Jun 20, 2005
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Not a pleasant site at all.
Where are the parents of these horrible nasty yobos? Some rioters are reportedly as young as 9.
So the Association of British Insurers is lamenting the cost of the damage which will run into 10s of millions.
But who really pays for all this damage?
Under The Riot ( Damages) Act 1886 the insurers and indeed anyone who has suffered riot damage can seek to recover their losses from the local police force. In other words us Council Tax payers foot the bill.
Jun 4, 2011
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MESSAGE to all the rioters ........... u wanna be big men and fight to the death, well get your sorry little arses on the next plane to Afghanistan and stand alongside real men , they're called soldiers and they are fighting a war unlike you bunch of pathetic wastes of space !!!!!!


Nov 12, 2009
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Years of softly softly policing and politically correct liberalism has led to the present situation whereby feral low life youths regard a mask and hood as essential daywear whenever they manage to get out of bed for an hour or so to sign on or to tear themselves away from their playstations.
The police 'service' appear to take great delight in causing the maximum amount of disruption and inconvenience to the majority of normal law abiding citizens whilst staying well clear of trouble spots where these animals rob businesses and individuals with impunity.
Three men who were trying to protect their business because the police couldn't be bothered were killed just outside Birmingham last night and this will lead to more trouble in that area which is already rife with racial tension between the Asian and Afro Caribbean communities.
Meanwhile, as the picture shows, police strained every sinew to protect businesses and keep the streets safe for the rest of us to go about our lawful business.
It makes you proud to be British doesn't it?

Mar 14, 2005
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I am absolutely appalled at he scenes and actions we have seen played out over the last few days and nights. There is no justifiable reason for these criminals to vent their frustrations on law abiding people or their property,or to threaten or use violence to the police fire and ambulance service personnel.

They are criminals and must be treated as such, and quickly.

Even though much of the damage will be covered by insurance or the 1886 riot act, we all will share the cost of this. I feel for those businesses that have served their communities , and who have lost more than just stock, the impact it will have on families who worked for them, and of course the confidence of feeling safe in the affected areas. The damage to communities will be immense.

On seeing the way the violence erupted across the capitol in diverse areas, made me think it was actually deliberately orchestrated to confound the efforts of the authorities to counter it, but I have learnt to-day that it is more likely the the way that some SMS systems work that allowed vulnerable areas to be identified and messaged. It now seems more like copycat actions But it is amazing that so many people were so ready at a few moments notice to go out and commit criminal acts.

Residents and shopkeepers are asking why did it take the police so long to respond, and even when they did arrive why did they not move to arrest or disperse the groups more rapidly.

There are many questions to be asked and answered, and whilst there may be some justification to question the actions of the police, let us not forget that the police did not start this, they can only react, and with such wide spread pockets of activity, it must have been very difficult for the commanders to judge the relative seriousness of each incident and to muster and dispatch the manpower to cover them all. A logistical nightmare.

With all the clarity of hindsight, the incidents will be surgically analysed, and hopefully lessons learnt, but in all of this don't forget ultimately it is mind set of the criminals that is to blame.

May peace settle on all.


Nov 12, 2009
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The criminals are most certainly to blame, that's very true, but which particular set of criminals are we talking about?
It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry at this current situation.

I wonder what is the worst affront to society?

A low life hoodie nicking a pair of trainers and a blackberry mobile phone while powerless and useless police stay well clear leaving the rest of us defenceless or an ex Home Secretary fiddling the rest of us, the mug British Tax Payer out of £22,948 which she claimed as a second home allowance whilst kipping in her in laws spare bedroom and both sets of thieves getting away without any legal consequences whatsoever?

Years of politically correct hand wringing liberalism has finally led us into this situation where it's seen as a normal part of everyday life for hooded and masked youths to swagger around the streets when they can manage to get themselves out of bed, away from their daytime tv's and playstations and Jeremy Kyle lifestyles.

They wear 'hoodies' because of the over reliance by police on CCTV cameras and remote re-active policing whereby the police 'service' as it has now become have abandoned the streets and allowed the scummies to commit the crime without any interference by police officers who rely on CCTV images to try to arrest them later after the event.

Chief Constables have created a situation which means that ordinary rank and file police officers are always on the back foot, looking over their shoulders because of the demands of politically correct human rights legislation and even when they do manage to arrest somebody, then what happens?

The CPS (criminal protection service) are extremely reluctant to allow cases to go to court and in the rare event that a scummy finds himself in front of a magistrate there's a better then evens chance that he'll walk out of court smirking with a lightly slapped wrist having put two fingers up to society once again.

