It is certainly true that strategic planning needed the to put into place long term strategies for the procurement of power. Commitments to generators to take power to secure supplies needed long term contracts , and that is very relevant for the Nuclear generators. But on a minute to minute basis the actual cost of generation can vary considerably, and the National Grid publishes figures of the spot price of power, and there are more times when the price to customers goes negative.
Here is a video that partly covers some of the issues
Who says it will be Random? The principle of smart charging allows for the switch between charge or delivering power will be controlled. And the concept of having a large battery capacity of many cars linked to the grid would help to eliminate power cuts due to sudden excess demands.
Before the days of modern communications and remote control possibilities, the systems would not have been agile enough to manage the switching to use batteries in this way. But such systems are more than capable of managing these switch transitions in less than 20ms or one cycle of UK mains.