NFU - Brilliant

Apr 21, 2005
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Maybe everyone whose had a caravan stolen could let us know how easy it was to get their claim sorted. This is surely the best way to choose insurance. Don't always go for the cheapest but go for the one that someone else has had to deal with and had a great response. We had a van stolen of a caravan site near Windsor in the beginning of June 2003. We were going to France on July 18th. NFU sorted everything really quickly and we had a new van and contents by July 11th. How's that for a good insurance company. All my caravanning friends have changed because they now know that claims are dealt with efficiently. Let us know your claim stories. Helen
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Helen,

Back in 2003 we had the side of our van (2000 Model) vandalised at a CL by kids or Persons unknown with a ball or somthing simalar, contacted CC&C who we are insured with. Sent out inspector very quickly who agreed claim. Quotes from two repairers. Job booked in for Jan 04. This is where it went wrong,6 months for parts and replacements,2wks for repair.Still waiting for replacement decal for the off side.CC&C excellent,Workshop brilliant,Caravan manufacturer and panel co rubbish. Well done CC&C and Widnes Caravans. Manufacturer and panel co, sorry I can't print what I think about them, but it goes along the lines of, we sold it, you bought it,TOUGH !


it's about time the caravan manufacturers gave a level of service that is now expected in the U.K. In many other industries they don't get away with it, so why should they. Come on buck up your idia's. Vans may be great to live in, great lay outs, but after sales service NIL.WAKE UP !!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Helen,

Back in 2003 we had the side of our van (2000 Model) vandalised at a CL by kids or Persons unknown with a ball or somthing simalar, contacted CC&C who we are insured with. Sent out inspector very quickly who agreed claim. Quotes from two repairers. Job booked in for Jan 04. This is where it went wrong,6 months for parts and replacements,2wks for repair.Still waiting for replacement decal for the off side.CC&C excellent,Workshop brilliant,Caravan manufacturer and panel co rubbish. Well done CC&C and Widnes Caravans. Manufacturer and panel co, sorry I can't print what I think about them, but it goes along the lines of, we sold it, you bought it,TOUGH !


it's about time the caravan manufacturers gave a level of service that is now expected in the U.K. In many other industries they don't get away with it, so why should they. Come on buck up your idia's. Vans may be great to live in, great lay outs, but after sales service NIL.WAKE UP !!!!!!

Name and shame them.....
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Helen,

Back in 2003 we had the side of our van (2000 Model) vandalised at a CL by kids or Persons unknown with a ball or somthing simalar, contacted CC&C who we are insured with. Sent out inspector very quickly who agreed claim. Quotes from two repairers. Job booked in for Jan 04. This is where it went wrong,6 months for parts and replacements,2wks for repair.Still waiting for replacement decal for the off side.CC&C excellent,Workshop brilliant,Caravan manufacturer and panel co rubbish. Well done CC&C and Widnes Caravans. Manufacturer and panel co, sorry I can't print what I think about them, but it goes along the lines of, we sold it, you bought it,TOUGH !


it's about time the caravan manufacturers gave a level of service that is now expected in the U.K. In many other industries they don't get away with it, so why should they. Come on buck up your idia's. Vans may be great to live in, great lay outs, but after sales service NIL.WAKE UP !!!!!!
Exactly the same story with panel damage to a year old coachman van.

It turns out there is only one panel maker in UK and the dealers and repair agents and even the makers are entirely at the mercy of the whims of this manufacturer.

No point in naming them, as they don't advertise directly, and - apart from buying European - there is nothing you can do about it.

Perhaps someone should take it up wit the Monoplies commission, but I'm afraid that, at 70, I have better uses for my leisure time.
Jun 9, 2005
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despite being told by someone in the motor trade that nfu stood for "no f*****g use!", my settlement cheque arrived yesterday only 4 weeks after our van was written off by a 3 ton truck driver not watching where she was going.
Mar 14, 2005
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We too are with NFU and found them to be helpful,cheaper and very efficient! If you look in your yellow pages you deal with a local office ( ours is only 7 miles away) and not a call centre! We have most of our insurance with them, household, buisness and car and we have always found them very very good.

Apr 15, 2005
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We too have found NFU to be excellent and helpful. What's more they only wanted sensible precautions at the place we store our van. Some insurers wanted everything but machine gun turrets.

May 25, 2005
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we had a caravan stolen 18 months ago whic was insured with NFU the claim was settled within 4 weeks. when we replaced the van NFU advised to have a mule fitted which we did 6 weeks ago this one was stolen, however it was recovered, or dumped because the offiside tyres burst, to date no one from NFU has assessed the damage so we await the outcome
May 25, 2005
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Sorry to hear of your stolen caravans. How long is it since your last van was recovered - if 6 weeks then get in touch with the NFU again and tell them that if it hasn't been assessed within a certain period of time (say for example 7 days) you will be seeking expert advice from a solicitor. This should move them into action.


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