Overseas Workers

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Oct 28, 2005
LB... Again not aimed at you.... Just using your provided quote.

If legal migrant workers are being paid a wage they are also paying taxes and NI contributions. I have a business which means I know what I have to do with employees and if I do not do all of the required paperwork and sort out taxes I can be both fined and/or sent to prison.

Colin "These immigrant workers have not contributed to this country regarding taxes, etc. like I have for all my working life"

Does that mean a kid fresh out of school has no rights because they have not had a working life like you? Every penny earnt by a worker in this country which has been taxed makes a contribution to this country.
The point is how much do you have to pay to live here? Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes at all and should not have any rights to monetary help....FINE!

But work here or, like my brother in-law, work in the USA and you get the same rights if you are working with your green card as a citizen of the USA. OK the US has private health care but you are looked after in the same way as any other person.
Oct 17, 2006
Colin you are right, we are the mugs, you are probably better off because you are now retired, or should I say took early retirement,like my brother he also took early retirement, both of you worked all your lives.

I am still considering moonlighting, maybe I could come to Wales to moonlight??
Jan 19, 2008
I was Colin, but you mentioned this moonlighting, might try a bit in Cornwall first, if it does not work out I will come to Wales, to claim dole,housing benefit, p.s do I have to own a passport? only mine expired quite a few years ago. Liz
..... don't forget Liz, free prescriptions in Wales ;O)
Mar 16, 2005
Giovanni I had not seen your response to my previous posting until after I posted a reply on another aspect to you. I have heard of economics as I taught it in College. What I am saying is that the trade unions fought long and hard to obtain for the workers a fair days pay for a fair days work and then these foreigners come in and abuse the system and make our fellow countrymen out of work. Secondly you state what right have they to a fair wage - conversly what right have these foreigners to come into this country and abuse our working/social caring system. They are members of the EEC I will agree but do they have the right to employment/social welfare in this country without contributing. What if I was to come to your home and expect you to feed me without contributing to your household budget? The worst thing we ever did was to enter the EU and now Blair has sold us even further down the Swanny. Enoch Powell was right with his "Rivers of Blood" speech and he is now probably turning in his grave thinking "I told you so but you would not listen to me".

"come to my house", now thats a silly statement, if you came to

my house you would become 25% of the household! these oversea

workers are no more than 2.5% of this isles household,and you

still keep on forgeting they pay tax!

Next time you are in hospital, be sure to ask to see only a

doctor of british extraction! maybe they will send off for one

just for you!
Jan 19, 2008
Colin you are right, we are the mugs, you are probably better off because you are now retired, or should I say took early retirement,like my brother he also took early retirement, both of you worked all your lives.

I am still considering moonlighting, maybe I could come to Wales to moonlight??
They don't need moonlight in Wales, they have sheep that glow :O)
May 12, 2006
Colin Bridgend

"These immigrant workers have not contributed to this country regarding taxes, etc. like I have for all my working life and even now being retired I am paying tax on my pension. They have only recently entered this country and are expecting to be given the same benefits as someone born here. If they are working and contributing to the tax, etc., system then fair enough.

Colin the point I think you don't quite see here!!! I was talking with a friend who is staunch SNP we got round to talking pensions should Scotland become independent. He told me "I have paid in all my life so I will get my pension" He seemed to think that HIS NI payments had been saved up for him in London, and it would just be sent the same as now !!!!!.

What is collected by Goverment today is dished out tomorrow, none of us have rights to a pension from the state unless people continue to work and pay for those of us who don't work. So if the Eastern Europeans are Legal and are paying taxes + NI they are paying towards Mrs Jones pension she is collecting tomorrow.

Val & Frank
Mar 16, 2005
It seems colin, you worked all your life so you could moan

about trivial things......

I work, may need to work another 10 or 15 years, depends if i

want to retire at 55 or 60..... but what i do know is whatever

i have or do not have, i will never ever blame anyone else.

Maybe the fact that so many are moaning is based on their

inability to do arithmatics. because the subject you are

all moaning about is such a small amount in the anual billions

this country needs and gets..

