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Jul 18, 2017
Nature continues unabated but have you seen anything that nature has contributed to the rapid rise of temperatures and the warming of the climate? Yes there have been warm periods in the past, otherwise we would probably all still be clad in reindeer skins, but nothing as rapid as the case now.

Look on the positive side the last time an Icelandic volcano erupted the large reduction in CO 2 emissions from air travel partly offset the delinquent volcano. Perhaps Covid is natures way too?

You got to be kidding. I think in one single day a volcano pollutes the atmosphere more than all the cars, trains and aeroplanes do in a year.
May 7, 2012
Some of the worst eruptions volcanoes can pollute on that scale, but this is not that powerful, and will make relatively little difference. The loss of the few aeroplane journeys this caused is not going to make any difference though in real terms. The fact remains that the odd natural disaster should not be used as an excuse to stop our global warming prevention measures.
Mar 14, 2005
Its isn't a convincing argument to point out that nature pollutes therefore its ok for us to deliberately make choices that also pollute when we have a realistic choice not to.

The other benefit of choosing the to cut our carbon and other emissions is we are not depleting the world of its natural resources which once their gone, its going to take millions of years to create more.

Keep those resources for the jobs they do best and where there is no other renewable resource that can achieve the required result.

Every revolution has a small starting point, so be prepared to take the lead to show there is a better way and others will follow.
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Jun 20, 2005
Is there any reason why EVs are not fitted with hi tech solar panels on all upper surfaces?
Prof ,
you said The other benefit of choosing the to cut our carbon and other emissions is we are not depleting the world of its natural resources which once their gone, its going to take millions of years to create more.
Do you include nuclear power ?
I well recall the pollution problems of Sellafield, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Mar 14, 2005
Is there any reason why EVs are not fitted with hi tech solar panels on all upper surfaces?
Prof ,
you said The other benefit of choosing the to cut our carbon and other emissions is we are not depleting the world of its natural resources which once their gone, its going to take millions of years to create more.
Do you include nuclear power ?
I well recall the pollution problems of Sellafield, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
There are some experimental and low volume EV's that do have solar panels, but it is generally the case our desire for speed when traveling exceeds the capability of solar panels on a vehicle to produce enough power to sustain constant motion, or meaningful recharging of batteries. Its more efficient to have solar and wind farms optimised for power generation.

Yes I do include nuclear power, but it is also widely shown that whilst present nuclear power plant do produce highly dangerous waste, if it is contained properly it does not pollute. and certainly does not not cause the level of pollution we get from vehicles and other industrial processes as a whole.

Yes! there have been nuclear accidents, but then there have been far more fossil fuel accidents and continual emissions leading to much wider spread pollution. We do need to do better to prevent these.
Nov 6, 2005
What is the point in going green with EVs when Mother Nature takes over and pollutes the atmosphere as current in Iceland. No one seems to have taken this into account. Even if the UK was the cleanest and 100% green it will still have a polluted atmosphere in the event of a volcano hundreds of miles away.
In 2010 a volcano in Iceland disrupted air travel and the atmosphere for whole of Europe including the UK was affected and there was nothing any one could do about it.
The point is that we can't change nature's pollution but we can change man-made pollution.
Nov 11, 2009
Is there any reason why EVs are not fitted with hi tech solar panels on all upper surfaces?
Prof ,
you said The other benefit of choosing the to cut our carbon and other emissions is we are not depleting the world of its natural resources which once their gone, its going to take millions of years to create more.
Do you include nuclear power ?
I well recall the pollution problems of Sellafield, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Whilst nuclear pollution is not welcome Sellafield and TMI were relatively low yield events. Chernobyl deaths were principally linked to the work of immediate response teams, and some longer term ones in the local population due to a hard to understand delay in evacuation.
But coal, oil has been responsible for far more deaths and illness than nuclear even since nuclear became used for civil power. It’s just that it doesn’t carry the psychological fear that nuclear does.
People have different tolerance of perceived risks. Who would have thought UK population would be tolerant of the equivalent of two A380s crashing per day in our country.
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Jul 18, 2017
Its isn't a convincing argument to point out that nature pollutes therefore its ok for us to deliberately make choices that also pollute when we have a realistic choice not to.

