new to caravanning and wanted to ask a question

Jun 17, 2014
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Hi everyone - lovely to know such a forum exists as I'm new to caravanning and to forums.

I am delighted with my Swift Challenger 480 but the previous proud owner polished it before he sold it and the polish has left some black marks/smudges (not rain marks) in areas across the van. Could anyone suggest how to remove them?

Many thanks
Aug 12, 2013
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Hi Sallyswift,
Welcome to the forum.
you could try some Mer polish. Else try rubbing lightly with something
like stainless steel sink polish or caramic hob cleaner. Once cleared, repolish the areas
with caravan polish.

Best Wishes,

Sir Brian of Stevenage. B)
Jun 17, 2014
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Hello Sir Brian

Thanks very much for the warm welcome and the advice. We will give that a go. Had our first outing last weekend and can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. Off to Wales next week.

Thanks again
Aug 12, 2013
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Pleased you had a good weekend. You have joined what is possibly the best hobby in the world, and what's more you will meet interesting people into the bargain. A win/win situation.

Kind Regards,

Sir Brian of Stevenage.
Jun 20, 2005
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Welcome Sally.
Be careful. Most caravan paints are very thinly spread. Using an abrasive could soon have you through to the aluminium skin.

I' d start with done concentrated Fenwicks Black Streak remover or the pink Muc Off.
If that doesn't work by all means try some T Cut but don't rub too hard.

Then apply a generous layer of Autoglym Resin Gloss Polish or similar and leave it at that.
Caravan paint is no where near as good as your car,.
May 24, 2014
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Hi and welcome. Funny you should start with this topic, we have something similar on our new van which looks like either polish or perhaps Bobby Dazzle. On ours we have a large maroon and grey decal down the sides, and its only eveident as runs on the grey part. May even be a spray polish, but not black marks, just clear almost gloss streaks, and I have been wondering what to do.

We often use "Magic Sponge" but I tried a test patch and I noticed some grey colour being lifted so stooped immediately. Im wondering if polishing the whole grey run may hide it. Word to the wise, isnt Mer slightly abrasive too?
Jun 17, 2014
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Hello Dustydog

Thanks so much for your advice and your welcome. Will try a gentle solution first. It's such a shame because the van is beautiful and has been so well looked after by the previous owner, except for this which I'm sure must have been a mistake.

With kind regards
Jun 17, 2014
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Hi Thingy

Thanks for your welcome. Our black marks are also glossy - how do you describe a mark? However, they are all over the van and I'm determined to get rid.

With kind regards
Apr 7, 2008
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sallyswift said:
Our black marks are also glossy - how do you describe a mark? However, they are all over the van and I'm determined to get rid.

But they will come back again :angry:

I find the Fairy liquid works quite well at removing the black marks :lol:


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi SallySwift, welcome to the forum and to the world of touring caravans :)
Black marks or streaks are not uncommon on caravans so please don't do anything drastic like using an abrasive 'polish' on your caravan at this stage.
Black streaks and marks often appear on even the cleanest caravans because although the owner will have carefully washed and polished the front, back and sides the roof is often neglected. Most caravan roofs nowadays are flat and dust, oily deposits and grime collects so that after a rainy day the once pristine caravan is covered in black marks as the accumulated grime washes down the vertical surfaces.
The first step is to use a gentle hosepipe (not a jet washer) to remove the loose dirt from the roof and the vertical surfaces, step ladders may be needed.
Use a good caravan shampoo such as Fenwicks (Click Here to see Fenwicks products) and an extendable car wash hose brush to loosen the remaining dirt, not forgetting the rubber trim along the roof edges and the awning rails.
For the front back and sides Fenwicks recommend starting from the bottom up, wet the surface, apply your diluted cap-full or two of Fenwicks ( a small garden spray bottle from the pound shop or Wilkinsons is good for this), agitate the shampoo with your brush, leave for a couple of minutes and rinse. If there are any remaining black marks use some neat Fenwicks on a cloth to wipe them off then rinse again
You can then polish the caravan with a good polish such as Autoglym Super Resin Polish which will really clean the paintwork without it being too abrasive and if you feel energetic go over the polished surface with a good quality car wax containing carnauba such as Meguiars Step 3
which will give lasting protection for about three months so that next time your caravan will only need a quick wash down.
The cleaning products are available at Halfords or good caravan accessory shops
Mar 24, 2014
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Hi and welcome.

On our last caravan which was caked in black marks, I snowfoamed it to loosen the dirt etc, then took a specialist fallout (tar bugs etc) remover and sprayed it on the black marks which helped a fair bit. Then I tried an acid free wheel cleaner that I use for the car and worked it in with a soft detailing brush which worked a treat.
Jun 17, 2014
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Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Could I just ask squigglycrayon if your black marks were the usual ones caused by rain etc. The previous owner has suggested that he thinks ours were caused when he polished the van in full sunshine. Haven't tried all your suggestions yet but will let you know if we are successful.
Have been to Halfords this morning Parksy - thank you. I am beginning to see black marks in my dreams! Looking forward to our second outing next week to Wales, black marks and all
Jun 20, 2013
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Hi Sally, I have just spent last weekend doing exactly this, I have used the Fenwicks black streak remover neat and then a strong solution of their caravan cleaner, we have the luxury of a gantry to clean the roofs with decent hoses, along with my extendable wash brush. Both solutions work best if aloud to soak in for a while then worked with the brush and finally rinsed off, as above don't use a pressure washer. Super resin polish and then a good wax.
Rain does hinder things though..............I know "it happened to me"
Mar 24, 2014
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sallyswift said:
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Could I just ask squigglycrayon if your black marks were the usual ones caused by rain etc.

Could've been a mixture of both as they were impossible to get off with the black mark stuff I bought from our caravan dealer


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