We could save a hell of a lot more money and lifes if we brought

our boys out of that hell pit called iraq...
May 12, 2006
Could have a mobility car, free TV, holidays, clothing allowance for the children, free school meals for them, holidays paid by the state, etc. Why the hell did I work all my life?

So you could have it better than the people who need to live in a council house, and rely on state handouts to get by.

Colin I am not trying to get personal, but you being an ex tutor are you not on a pension from the state ???

Val & Frank
Jan 19, 2008
So how many of that 1000000. are on the dole? the fact is 95%

actually work, pay tax and contribute directly and indirectly.
Paying 10% tax then claiming 25% back in benefits. Then thats sent back home so the money goes out of the country.

As you said to colin..... "have you never heard of economics" my dear gio ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
Frank as of yet I am not old enough to receive my old age pension. The pension I receive is my Teacher's Pension for which I contributed 6% of my monthly salary. I will agree central/local government have also contributed to it but if I had opted out and just paid NI I would have had to wait to 65. Alternatively if I had been a member of the professional lame, sick or lazy brigade I would have received benefits all my life without contributing to the system.
Jan 19, 2008
Could have a mobility car, free TV, holidays, clothing allowance for the children, free school meals for them, holidays paid by the state, etc. Why the hell did I work all my life?

So you could have it better than the people who need to live in a council house, and rely on state handouts to get by.

Colin I am not trying to get personal, but you being an ex tutor are you not on a pension from the state ???

Val & Frank
Frank, is it true they are renaming the Grampian region Cloud Cuckoo Land ;O)
Oct 28, 2005
OK Liz..... How long? What do they need to do to get access to basic human rights? DO we give them a one way taxi fare home? If that starts to happen what about ex-pat Brits in European countries who work and live there? Do they need to be there for the same ammount of time to qualify? If they have to claim for anything in that country do they get a one way ticket home? Or is it a case of we are British you cannot do that to us!

I am not saying the policies are right... All I am saying is they are there and we have to put up with it! If you think the policy is wrong and want out of the EU then stand up and shout about it as enough voices may actually do something!

As for liking lower wages because I have a business... That is never going to happen in my business! I work in Motorsport and the skills needed have a value which is not dictated to by minimum wage! If you are good you can be worth
Jan 19, 2008
It seems colin, you worked all your life so you could moan

about trivial things......

I work, may need to work another 10 or 15 years, depends if i

want to retire at 55 or 60..... but what i do know is whatever

i have or do not have, i will never ever blame anyone else.

Maybe the fact that so many are moaning is based on their

inability to do arithmatics. because the subject you are

all moaning about is such a small amount in the anual billions

this country needs and gets..

We could save a hell of a lot more money and lifes if we brought

our boys out of that hell pit called iraq...
"It seems colin, you worked all your life so you could moan

about trivial things......"

once you start to throw out personal insults gio it shows you have lost the debate because you have become illogical, sorry.
Mar 14, 2005
Frank I know of many people who fall into the lame, sick or lazy catergory. One person I know has not worked for years as a result of a "bad Back". He and his wife live in a very select area west of Porthcawl and he is a member of the local golf club. The club has only been open for approx. 10 years and he has been the captain of the club for three of those ten years and regularly plays golf at least three times a week. They also holiday abroad at least twice a year and have a brand new mobility car - VW Passat last I knew. Now it is these people who annoy me.

A friend of mine had TB as a teanager and left him with a withered hip. He has had two hip replacement operations, two triple bypass operations and a heart attack. I will agree he has a mobility vehicle and blue badge which I think he deserves. At the age of 63 he had a letter stating that unless he went for retraining his allowances would be stopped. His doctor informed the SS of his medical condition and he was then told it would be reviewed in three years time. A genuine case like this is hounded but those who can swing the lead are left to carry on unhindered.
Mar 14, 2005
Rich you may be in a position where your knowledge is of such a specialist nature that you feel secure but that does not remove the fact that the majority of the workers outside the home counties are seeing the job market being squeezed. Basic economics state that if you have an increasing work force competing for a shrinking workplace then in real terms wages will fall. The fact that the migrant workforce will jump ship when problems arrive and the economy slumps will be of no comfort to those of us that cannot command wages that offer a comfort zone.
Mar 14, 2005
Rich in your reply to Liz you have hit the nail on the head. How many Brits abroad are scrounging on the country of their residence. I would say those that are living abroad are all in work or have retired to that country for a better living. If they should require some form of help eg medical, they are either covered by the employer's medical system or if retired have either insurance or means to pay it - they are not parasites on their chosen country of residence. They also probably have dual nationality and are still contributing to the British tax/social security system if working abroad.

