Again LB a quote..."On your other point Rich, and I realise I'm going to extremes to get my point across, we cannot in these small islands accept the population of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Somalia, Asia etc. uncontrolled, it is total lunacy and will bring us all down, including yourself as an indigenous member of this country. It is anarchy in the making.
The joining of the E.U. is the worse thing this country as ever done. We abandoned our historical trading partners like the Nordic bloc, Commonwealth countries and the U.S.A. and now we are paying the penalty. We are now governed by countries who have tried to invade us for 950 years and failed, now they've done it by stealth."
I do see problems with migrant workers. I did not ask to be part of the EU and if there were more regulations to limit cross border workers I would not stop that. All I see is people who want to better themselves by doing an honest days work for a fair wage. With the open relationships between EU countries it has also hit these smaller ex Soviet republics and where they once lived in a controlled and very limited way,they did at least have food and housing supplied by the state, now they have to try and keep up with the cost of living in these fast growing economies and it is not easy for many of them. Now they are free and want to become recognised as a real country there is the penalty of companies like Ryan Air opening them to tourism with the promise of cheap hotels and even cheaper beer. The larger lout generation has not has moved to these small countries where the influx of foreign money has both helped and hindered them with the tourist traps sufering rises in the cost of living well above their national average. Prices in cities where tourists visit have gone up to the point where many locals have now moved out of the city. The cost of living has als been increased by a demand for more European consumer goods and cars by the yonger generation. They want to live like we do and they have options to get what they want by going to places where they can earn enough to get that standard if living.
So although we know it is a problem, but if we sat down and understood or lived in their shoes for a week or month I can honestly say most of us would do the same. In fact we do this in parts of the world already with colonies of EX Pat Brits living in Spain, France, Germany, USA and Australia. We do tend to forget about that.
Yes Britain is an Island but it is also a nation of mixed races and always has been with the Normans, Saxons as well as Celts, Romans and almost any other northern european country adding something to the pot over the past 2000 years.There is also a history of inviting workers from Jamaica and India and other Commonwealth countries to help with shortage of workers in the 60's and 70's so we are the ones who have also added to our own problems.
BUT almost all of Europe has been the same even Norway with all of it's history has only been officially an independent country since 1905!
The joining of the E.U. is the worse thing this country as ever done. We abandoned our historical trading partners like the Nordic bloc, Commonwealth countries and the U.S.A. and now we are paying the penalty. We are now governed by countries who have tried to invade us for 950 years and failed, now they've done it by stealth."
I do see problems with migrant workers. I did not ask to be part of the EU and if there were more regulations to limit cross border workers I would not stop that. All I see is people who want to better themselves by doing an honest days work for a fair wage. With the open relationships between EU countries it has also hit these smaller ex Soviet republics and where they once lived in a controlled and very limited way,they did at least have food and housing supplied by the state, now they have to try and keep up with the cost of living in these fast growing economies and it is not easy for many of them. Now they are free and want to become recognised as a real country there is the penalty of companies like Ryan Air opening them to tourism with the promise of cheap hotels and even cheaper beer. The larger lout generation has not has moved to these small countries where the influx of foreign money has both helped and hindered them with the tourist traps sufering rises in the cost of living well above their national average. Prices in cities where tourists visit have gone up to the point where many locals have now moved out of the city. The cost of living has als been increased by a demand for more European consumer goods and cars by the yonger generation. They want to live like we do and they have options to get what they want by going to places where they can earn enough to get that standard if living.
So although we know it is a problem, but if we sat down and understood or lived in their shoes for a week or month I can honestly say most of us would do the same. In fact we do this in parts of the world already with colonies of EX Pat Brits living in Spain, France, Germany, USA and Australia. We do tend to forget about that.
Yes Britain is an Island but it is also a nation of mixed races and always has been with the Normans, Saxons as well as Celts, Romans and almost any other northern european country adding something to the pot over the past 2000 years.There is also a history of inviting workers from Jamaica and India and other Commonwealth countries to help with shortage of workers in the 60's and 70's so we are the ones who have also added to our own problems.
BUT almost all of Europe has been the same even Norway with all of it's history has only been officially an independent country since 1905!