Proposed road tax increases

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Mar 14, 2005
You're right. I see the end of a sub-1400kg 4 berth caravan a distinct possibility, too. The average caravanners without a really heavy towcar at their disposal will have to resign themselves to the fact that a 85% weight ratio will not be achievable in the not too distant future and ways will just have to be found to make combinations in the order of 100% safer to tow.
Nov 2, 2005
I'm not a 4x4 driver, but why not eamil No 10.

Although your emails are not read personally, they are collated and passed on.

Cpmplain to your local MPs aswell.

One person cannot change anything, but I've realised that if we all do this over all things, that is the only way to let government know how the people feel.

I will be emailing about the proposed new points sytems on speeding not only to the G-men but to the AA and any others I can think of.
Mar 29, 2005
I am beginning to feel like public enemy number one.

I drive an antisocial vehicle and as if that's not enough the only justification I can come up with for having one is that I tow a CARAVAN with it....worst offence anyone can commit. Well Gordy boy if you think you are getting to me you are obviously confusing me with someone who gives a toss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i second that,i will not let him spoil our retirement.he WILL loose another vote if he does it.
Dec 16, 2003
I am beginning to feel like public enemy number one.

I drive an antisocial vehicle and as if that's not enough the only justification I can come up with for having one is that I tow a CARAVAN with it....worst offence anyone can commit. Well Gordy boy if you think you are getting to me you are obviously confusing me with someone who gives a toss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i second that,i will not let him spoil our retirement.he WILL loose another vote if he does it.

Your MP's get nice fat inflation busting pay rises, tip top pension deals, nice travel opportunities, good expenses deal, job for the Mrs or the bit on the side ;-) Housing and Travel Allowances and seats at the best events.

Drop then line and tell them how you feel from the above web site.

You even save on the stamp ;-)
Nov 2, 2005
Good website Chris.

I've already done my first griping letter to my MP and already told them that there will be more.

Great I love it. I can moan as much as I like and no one can complain.
Mar 14, 2005
Whilst I do not relish paying more than the average for my vehicle due to the malicious point scoring of the "Antis" - if it is to be just
Mar 14, 2005
The Daily Mail is hardly known for its fair and equitable treatment of anyone or any subject. Their spin on 4x4 tax may be correct but it is not flagged up anywhere else that I can see after a quick scan.

This from the FT - KPMG predictions - it mentions car tax but only in that ALL high producing CO2 cars will get hit - not 4x4's specifically. There coment is a one liner in para 5 below and is in the context of company cars not private:-

"So how does this translate into Budget measures for business? The figures are better than they have been for a while but they are not good enough for the Chancellor to relax over tax revenues. It will be hard for him to justify income tax increases so, despite the economic uncertainties, businesses are likely to bear the brunt.

The disclosure regime has been running for almost a year now and we can expect to see further anti-avoidance measures, including some relating to national insurance, as a direct consequence of disclosures.

The stamp duty land tax (SDLT) take on commercial property has fallen from
Dec 16, 2003
Clive a fiend emailed me to say he is really chuffed to find that he will have to pay for single occupancy when he travels past Braford soon.

The guy brings in several million pounds of foreign currency with his business each year. He and the guys that work for him would have to pay with time whilst out like thousands of others working alone in their cars.He is moving to the States and the business will go with him!

Family health probs have caused us to reflect on our futures, my wife has been looking at property. Talking about the moving costs involved she had forgotten about the 20 K plus stamp duty we will have to pay. "FORGET it then" and we'll give our money to the French.

So all on hold, and we'll start looking later in the year.

Nice liitle place with a pool and few fully serviced pitches in the South, any takers?
Mar 14, 2005
Hi cris

I have several exNHS senior people who retired to France when the nonsense of NHS "Manipulation" by cretins masquerading as managers made early retirement a sensible option.

French IHT is fairer and so to is the income tax as it is based upon a household rather than the individual.

The locals when asked "do you mind the Brits coming and buying up the properties?" usually say that they prefer us to the Parisians!!

They also like us doing up houses that would otherwise become a ruin. However, we are causing problems in some areas where locals are being priced out of the market. But even the French realise this is because we are stupid enough to pay over the market price.

One of my clients is in sight of the Pyrenees and between the Med and the Atlantic. Trips to Spain are a regular occurrence. Cost of living calculated at about 1/3 that of the UK.

So why are we all still here?
Dec 16, 2003
I guess because of family :)

We have friends near Nice and the Grasse area. My wifes best friend amd husband came back from 7 months in OZ at end of Feb.

First ever visit to her brother who lives there, they went everywhere and fitted in a tour of NZ as their money had gone so far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their house was on the market three days after they returned!