We seem to be in some sort of Alice in Wonderland situation in that we have literally millions who are out of work and who never have, and never will work. The rich continue to get richer still, the low lifes seem content to spend their lives living off the rest of us in the form of benefits and those of us who are paying the real price both in terms of our personal safety and in terms of sky high taxes are completely disenfranchised because no matter which way we vote our wishes and expectations don't count for much.
Nose in the trough politicians who are equally as guilty of criminality as the current crop of law breakers after the great expenses robbery are on holiday again, emulating Nero with his violin.

Bring back the birch! Make them join the army and do some real fighting! Let teachers instil discipline in the classroom! Blah Blah bloody Blah!!

We, that's you and me, have sleepwalked ourselves into this situation by either not bothering to vote at all 'because it makes no difference' or by voting for the same old political parties who'se candidates promptly forget their worthless empty lying empty promises the minute that their noses are firmly in the Westminster trough.

I wonder how many of us will remember these so-called 'riots' when it's time to vote and how many of us will even bother to vote at all ?
One thing is for sure. All that the low life scummies are going to achieve will be more CCTV surveillance for us, the law abiding majority, while masked and hooded 'youths' are routinely ignored, continue to commit crimes with impunity and are given community service or ASBO's in the unlikely event of them appearing in court.
More disruption and inconvenience will be imposed by senior police chiefs on the rest of us while the main issues are sidestepped by EU human rights legislation, smart alec get rich quick lawyers and slimeball greedy politicians intent on feathering their own nests at our expense.

A browse through tv news coverage will prove beyond doubt to even the most casual observer that the feral street rats have zero respect for societal norms, no fear of the law and no intention of ever making anything except more bay-bees which will turn out to be even worse than they are. Their tattooed over emotional temporary 'fiancee's' are paid by us in the form of over generous welfare benefits to be little more than breeding mares who have broods of bay-bees which we then have to pay for and who grow up to form the basis of the next generation of the sink estate underclass.

The only thing that could possibly be said in their favour is that at least the low life shop robbing trainer and phone thieves have the decency to wear hoods and masks so that we can identify them for what they are.

I wonder where ex Home Secretary Jaqui Smith and her equally guilty expese embezzling trough dwellers keep their masks?
Aug 4, 2004
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I was under the impression that Britain was a first world country and not a country in the developing world. These riots are there for the purpose of looting and nothing more. Having to draft in all those officers from round the country goes to show how short staffed the police are with all these cuts imposed by the current government.
Initially the indication was that the majority of rioters were from various ehtnic groups however the following shocking video footage shows this to be untrue. I have no idea whether the young man had been looting earleir or was just an innocent bystander. See http://www.iol.co.za/news/world/video-bleeding-boy-helped-then-robbed-1.1115056
The best way to handle rioters is to use rubber bullets, water cannon and target the ring leaders.
Jan 1, 2010
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Firstly, I am very proud to be British, unlike I guess the ferile vermin attacking our land and property at the moment, they are not British, they just exist here. I think of myself to be very lucky to live in Cumbria, where thankfully we see very little crime, Mr Bird being an exception I might add.
Our politicians are not worth a toss, call me "Dave" is twittering on about what he expects to happen to these cretins, when they are nabbed, the full force of the law, blah blah blah. Well, unless he changes the law, nothing will happen to them that wouldn`t have happened last week, the Police and courts can only dole out what the government allows through their soft ar5ed laws. I might add, and it`s the same countrywide, locally we have seen 3 magistrates courts closed in recent months, and as far as Cumbria Police funding is going, they will be lucky to have a pot to p**s in soon. Personally, I would be happier if the bobby`s broke their batons over the heads of these miscreants, but then, we all know who would end up in court and out of a job. It`s very easy to blame the Police. However, I know plenty personally who would be delighted to wade in and bang heads together, if allowed. The government needs to support the good people of this land of ours, and hammer down damned hard on the villains.

I`ll stop now, before I bust a blood vessle.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Parksy,

I am in now way condoning the action of the politicians with their false accounting and expenses claims, They should be brought to book, but I am not about to debate the expenses scandal at this juncture what they did was criminal, but it did not violently endanger other human beings.......