Just to be clear I never said that at all. What I did say is no matter what we do, we still cannot control nature!
I agree that we should be careful and take steps to reduce emissions, but why is the government penalising the citizens of the UK and basically forcing them into a new era when it is not going to make an iota of difference until other countries clean up their act?
On top of that we have active volcanoes, firepits etc around the globe and not just in Iceland.
Lastly Brighton council are proposing to ban BBQs which I think is a step too far.
Nov 11, 2009
Just to be clear I never said that at all. What I did say is no matter what we do, we still cannot control nature!
I agree that we should be careful and take steps to reduce emissions, but why is the government penalising the citizens of the UK and basically forcing them into a new era when it is not going to make an iota of difference until other countries clean up their act?
On top of that we have active volcanoes, firepits etc around the globe and not just in Iceland.
Lastly Brighton council are proposing to ban BBQs which I think is a step too far.
Why do you say other countries are not cleaning up their act. China us often one where the finger is pointed as it is a major emitter. China’s CO2 emissions have largely flattened and the official plan is to peak in 2030. But most analysts think 2025 will see them peaked. True coal stations are being built but that was because the government allowed local regions to look after their own grids. Result over building. It’s now back in central control but the stations under construction are continuing. There are thus many not being used given the surplus capacity. China had the worlds largest renewable sector and has 46 nuclear plants with more coming on line.
I recently posted a link showing the tremendous strides China has made in cleaning up city air. One city had 14000 plus electric buses. How many do we have?
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Mar 14, 2005
Just to be clear I never said that at all. What I did say is no matter what we do, we still cannot control nature!
I didn't suggest that you did, but it has been an argument that has been put forward previously, and from the way the thread is heading it wouldn't be long before some one did try to justify doing nothing becasue of it.

However you did state

What is the point in going green with EVs when Mother Nature takes over and pollutes the atmosphere as current in Iceland. No one seems to have taken this into account.

And that is patently untrue witnessed by the video's you posted - so at least two or more people must have considered it worth of making a video. And I and others on this forum have previously commented about it - including you.

Humanity presently has no means of controlling volcano's so that is something we have to live with, but we do have control of what power we use and emissions we make from our activities.

Regardless of how well nature can respond to natural events, there is plenty of irrefutable evidence that human activity is pushing some of the capabilities of nature to absorb our impact, without affecting our climate and possibly making the planet less habitable.
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Jan 31, 2018
Humans emit 60x more CO2than all the volcanoes erupting at any one time across the whole globe. And of course there has to be some natural CO2. we are only releasing what has been trapped in the form of rotten veg and creatures.But that was trapped when the world was a very different place ,maybe a lot more water and less land etc.
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Nov 11, 2009
Humans emit 60x more CO2than all the volcanoes erupting at any one time across the whole globe. And of course there has to be some natural CO2. we are only releasing what has been trapped in the form of rotten veg and creatures.But that was trapped when the world was a very different place ,maybe a lot more water and less land etc.

That supports the Duke of Edinburgh’s view that

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels,” Prince Philip told a Deutsche Press Agentur reporter in 1998.
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Jul 18, 2017
Humans emit 60x more CO2than all the volcanoes erupting at any one time across the whole globe. And of course there has to be some natural CO2. we are only releasing what has been trapped in the form of rotten veg and creatures.But that was trapped when the world was a very different place ,maybe a lot more water and less land etc.
That may be correct according to this article, but what about the other harmful pollutants that volcanoes emit and cause changes to the weather etc?
Sep 26, 2018
As promised, after the first week of the XC40 (R-Design, 2l 197 bhp petrol AWD Auto) , a quick feedback. More will come particularly when I take the van out for a tow. (We have a trip booked for April, but I intend to take it out "around the block" before we go).

Firstly, the build quality is impressive, and the feeling once inside and rolling is a "magic carpet". The engine/transmission is very quiet, as is the ride quality. Reviews bemoan the ease of use of the touch screen, without bothering to study Voice Control, which allows control WITHOUT touching the screen! Instrumentation and controls are very clear, the only down sides we've picked up so far are:
1. Wife finds passenger seat uncomfortable (mitigated by a £20 gel cushion)
2. Apparent poor fuel consumption. The trip indicates about 35mpg... BUT... on my first brim-to-brim calculation it's a shade under 42... More will follow, but it could be thirsty towing and with only a 54 litre may require more frequent fuel stops.

Happy so far? yes
Jul 18, 2017
Reviews bemoan the ease of use of the touch screen, without bothering to study Voice Control, which allows control WITHOUT touching the screen!

Happy so far? yes

Good to hear. We have voice control in our car, but it is always a bit of hit and miss so don't bother with it.
Nov 11, 2009
That may be correct according to this article, but what about the other harmful pollutants that volcanoes emit and cause changes to the weather etc?

