Proposed road tax increases

Aug 4, 2004
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This may hit the top end of the caravan industry and caused a number of redundancies as people require 4 x 4s to tow the larger single axles and also twin axles safely. So if you want to save on tax and be an unsafe tower, buy a small car to tow your twin axle. The government is promoting unsafe drivers on our roads in their effort to penalise the chelsea tractor.
Mar 14, 2005
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Mike, I agree. It won't have much affect on the 4x4 market. I have a diesel 4x4 which has 177g/km which is less than a lot of cars. The average owner of a BMW X5 is not going to be bothered by
Dec 16, 2003
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Gordy boy and crew had plenty af cash for munitions and costs for Iraq. They have no problem paying for all the lame ducks that dodge our borders and and residency regulations so why would the silly billy want an extra
Mar 14, 2005
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Gordy boy and crew had plenty af cash for munitions and costs for Iraq. They have no problem paying for all the lame ducks that dodge our borders and and residency regulations so why would the silly billy want an extra
May 21, 2008
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It's just another way of tax man scarping a few quid off the back of the workers.

It's still the same wether we drive a chelsea taxi, two jags or a moped. The peasants of the land are ripped off again.

Im not a chelsea taxi fan and already have to use an uncomfortable 1100cc car to comute to and from work, just to save a tenner a week. Also I tow with a family estate car 2000cc and struggle when the grass is wet to tow my twin axle van off the pitch.

I think there would be heart attacks on mass if there was to be a reduction in the taxation of us, the working classes.

I see the french are at it again with another mass demo about things they don't like, perhaps we should start this game??
Mar 14, 2005
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cris, I have a firm grip on reality. This is a government that say 'there is nothing illegal' about the Tessa Jowell or the cash for ermine affairs. This is possibly true but the average person beleives it is immoral. They are basically corrupt and you cannot believe anything they say. At the last election they received less than 30% of the vote, but due to their manipulation of constituency boundaries they still won. In England they are the minority party. They are showing all the symptoms of a government that has been in power too long - same as the Conservatives showed with Margaret Thatcher.

As far as the tax on 4x4 I have a complete grasp of reality. The
Jun 2, 2005
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cris, I have a firm grip on reality. This is a government that say 'there is nothing illegal' about the Tessa Jowell or the cash for ermine affairs. This is possibly true but the average person beleives it is immoral. They are basically corrupt and you cannot believe anything they say. At the last election they received less than 30% of the vote, but due to their manipulation of constituency boundaries they still won. In England they are the minority party. They are showing all the symptoms of a government that has been in power too long - same as the Conservatives showed with Margaret Thatcher.

As far as the tax on 4x4 I have a complete grasp of reality. The
Dec 16, 2003
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Ray (c)

Don't be to tough on Tony and his crew ;-)

"they have a CLEAR mandate" to Govern us. S

Now sorry even with my limited education I find it hard to work that claim out based on thier % of the Vote.

Simple thing like politicians who cheat on their wives, have affairs with others wives and get into other goings on and then they and their leaders claim that they are people of Honour and Sorry but I'm lost with that mumbo jumbo.

If you can't keep your pants on or whatever within generally accepted "right" way and then hide what you are up to be it sexual, investment or earnings wise etc the only honourable thing to do in my book is pack in politics, rev up and XXXX of into the far distance.

So if we can get them to take that on board this week, the country will probably be looking for 670 + new MP's for Westminster alone next week.

Fancy a well paid job, nice fat pension, good expenses package and plenty of travel opportunites Ray ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
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I am not looking to get into a slanging match, but my responce to your comment and open question about Why does Blair & Brown wnat to put another
Mar 14, 2005
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what i'd like to know is WHY some people conclude that people who drive a 4x4 have a bottomless pit where money is concerned.

i've worked bloody hard all my life,and brought 3 kids up scratting and scraping to get a decent when the kids are up and can afford a decent car,which isn't the dearest 4x4 or one that is in the top 250 + emissions,why should i be dictated to as to what car i should buy,or penalised for what i choose to buy.its supposed to be a democracy not a dictatorship.

i wonder how many of these people who are anti 4x4 actually fly to their holiday destination,aeroplanes pollute the atmosphere a hellava lot more than 4x4's,maybe they should think about a different mode of transport to their destination,and maybe the government should put a massive subsidy on all those who use aeroplanes.LETS HAVE AN ANTI FLYING CAMPAIGN
Jan 19, 2008
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While we are talking about mismanagement and corruption of this Government over the loans/donations to the Labour Party isn't it just like the opposition to score political points. Great and they have a right to. Now Labour have produced a list of the people who have loaned or donated money to the party. Bravo. What a surprise, when asked to produce their list, the Tories refused. Shock, horror, who would have thought it. Just remember, they are all in it for themselves, irrespective of party. Why anyone would think the other lot would do any better God only knows.
Nov 6, 2005
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Why's everyone wingeing about the Government's taxation policy? We, collectively, voted them in. As it's their 3rd term "we" did know what to expect.