If they are a parasite on our society why should we be dull enough to keep them here when their own country should be providing for them. This is the stupidity of our government - however they rely on these lower paid workers or the lame sick or lazy for their vote for they are too dull to see and underrstand what is happening - in many instances put a donkey up as a Labour candidate and they will get in - mind you many are donkies within the party, or maybe that is an insult to a donkey?
May 12, 2006
Colin, LB, Liz,

I was in a relatives house not so long ago, sitting down on the floor was this guy about 30 my nephews friend from next door.

He didn't work, bad back see butt. When his beer was finished he jumped up from the floor and went to the fridge for another some bad back !!!!!. Then his wife was saying she gets an allowance ( I think Carers Allowance )because she has to turn him over in the night LOL. I waited until I knew he was doing a job on the side and called the Local Social Security Office. They checked it out straight away and issued him with some sort of written warning of intent to procecute. So Colin, Liz, and LB if you know of someone cheating the system report them. It is your responsibility. It's all done in secret so no one will ever know it was you.

Val & Frank
Jan 12, 2007
Hi all, I'm entering this posting with some hesitation, I am about to approach a new life (40) I worked for the past 20 years in the same company,married, and have a 3 yr old daughter and am beginning to feel un easy with the state of this country. Just tried to 'enroll' the family to a dentist almost impossible to get an NHS one but found one - a local practice with polish dentists. Great treatment and I have no problem with this. As has been said before ' a fair days work for a fair days pay' and I assume these professionals are contributing to society. What concerns me is the added pressure on local services by those who go to the local GP, use the dentist, sign on every week, drive their old foreign registered cars (which if in an accident I would probably lose my no claims bonus as its easy to sting me than pursue in a foreign country), have their children educated in a school of their choice when I don't even know if my child will be able to go to our nearest local school) take local jobs ( and create even more competition for low paid work) and to a degree put pressure on local housing (pushing up rents etc). There are some imigrant families I've heard of locally where there are 8 or so adults sharing a 3 bedroom semi house and sleep in shifts, share the same car and send their money 'home'. How is this contributing to society.
May 12, 2006
Liz " You are the same as my brother he will get his state pension when he is 65"

and me to Liz,only 3 months to a bus pass, and the heating allowance. That will pay for the extra road tax for my 4x4. I will actually get a raise when I'm 65 mind you I am quite ready to wait for it. Val has 3 years to go for her pension she will still qualify at 60. So I just vote for the party that promises the most to peole like us. We need the migrants to work to pay for it all. So I am doing my bit by " having the builders in ".

Val & Frank
Oct 17, 2006
Hi Rich, No I am human like you and others, if their was not employeers here to offer them work, they would soon get the message.

I would and I am sure you would if I had my own business, as long as you covered your overheads, any huge prophets could help to keep these people in their own countries to rebuild and not to take our employment away from this country.

We could then build the UK, and not be the mugs anymore, because after all that's we are and have been for a long,long time.

I know we have a lot of scroungers who have lived in the country all their lives, but we could clamp down on them, eventually they will and are being caught.

This Country needs to get their act together, with all the modern tech. we have these days, we could soon have it under control,

but we need to clamp down on overseas workers, also we need the support of all employers and employees to help. We work together as a small island. Liz
Oct 28, 2005
Colin.. "Rich in your reply to Liz you have hit the nail on the head. How many Brits abroad are scrounging on the country of their residence. I would say those that are living abroad are all in work or have retired to that country for a better living."

How do you know? Where are the numbers to say we Brits don't do the same? I know a a few guys who work in bars in Germany and they are working in the same way as the Eastern European workers. The same happens in Spain, Greece and most of the mediterainian holiday resorts with bar staff and touts pulling in customers to clubs.....

It seems we are blind to British migrant workers..... I said before we had workers in Germany building after the war and we obviously did it as a favour and not because the workers needed money!


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