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Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,do I detect a degree of defeatism,this is not like the Colin we all know you must rise above this and display the leadership we are looking for from you,give us the plan Boss!
Jan 2, 2006
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Lol,this is the future a bit like garlic bread!I have not discussed it with Colin but here may be a place for you in the organisation depending on your skills,without boring with a full CV what do you think you can bring to the party.
Oct 17, 2006
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Without knowing what the product is LOL will find it difficult, some kind of furniture he thinks, it was the stool without the udder that gave it away. Liz

The Brush being minature or Large? please clarify. Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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I understand what you are saying Liz but we cant afford to divulge detail at this very sensitive stage of establishing our business plans,if Lol can tell us what his key skill ares are we can decide if he has any that will be of use to the business.
Jan 2, 2006
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Now you see that sort of flippant reply worries me as you dont seem to be taking this serious,this could be an opportunity more important than winning the lottery.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter how can you expect me to come up with positive vibes when all that surround me are total losers? You only have to look at previous postings to see the way some of our so called team mebers are thinking and behaving. It gives me the impression that they have no further foresight regarding the setting up and running of a business than the man in the moon. Sorry about this but I think I have insulted the man in the moon. I think the genuine interested parties should leave this topic and start afresh without infiltraters gumming up the works under a seperate heading. Some are more interested in working with hunky firemen whilst some male members have even taken to wearing fishnet tights. What chance have we in running a successful business when a potential customer is met by either a female firefighter or a man wearing tights. I rest my case. The other thing is to imagine a typical board meeting - it will be like being in the cast of the Rocky Horror PIcture Show without the music.
Jan 2, 2006
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By the looks of it sausage rolls and pork pies, any use!!!

weight for the scales!! Liz

Say no more, wink,wink,
OK Liz you got to put post 300!On that note it is TTFN from me ,to be continued..............................
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh, it's key skills you want, how daft does that make me feel. When you said party, I thought...........never mind.

Now let me think , key skills. Well there's a lock on the front door, I never miss that, even after a "few". I always managed to get the key in and twist. There's a lock on the van I drive, but it's fitted with central locking, so I don't use that key so much these days.

I have a key ring, is that any good?
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,I hear what you say but I am going to sign of for tonight and sleep on it but fear the thought of the Rocky Horror show featuring Emmersom,Liz and Lisa could mean a very sleepless night,thankyou for that thought.We will resolve the business issues tomorrow when some of us will have had a good nights sleep.TTFN
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin I was not really going to join the hunky firemen, I was just getting Lisa interested in our product, as you were not having much luck advertising etc, now after all I have put a lot of good ideas into this product, and for you to just dismiss me, I am sad, can we not forgive and forget. Liz

Do we require Keys??
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz each individual is, on their own merit a very sociable person. However when it comes to business some people are very easily lead and then get the impression the grass is greener on the other side. Therefore I have no need to forgive you or any one else as an individual but why do you all persist and gang up on me when all I am trying to do is act as a leader or in this instance as the MD? It must be the comprehensive schooling that has resulted in this petty behaviour. There was nothing like this in my private or grammar school days - we had to listen, behave and not talk unless spoken to.
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin, who had the grumps then, stamping their feet because they could not get their own way.

One might have thought the grass was greener on the other side, but did one actually go.

Nothing wrong with comprehensive schooling, private and grammar schools well might have some brainy students but it all boils down to common sense they have little.

The Brain is overflowing with facts and figures, that a more active job they could not to cope with.

As MD you have to be an all rounder, if we are going to manufacture and proceed with this product. I suggest a board meeting is in order at your convenience - Over to you Colin, LOL Liz.
Jan 2, 2006
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Good morning all fellow directors and hangers on,I hope you slept better than me.I didn't sleep a wink last night thanks to Colin sowing the picture in my head of Emmerson in fisnets together with Liz and Lisa doing the Rocky Horror Show.
Jan 2, 2006
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I have a number of points all I think valid to make so will do them as indivdual posts for the sanke of clarity.

First Lol I fed you the lines 'bring to the party' and 'key skills' and you fell into the trap in the interview process,which you were in it is important to take matters seriously.You failed to do this,if however you had said Caviar and a case of Bollinger then ok,but with regret Lol your'e fired!
Oct 17, 2006
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Good morning The Plotter, sorry you had a bad nights sleep,nevermind a new day ahead, I have got confused who are actually on the Board, and who are the Hangers on, we await Colins arrival. Liz


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