Overweight caravaners.

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Jan 2, 2006
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Good morning Liz hope all is well in sunny Cornwall.

If people refer to my post made at 8.41pm yesterday they will see that I announced the results of the work by the mechanical engineer.To reduce the package to that small a size and fill with helium in order that it is carried in the van without weight penalty was a stroke of genius.So I have in the sleepless hours thought we could expand on the idea and make similar bags for the aquaroll etc.We call the subsidiary company 'Windbags for all' and the units themselves could be called 'Floaters'.

Now don't poo poo the idea out of hand as this will lead to being able to have bigger vans with l;ess weight as all the contents will be floating weightless in the van,pure genius though i say it myself.
Jan 2, 2006
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The Plotter, I can understand why you have fired lol, but you could at least have received the Caviar and a case of Wine first, priorities first. Liz
Please Liz if we are to be co directors and work together perhaps we should be less formal please call me Plotter!
Jan 2, 2006
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Now for my final thought for this morning,you will have to stick by me on this one as it is a bit off the wall but blame Colin for giving me slleepless nights.How we apply this idea to caravans I will need you help with.

The new transport for the future must be ....wait for it .........Hovercraft!

Think about it if you hit someone or something no problem rubber skirt(down Emmerson)

No need to repair pot holes in the road,in fact why build roads at all.

Rivers no need for bridges,the same applies to flood water and of course no more expensive ferry charges to Le Frog land.

No more need to grit icy roads because you can't skid.

These are my initial thoughts I have no doubt you will all have more.
Oct 17, 2006
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The Plotter,Not sunny here in Cornwall, another rainy day I think.

Excellent idea, Colin will be pleased,

"Floaters" you say, might be a bit difficult to shift, (How many would we need)?

See what the MD has to say, we cannot really make any big decisions without him.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now for my final thought for this morning,you will have to stick by me on this one as it is a bit off the wall but blame Colin for giving me slleepless nights.How we apply this idea to caravans I will need you help with.

The new transport for the future must be ....wait for it .........Hovercraft!

Think about it if you hit someone or something no problem rubber skirt(down Emmerson)

No need to repair pot holes in the road,in fact why build roads at all.

Rivers no need for bridges,the same applies to flood water and of course no more expensive ferry charges to Le Frog land.

No more need to grit icy roads because you can't skid.

These are my initial thoughts I have no doubt you will all have more.
These ideas are flowing free today, yet another brilliant idea,

too much for me, have to do some work, Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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The Plotter,Not sunny here in Cornwall, another rainy day I think.

Excellent idea, Colin will be pleased,

"Floaters" you say, might be a bit difficult to shift, (How many would we need)?

See what the MD has to say, we cannot really make any big decisions without him.
Liz I gave you permission to call me Plotter
Jan 2, 2006
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Now Liz you see you are beginning to get into this albeit back to front.You see the whole benefit of hovercraft if we can incorporate the caravan element is no more ripped up pitches on caravan sites caused by useless drivers in the wet.See thats just an example of how this idea could develop,it just takes lateral thinking.I forgot to ask is it alright for me to call you Liz and not Liz(Cornwall) it just seems so formal!
Oct 17, 2006
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How would it leave tyre marks it hasn't got any equally it will not leave 'skid marks' or is that what you meant.
Yes sorry Plotter "Skid Marks" thats what I meant, somebody put me off my thinking,trying to do too many things at once, I need a holiday!! Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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No Probs calling me Liz much better, now will incorporate a "Smokahover", the mind is working overtime here, there would also be no problem with waste, would this now just float away.
Jan 2, 2006
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Matthew,where have you been.We have never left the topic except slight tangents remember only two tangents allowed,number 1's and number 2's.

The smokaloo is related to oversize caravaners and disposal of waste matter to reduce bulk,as is smoking because smoking they claim keeps down weight(not PC comment).The hovercraft idea is merely an extension not tangent of the original post in that by hovering there will be less weight placed on wheels(as it ain't got any)so less damage to sites,plus of course all the other benfits.