I understand they sent deposit for new house the next day. They'll get the full works with 4 bedrooms, air con and nice size swimming pool and still have
Jun 7, 2005
Now then dont get carried away with the " grass is greener" viewpoint, I spent 3 years working in Australia (Sydney to be precise) and all I can say is "nice place to visit but would not want to live there". Made many good friends and yes you do seem to have more discretionary income, but I missed Europe more than I had reckoned on. No more runs through the alps down to Italy or the Austrian Tyroll, no more Monaco and South of France. No more jumping on the bike and going to Le Mans for the 24 hour. God did I miss all that.
Mar 14, 2005
A son of a very close friend emigrated to Perth in Western Australia as a comprehensive school teacher in chemistry. He has been there approx. 6 years and reckons he will never consider coming back to the UK to live. He has a four bedroomed bungalow on a large plot which is worth about
Mar 14, 2005
On the specific point re the increased car tax on high CO2 producing cars, why is it that certain points of the media - the BBC this morning in particular have the headline "4x4 Tax" but then as a rider the presenter states that "This is not to be just a tax on 4x4's it is all high CO2 producing cars"

So why have that headline?

Is it because "2 Jags Prescott" wants to skew the attention away from his favorite mode of transport? Because based on the figs - I think many 4x4's and certainly a vehicle like the TD4 Freelander produces less CO2 than a Jag.

Or is it that the usual "Sod the truth, whatever makes the story more contentious" school of journalism has taken over?

I shall watch the budget speech with interest. I know that is sad! but whatever is said affects my job.

That is why I am a 100% cynic on these pre-budget predictions.
Mar 14, 2005
Oh! and I meant to add that whilst Ian does state it a tad dramatically; the point he raises about a proposed tax "hit" causing people to end up compromising their safety and others on the road by towing vehicles not up to the job is likely to be a real consequence of this differential taxation.
Mar 14, 2005
Oh! and I meant to add that whilst Ian does state it a tad dramatically; the point he raises about a proposed tax "hit" causing people to end up compromising their safety and others on the road by towing vehicles not up to the job is likely to be a real consequence of this differential taxation.
"towing WITH vehicles" .... should say
Dec 16, 2003
Colin I know what you mean, but sitting at a PC and writing a letter to your MP's or Councillors and just hitting the send button makes it easy to Blitz the little dears!

The site does feedback data on if they reply as well. So if they do not reply and act you have data that they are not addressing yours and others concerns when it comes up to re-election time ;-)

A member of my family and her neighbours had an anti social behaviour problem with local youths, the police seemed reluctant to help. Trips to the police station and to councillors did nothing.

Letters sent via to the MP and the various councillors soon had the desired effect. Some of the residents targeted councillors from ajoining areas and the party offices of the prospective candidates for the next elections.

The ease of PC generated post repeatedly landing on "desk tops"

got the point across, and they ended up with Police and councillors knocking on doors to listen to the people complaints.

So give them h1ll Colin and everyone else.
Jun 2, 2005
A son of a very close friend emigrated to Perth in Western Australia as a comprehensive school teacher in chemistry. He has been there approx. 6 years and reckons he will never consider coming back to the UK to live. He has a four bedroomed bungalow on a large plot which is worth about
Mar 14, 2005
Clive, what do you mean by, quote "... towing with vehicles not up to the job...."? If you stay within legal limits and your own ability what do you consider to be "not up to the job"?
Dec 16, 2003

I understand that CliveV is suggesting that adding to running costs will have some people on a tight budget giving up their big cars or 4 X 4's and towing with a lower saftey margin compromising theirs and others safety.

Some will risk the laws and good advice and tow with smaller cars I guess.

Some people in this country get away with a lot when towing and already and higher costs wil have some taking risks!
Mar 14, 2005
I am just a little surprised at the UK caravanners apparent preoccupation with 4x4's. I my travels I know of no other country where so many 4x4's are used for towing but somehow I find it hard to believe that the UK is any safer in this respect than anywhere else. At least, in over 40 years of driving throughout Europe I can't say that I have seen proportionately more accidents involving caravans on the Continent. The general attitude taken here is 'if it's legal, do it'. I'm not saying this to slate 4x4's, after all I own one myself, but I have a feeling that to many people they often convey a false sense of security.
Dec 16, 2003

I drive 4 X 4's at times but do not own or tow my caravan with one.

Many pick on 4 x 4 drivers, whatever the accident statistics are for 4 x 4's does not in my mind mean that the drivers would not have had the accidents whatever they were driving.

I guess a lot only tow for a limited time each year and for very limited mileage and a big tow car gives some a sense of security.

Seperating one class of car driver from another is wrong for British Society in my book. It may be acceptable else where in Europe but the tax's we already pay are levied differently from Europe.
Dec 1, 2005
being a woman, I don't really understand the implications, we have a 1999 1.9 tdi galaxy - I suppose we will be stung for inflation.

Lolly x
Mar 14, 2005
I see nothing unfair in expecting those who contribute more to pollution, congestion or wear and tear of our roads to be expected to pay more for their use. Whether the levels of tax are justifiable is another matter but the differentials certainly are.


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