Thats a good article and the estimates of volcanic and natural CO2 emissions pale into insignificance compared to man made CO2. 0.65 billion tons from nature, 29 billion tons from mankind. Where does the article show that volcanoes affect weather, other than with relatively localised areas when an eruption occurs. Accepted that the biggies like Krakatoa affected weather but then only for about 6 months, mainly by dimming sunlight caused by ash particles in the upper atmosphere.
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Nov 11, 2009
As promised, after the first week of the XC40 (R-Design, 2l 197 bhp petrol AWD Auto) , a quick feedback. More will come particularly when I take the van out for a tow. (We have a trip booked for April, but I intend to take it out "around the block" before we go).

Firstly, the build quality is impressive, and the feeling once inside and rolling is a "magic carpet". The engine/transmission is very quiet, as is the ride quality. Reviews bemoan the ease of use of the touch screen, without bothering to study Voice Control, which allows control WITHOUT touching the screen! Instrumentation and controls are very clear, the only down sides we've picked up so far are:
1. Wife finds passenger seat uncomfortable (mitigated by a £20 gel cushion)
2. Apparent poor fuel consumption. The trip indicates about 35mpg... BUT... on my first brim-to-brim calculation it's a shade under 42... More will follow, but it could be thirsty towing and with only a 54 litre may require more frequent fuel stops.

Happy so far? yes
Glad you are liking it. My voice control requires determined speech, that startles the passengers, so I don't use it very often. Bit like SIRI can spring into life when not required.
Jan 31, 2018
Quite clearly mother nature produces nasty things . These are usually long lasting and slowly occurring and creatures evolve to accommodate. Our input is over a relatively short time and is and always will be over what nature produces and therefore is unnatural in its nature. And hence increasingly harmful. There are volcanoes one may wipe us out altogether. (if Yellowstone goes) Or sadly but maybe not for life on earth we may be the victims of our own excesses unless we act. Or maybe nature will ,there are far too many of us and nature has a way of sorting that, eg a virus. Or sheer bad luck eg dinosaurs and meteorites or volcanic events.

Glad the Volvo is meeting expectation .Strange re seat comfort as they're often purported to be the best in the business but we are all different shapes and have different needs.
Nov 11, 2009
Quite clearly mother nature produces nasty things . These are usually long lasting and slowly occurring and creatures evolve to accommodate. Our input is over a relatively short time and is and always will be over what nature produces and therefore is unnatural in its nature. And hence increasingly harmful. There are volcanoes one may wipe us out altogether. (if Yellowstone goes) Or sadly but maybe not for life on earth we may be the victims of our own excesses unless we act. Or maybe nature will ,there are far too many of us and nature has a way of sorting that, eg a virus. Or sheer bad luck eg dinosaurs and meteorites or volcanic events.

Glad the Volvo is meeting expectation .Strange re seat comfort as they're often purported to be the best in the business but we are all different shapes and have different needs.

My wife never found our 2010 XC70 seat or ride very comfortable. But liked the Superb and follow on Subarus.
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Jul 18, 2017
Thats a good article and the estimates of volcanic and natural CO2 emissions pale into insignificance compared to man made CO2. 0.65 billion tons from nature, 29 billion tons from mankind. Where does the article show that volcanoes affect weather, other than with relatively localised areas when an eruption occurs. Accepted that the biggies like Krakatoa affected weather but then only for about 6 months, mainly by dimming sunlight caused by ash particles in the upper atmosphere.
In 2010 didn't they have a restricted ly zone over much of Europe? I would think that the pollutants from a volcano would have a definite effect on the weather across a wide area.
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May 7, 2012
I do agree with Buckman in that we will not solve global warming on our own, we are too small. Unless the likes of particularly Brazil clean up their act the future looks bleak.
Nov 11, 2009
In 2010 didn't they have a restricted ly zone over much of Europe? I would think that the pollutants from a volcano would have a definite effect on the weather across a wide area.
The 2010 Icelandic eruption was a relatively small one compared to Mount Washington or Pinutoba and had no measurable effect on weather. But for a short period air travel was disrupted due to the potential for ash to damage engines.ökull
Jan 31, 2018
I quite agree we can't do it alone ,it requires all humans to do it and we definitely need to stop cutting down rainforests but I can't agree that nature makes more pollution and there is no point us doing anything.
Nov 16, 2015
The 2010 Icelandic eruption was a relatively small one compared to Mount Washington or Pinutoba and had no measurable effect on weather. But for a short period air travel was disrupted due to the potential for ash to damage engines.ökull
The air travel disruption was for several years as the minute, particels that got into jet engines blocked the cooling ducts in the turbine blades and baked on with vast lose of power, after a few months, and not enough turn around times as all engines had to be stripped down, .


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