Poor old Sir Fred

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Feb 16, 2009
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Maybe the man at the top had more to do with this when he was chancellor, Mr Brown, now he is in charge dosn't want to know. Oh! by the way don't forget the smiling assassin "Tony Blair" he isn't to blame either, "god know's who is". may be it's us poor sods that saved for years and now have nothing to invest in apart from our caravans, let them try and take that away, l have still got my trustie 12 bore, licenced of course.

Well they alway's said an Englishmens is is castle.


Ps why wrote this had bad day on the golf course, got to let off steam some how.
Jul 23, 2008
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would love to have spent day on golf course, but had to work to pay for the houses sir fred allowed me to buy! may not be rich now,but thanks to the availability of credit my future looks ok. not good for savers,but those of us that are still trying to get there it has been a good time!

i agree that bad lending has caused a lot of problems, but lets not blame the banks solely, we all lenders have our part to play!

lets hope lessons are learn't and people can look at them selve a bit more.

Blame culture comes to mind! not my fault they made me do it!!!!!

Feb 16, 2009
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would love to have spent day on golf course, but had to work to pay for the houses sir fred allowed me to buy! may not be rich now,but thanks to the availability of credit my future looks ok. not good for savers,but those of us that are still trying to get there it has been a good time!

i agree that bad lending has caused a lot of problems, but lets not blame the banks solely, we all lenders have our part to play!

lets hope lessons are learn't and people can look at them selve a bit more.

Blame culture comes to mind! not my fault they made me do it!!!!!

Gareth l had to work 3 weekends out of 4 when l was working semi retired now, "good on you lad" if you need somthing you have to work the weekends to get what you want, hope you get a weekend on the golf course soon.

Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Ian

I spent 38 years working with senior directors in Boardrooms of wildly varying companies.

Sorry , but I bit my tongue and unusual for me have decided not to get more involved in this debate.

The things I saw at top level made me puke and the general lack of concern about employees was at times a complete disgrace. I also saw some very employee concerned MDs so it wasn't all bad. However there was always this air of arrogance that never sat comfortably with me. Hopefully we can meet up somwhere for a pint and I'd love to continue the debate with you.


May 25, 2008
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Senior Directors only have one concern and that is for the people they are working for, ie Shareholders. Staff are only a secondary consideration they are just someone who is selling his labour for a shilling.
Mar 17, 2007
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Not many of you/us complained when Fred and his ilk were making your/our investments grow so rapidly over the past few years. Along with the bankers etc., alot of people were stretching themselves over their limits and buying tat. Even now, alot of those self same people have had their mortgages reduced to practically nothing in some cases, and they are the one's who like to blame the likes of Fred etc. No I don't think it was right or proper for him to accept the amount that he did , nor do I have sympathy with many of the bankers. However I equally do not think that the Mr Greedy's of this world can expect to shrug off their responsibilities and just push the blame along to someone else.
Jun 20, 2005
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I've banked with RBS for decades. I reckon I'm more skint than you now. BUT I'll gladly buy you a pint from my meagre pocket money.


Jul 23, 2008
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enough of this doom and gloom, i'm off to a site at ipplepen in devon for the easter! sod the credit crunch, sod the fact that my wife is being laid off, first days off in seven weeks so i for one am going to relax and forget, and then get on with life when i return to cardiff!

enjoy your hols all,


Jun 4, 2007
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Very suprised at the defense of these senior people and the suggestion that this is a bit of good old blame culture.

I would agree that some of us and the press have gone hard at Sir Fred but to me he is just a single example of wide spread failure of senior highly paid people and must not be let off the hook by the media, the government and us mere mortals.

Hopefuly making an example of one or two may help moderate excess greed in future.

The facts are:-

Sir Fred (as well as others)was paid disgusting amounts of money to be an expert and get thing right. He failed.

Sir Fred is now claiming more per year in a pension than many of us will earn in 25 years, and at the ripe old age of 50!

It was because of poor decision making and bad management under Freddie and his mates in other banks that has caused the recession which in turn will financially ruin thousands of people many of whome did not get thier snouts deeply into the debt trough and will not receive partly paid up meagre company pensions until they are 65, if at all.

The government must share the blame as they and thier vast departments and expert financial agencies should have seen the potential for this financial fiasco and imposed regulation long before things went sour.
Jun 4, 2007
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The excessive abuse of rewards is not restricted to Banks either by any means.

I work for a very large company where successive CEO's have left the company to 'spend more time with the Family' or 'pursue other business interests' taking enormous pay offs, share rights and pension benefits on top of massive salaries when employed.

On each occasion it has transpired perhaps 6 months later that parts or the whole company are in deepest brown stuff while our highly paid retiree has escaped to louse up some other organisation before the brown stuff hit the fan.

People like Sir Fred must be made an example of in an attempt show future leaders of business that they cannot escape their responsibilities and reward themselves for failure.
May 25, 2008
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Knighthoods should only be awarded 5 years after the reason for the Knighthood has been proved. Sir Fred would just be Fred !!!
Apr 23, 2007
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How are you measuring Sir Freds failure? He was at the bank from 1998 I believe. If he wasn't doing a reasonable job then he wouldn't have been there ten years. By 'making an example' of someone all you are doing is bullying. If 'we' as the voting public are not happy with how things like this work out then we have to have legislation for it. And thats very difficult to spell out as always when reacting to events like this. You can't blame the likes of Freddie, you can only blame the system.

Fact:people are borrowing too much money. It can't be paid back. If a political party turned around and said 'we are going to stop you all borrowing. We will decide if you can afford it and we will say yes or no to each loan request', would you vote for them? No, because turkeys don't vote for christmas.

'Sir Fred (as well as others)was paid disgusting amounts of money to be an expert and get thing right. He failed.'

How do you define disgusting? Its just an opinion. Paid to get things right? Was he? I thought he was paid to run the bank in whatever financial scenario the world was in. He didn't create that did he? I thought governments took care of that.

You seem to have done a lot of research into Sir Fred's decisions. Maybe you could list a few of them on here for us because all I can find are generalisations and assumptions that his decisions must have been bad.

Apr 23, 2007
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I wish

Anyway this thread should disappear soon. The packs of wolves have got somebody else to attack now.

This anti-terrorist officer who has 'resigned'....

Bob Quick, welcome to the blame game.

If, as it seems all you need to do to have this post is keep some papers top secret then any of us could do it. I'd just eat it.

Jun 4, 2007
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Scouse Ian, and your cousin - Scouse Fred

List some of Frddies decisions ?!

Many of us mortals know only too well how a disasterous buy out while Sir Fred was at the helm brought RBS to it's knees only to be bailed out by us mortals.

Not forgetting the rest of the uncontrolled banking industry that has been on feeding frenzy of greed for years

Bailed out by us mortals who are now paying a huge price.

Blame game? Yes Sir Fred and his greedy mates and a sterile government who didn't see this comming.

My savings have halved in value.

My job is very dodgy.

My Sons job is very dodgy.

I'm on this web site because I can't risk the expense of getting the caravan out this Easter.

And I'm lucky, my mortgage is smaller than most people borrow for a small car and I still have a job.

Perhaps you should offer advice to the G20 as they seem to think the banking industry needs much tighter control.

I have the distinct impression that you are unaffected by the economy. I genuinly envy you.


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