ass at times and our speed limits often unrealistic. I expect you to be prosecuted for that bit of litter you dropped the other day or for all the other little laws you and many others break. Or are you 100% squeaky clean, take many a police officer away from his "PC" in public actions and get him talking openly and maay will tell you a few home truths.
Even the BBC broadcast a prog with officers saying that in good conditions they wouldn't even stop a driver doing upto 90mph and would give him a talking to between 90 and 100.
We often see figures on what people think of exceeding the speed limit, the % re for and against do not sit well with average driving speed on our motorways. All the saints muttering "well its the law you know" and monday morning they hit the M'Way and the law only applies to others as they take to the overtaking lane at 85mph +.
Scotch lad I think posted figures re speed and stopping distances produced by Volvo who sell a range of cars at present with top speeds starting from 115mph up to 155mph.
So safety mad Volvo are selling a range of dangerous killer vehicles are they?
Surely if I provide the ammo for your gun and you kill with it I'm as guilty as you! Volvo and others provide the ammo to the road users and higher speeds are considered safe elsewhere but a "100% DANGER" here in the UK.
If I break the law and I'm such a danger surely my vehicles manufacturer and my government are guilty for providing me with the weapon and opportunity and should be in the dock with me.
Apart from when they have to play the PC card and pander to the greens and do gooders the police are mainly realistic about reasonable speed and modern vehicles.
Stopping distances re speed are obvious, or do you drive the same distance behind the car in front of you John at 40 mph and 70mph. If you do you are breaking the laws re highway code, driving at 90 does not mean a driver is doing it the same distance behind a car as he does at 70 or 40 and nor that he is in 5pm traffic conditions. Your in built survival instincts will adjust distances and stopping times unless you are barmy.
Many people could drive an F1 car, but when racing you have to go against natural instincts to win!
If you break the law as per John L's book, surely prosecutions should be on an equal basis. That badly loaded Caravan, the light not working, a loose load restraint on a truck, traveling to close to the car in front, I could go on again.
Any obvious law breaking the police should stop and do the crims.
Speed and Reckless is an insult as well, if speed in itself is reckless why are the reckless manufacturers selling the goods with the approval of your Government?
Having IAM,instructer, and other adavanced driving and riding qualifications does not make one a saint.
My 1st IAM bike test was done by the serving head of a county Police traffic bike division. Part of the test as you will see from others posting in this forum is related to "making progress", that means no dawdling, travelling at a decent speed and not hindering others etc, under Police instruction that also includes exceeding the speed limit where considered safe to pass other slower moving traffic or remove yourself from possible dangers.
Another police officer who trained me explained that any police officer who attempted to prosecute a biker for a safe fast overtaking manouveur whilst making good progress or to remove his/her self from possible danger "should be shot and was failing in his duty".
This doesn't mean that you race around over the limit like a banshee suicide pilot, but you don't sit behind granny doing 45 in a 60 limit or a caravanner under the limit, clearing the space behind them and making good progress was/is acceptable!
I also have to have medical to keep my competition licenses.
"the Law" is an ass at times and our speed limits often unrealistic. I expect you to be prosecuted for that bit of litter you dropped the other day or for all the other little laws you and many others break. Or are you 100% squeaky clean, take many a police officer away from his "PC" in public actions and get him talking openly and maay will tell you a few home truths.
Even the BBC broadcast a prog with officers saying that in good conditions they wouldn't even stop a driver doing upto 90mph and would give him a talking to between 90 and 100.
We often see figures on what people think of exceeding the speed limit, the % re for and against do not sit well with average driving speed on our motorways. All the saints muttering "well its the law you know" and monday morning they hit the M'Way and the law only applies to others as they take to the overtaking lane at 85mph +.
Scotch lad I think posted figures re speed and stopping distances produced by Volvo who sell a range of cars at present with top speeds starting from 115mph up to 155mph.
So safety mad Volvo are selling a range of dangerous killer vehicles are they?
Surely if I provide the ammo for your gun and you kill with it I'm as guilty as you! Volvo and others provide the ammo to the road users and higher speeds are considered safe elsewhere but a "100% DANGER" here in the UK.
If I break the law and I'm such a danger surely my vehicles manufacturer and my government are guilty for providing me with the weapon and opportunity and should be in the dock with me.
Apart from when they have to play the PC card and pander to the greens and do gooders the police are mainly realistic about reasonable speed and modern vehicles.
Stopping distances re speed are obvious, or do you drive the same distance behind the car in front of you John at 40 mph and 70mph. If you do you are breaking the laws re highway code, driving at 90 does not mean a driver is doing it the same distance behind a car as he does at 70 or 40 and nor that he is in 5pm traffic conditions. Your in built survival instincts will adjust distances and stopping times unless you are barmy.
Many people could drive an F1 car, but when racing you have to go against natural instincts to win!
If you break the law as per John L's book, surely prosecutions should be on an equal basis. That badly loaded Caravan, the light not working, a loose load restraint on a truck, traveling to close to the car in front, I could go on again.
Any obvious law breaking the police should stop and do the crims.
Speed and Reckless is an insult as well, if speed in itself is reckless why are the reckless manufacturers selling the goods with the approval of your Government?