What bothers me is that non-political experts all agree that Gordon Brown isn't balancing the books and that taxes WILL increase, sooner or later.

Enjoy the income you have got now, it won't be as much in future!
Mar 14, 2005
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Is it really such a bad thing if the caravan industry is encouraged towards building a quality product which does not automatically involve a higher and higher weight and demand ever increasing kerbweights of tow vehicles? Surely with innovative design and good use of lightweight materials it would be possible to build a caravan that gave reasonable levels of comfort without needing something the size of a Chieftan tank to tow it? Whenever we look through lists of new models, thinking towards the day when we may consider replacing our present caravan, we are depressed to see how few would in fact be suitable to be towed even by our present car, which has a kerbweight of around 1600 kg. Most of the lighter 'vans are dismissed by the caravan press as 'entry level', whereas I would have thought that many, like ourselves, with many years of caravanning experience, would in fact be seeking something lighter, but still with reasonable facilities. I think the industry has become pretty complacent, always ready to add that extra something to boost the price, but without doing the research to look at ways of making caravans that can be towed by middle of the range cars. A move in that direction would surely benefit all of us?
Mar 14, 2005
One thing is fairly certain - caravans will continue to get heavier as customers demand more and more features and extra comfort. I predict that the standard single axle 4 berth will be between 1500kg and 1600kg within the next couple of years. However, I am confident that solutions will be found so that they can be towed safely with the average saloon car.
Mar 14, 2005
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But, Lutz, do we actually 'demand' all these extras? Personally, I have them because they are there, on most of the caravans on the market. I could manage very happily without an oven, or for that matter a shower...and what is the point of those lovely velour curtains and pelmets in a caravan that is already equipped with two sets of blinds? Obviously, some of these features are of use to some buyers, but it just seems that they are being thrust upon all of us, regardless of whether we want them ar not, and the weights and the prices spiral ever upward.
Dec 16, 2003
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John the little thing at the end of my post was a smiley face!

It was a joke, light hearted, pulling your leg.

That you could think that Gordy boy hes not put hours of thought and research into the move if it is true :)

As less then 30% voted for Bungle Blair and Co and I for one was not one of them so how you get that we collectively voted for them I'm not sure.

How often do people write to their MP's and give them a bit of stick.

I do and even get replies at times !!!!

As said, it is a point of pincipal, the odd
Aug 28, 2005
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I think you raised a really valid point here - it is to my mind still possible to buy a 4/5 berth caravan from any of the major manufactures and have it safely pulled by a normal family saloon/hatchback- well within the limits.

Sadly all too often we mistake functional for poor quality, when the entry level van in a makers range is actually very good value for money. But it's all about perception and sadly we often think that matters.

If you want to own a large caravan you have to accept that you'll have to own a larger car, with it comes higher operating costs for both ..sadly fact of life.

Monkey's Husband.
Mar 14, 2005
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I said a while back that, when the ciggie-ban hits home and the powers that be see the income from ciggie-tax is no longer available, they will most certainly look at other ways of recouping the loses. I know we wont see the full effect for a while yet but decreases in one tax income will no doubt lead to increases in others.
Mar 14, 2005
It's true, the majority of customers will, at first, not 'demand' all these extras, many of which increase weight, but sooner or later more and more will see them as 'nice to have'. From that point on, features which used to be extras will slowly become standard. That's a fact of how the market develops.

Caravans are already relatively flimsy designs so, without resorting to exotic (and expensive) lightweight materials like carbon fibre, etc., I don't think there is much opportunity for offsetting the trend towards increased weight.

As a result, I think it is only a matter of time before the first 1800kg single axle caravans will start appearing.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lutz, I really don't mind the first 1800kg single axle - if someone wants to buy one of those, that is their choice and good luck to them. What really concerns me is what seems to be the very real possibility that before long, we shall see the last sub-1400 kg caravan! I really find it hard to see my current 2.6 litre, 1600 kg kerbweight vehicle as a 'small car', yet in terms of current caravan production, that is exactly what it is becoming.
Jun 7, 2005
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I am beginning to feel like public enemy number one.

I drive an antisocial vehicle and as if that's not enough the only justification I can come up with for having one is that I tow a CARAVAN with it....worst offence anyone can commit. Well Gordy boy if you think you are getting to me you are obviously confusing me with someone who gives a toss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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