Old Questions

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi everyone, I posted an old question true. But have you seen how many pages there are to surf through, I did give up after 10 pages and still didn't find my answers about nearest campsite to Le Harve for crossing on the afternoon ferry. Travelling to far at night a female alone doesn't fill me with confidence. (when I say alone it is with my daghter) if there was a search engine where one could quickly find references to a question I would use it, but there isn't, so I can't, so there, I will have to ask the same old boring questions. And to cap it all sitting here doing this the heavens have just opened and wet all the clothes on the line, well well woe is me.
Mar 14, 2005
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Well blow me down, there is a search engine, well done PC, silly me not seeing it first time, thought I would say that then Maybe I won't get Hoity toity remarks (most probably spelt wrong) I don't care!!!! I thought this was to help people, so we arn't all wizbang on every website, does that matter? Some of us just like to chat the best we can in our little caravan world and have other respond no matter what the question!!!


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