It was not clear yesterday whether you were to be included on the board of the parent company and now of course subsiduary companies such as Windbags 4all and Hovercra*.
Oct 17, 2006
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I cannot see why Matthew thought we had gone off the topic regarding overweight caraveners; the whole point was to help the overweighters with their problems,

It has been suggested Smokaloo,(Double version available on request) now thanks to Plotter there is a new Hovercraft in motion , hopefully designs will vary from slim and wide, this way all is covered.

Unless Colin has any Udder ideas. Liz

P.S Has Matthew actually contributed any ideas other than the original post which was some 360posts ago, you cannot hang onto the past you must let go!!
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz, you make a very good point not wishing to decry the original idea from Matthew I think you are right what has he contributed since.This is always the problemas soon as someone develops,after much hard work,a good idea they all try to muscle in.We saw that last night with Lol who popped up from nowhere and clearly had no intention of taking the interview process seriously.He I think intimated that our idea was s**t and believe or not I had to explain that he was actually spot on.Wood,seeing and trees spring to mind.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,whilst it is quiet can we decide who is to be asked to join the board and more importantly who should be excluded,to be honest I am now after sleeping on it or more to the point not sleeping on it beginning to think that maybe we are beiong a little harsh on Emmerson so perhaps we could offer him something.Maybe on a probationary period to be on the safe side in case he falls short of our standards.

Tonight when the rest come back we perhaps get down to brainstorming a few more development ideas for all three products we now have in our range.Do we need a website?
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,whilst it is quiet can we decide who is to be asked to join the board and more importantly who should be excluded,to be honest I am now after sleeping on it or more to the point not sleeping on it beginning to think that maybe we are beiong a little harsh on Emmerson so perhaps we could offer him something.Maybe on a probationary period to be on the safe side in case he falls short of our standards.

Tonight when the rest come back we perhaps get down to brainstorming a few more development ideas for all three products we now have in our range.Do we need a website?
I must get a new keyboard its getting ridiculous with all these typos because hardly any of the keys have letters left on them so most of it is guesswork!
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter I am back on course now, we must keep this afloat otherwise before you know it we will at the bottom.

Who shall we have on board, not a bad idea about Emmerson; I am sure he will benefit the company, now you asked if we should have a new website, yes the other one does not suit this product, perhaps some suggestions.

Last night cannot happen again, Lol naughty,naughty,we do not need this sort of thing,


P.S It's sunny here in Cornwall now.
Mar 14, 2005
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You can't fire me, I quit!

I do of course expect a huge payout and index linked full pension, for the rest of my natural life.

True, I had no actual input into the company, and I am probably leaving it in a worse state than when I arrived, but if Governments can get away with it, so can I.

G Brown.
Oct 17, 2006
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You had your chance last night to redeem yourself a worthy contributor to the company, unfortunately you failed completely, and you were fired early this morning by Plotter and me.

Regarding payout and pensions, you have to be working for the Company for more than a few hours,(Did you not read the small Print) however you did some damage to our Company, therefore I have today as Junior Partner contacted our Solicitors Looe.Limited, who will no doubt be contacting you in the near future, for a hugh compensation payout from yourself.


"Smokaloo" wwc.*** end/rear end.com
Mar 14, 2005
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You have obviously not read the recently updated "Animal rights act", Liz. If you had, you would have noticed an addition under the "Animal husbandry" section, that provides for all bi-peds in the event of redundancy. This clearly states that no limits on service will be taken into account and further more is not "Performance" linked. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it is just an update of the old law " Pay peanuts get monkeys".

Now, if there's any other way I can muddy the waters for you, please refrain from stating so.

My soliciting firm (C. Rapper & F. Lush) will be contacting Smokaloo, in due course.
Jan 2, 2006
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Lol I am not a lawyer so not too sure if you are correct however,your point would only be valid had you been fired however you have stated quite clearly that you were not fired but that you quit therefore your departure was your own choice.


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