What has happened over the last few days is more than just criminal the readiness of these people to commit violent offences not just against property but against other human beings does make their actions far more serious.
Jun 22, 2012
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I agree with most of the comments so far, these vermin should be hit hard and fast to make them realise that they are not wanted in normal society. It is no good having a pop at the Police as they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. As phil has said, there is nothing they would like more than to get stuck in and sort these yobs out. The people to blame are the Police Commissioners who are nothing more than polititcians in uniform, they are the ones who have not got the guts to say sod you we stand by our force and the general public and will sort it out. The situation has always been the same, Brixton, Bristol, Belfast just to mention a few, tie the hands of the Police and Army, prevent them doing thier job and then blame them when it goes t-ts up.
What is needed is declare a curfew and ban groups of more than 5, anyone breaking these rules to be locked up for 3 month's minimum, without trial, in a dissused army barracks (and there are plenty) and given hard labour.
Looters to be shot on sight.
Ban news reporting by Papers, TV and Radio on all events and only have official police news reports.
These vermin only understand violence, as is said LIVE BY THE SWORD DIE BY THE SWORD


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote by Parksy: The police 'service' appear to take great delight in causing the maximum amount of disruption and inconvenience to the majority of normal law abiding citizens whilst staying well clear of trouble spots where these animals rob businesses and individuals with impunity.Unquote

WOW! Parksy such a sweeping statement.

Where did you lift that photo from? Is it actually taken at one of the riots? If I was at home at the moment, I might have been able to extract the exif and check myself. Unless anyone else can do that? (Although in hindsight, the press are very sneeky and do remove the exif for obvious reasons).

Apr 7, 2008
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LMH said:
Where did you lift that photo from? Is it actually taken at one of the riots? If I was at home at the moment, I might have been able to extract the exif and check myself. Unless anyone else can do that? (Although in hindsight, the press are very sneeky and do remove the exif for obvious reasons).


This looks like the same PHOTO ( click throught to the 7th )

And this is the most signed E-petition on the govenment web site ( thats if you can get on )

And you dont get this message

Sorry, something went wrong.

Sorry if you're experiencing problems accessing e-petitons. There is currently a much higher level of demand than we expected.

Looks like it is getting popular
Mar 1, 2009
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Round them all up put them in a sound proof room, send in the dogs wait half an hour then let the dogs out. If any are still alive then SHOOT the buggers.



Mar 14, 2005
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Sproket said:
LMH said:
Where did you lift that photo from? Is it actually taken at one of the riots? If I was at home at the moment, I might have been able to extract the exif and check myself. Unless anyone else can do that? (Although in hindsight, the press are very sneeky and do remove the exif for obvious reasons).


This looks like the same PHOTO ( click throught to the 7th )

And this is the most signed E-petition on the govenment web site ( thats if you can get on )

And you dont get this message

Sorry, something went wrong.

Sorry if you're experiencing problems accessing e-petitons. There is currently a much higher level of demand than we expected.

Looks like it is getting popular

Thanks for that, looks like it is a photo from the riots. But, the Police are allowed to have a refreshment break for god's sake.

I've just taken a look at the link you posted, thanks for that, couldn't get to sign the petition though.

Lisa x
Jul 30, 2007
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Bring in the army.
Im sure the brave lads and lassies fighting abroad would love to get back to their home country and sort out the scum that are dragging Great Britain down in the gutters.
Jun 4, 2011
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Let's just hope now that there isn't a 'No Win No Fee' scumbag lawyer lurking around the corner ready to put a claim in against the Police because the low lifeyobs human rights have been infringed and they are now traumatised for life!! That's just all the country needs now.
Mar 14, 2005
Frankly, I think all this call for more severe punishment, while understandable, is a bit like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. Punishment where punishment is due, but it has never been proved to act as a deterrent. Crime exists even in highly repressive regimes. Somebody has got to put his thinking cap on and get to grips with the root of the problem which is what has made these people turn into criminals in the first place. Unless that is done, no amount of cracking down is going to put an end to such uncontrollable anger and rage. It becomes no more than an act of sheer desparation.
Aug 17, 2010
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The Police reactions during these riots have been interesting.When they were outnumbered they kept their distance and watched the shops being looted but in this video, see a couple of kids on bikes and they're straight in.Also,continuing to strike that person when they're on the floor ,to me,is unnessary.
Aug 17, 2010
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The Police reactions during these riots have been interesting.When they were outnumbered they kept their distance and watched the shops being looted but in this video, see a couple of kids on bikes and they're straight in.Also,continuing to strike that person when they're on the floor ,to me,is unnecessary.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz said:
Frankly, I think all this call for more severe punishment, while understandable, is a bit like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. Punishment where punishment is due, but it has never been proved to act as a deterrent. Crime exists even in highly repressive regimes. Somebody has got to put his thinking cap on and get to grips with the root of the problem which is what has made these people turn into criminals in the first place. Unless that is done, no amount of cracking down is going to put an end to such uncontrollable anger and rage. It becomes no more than an act of sheer desparation.

Yes Lutz, the problem does need to sorted at the roots but I'm with the others, lets prune the life that has flourished from the roots of past years of hand wringing wet left wing liberalism. Let's start with a clean sheet and wipe the life that is lower than life that crawls out of toilets. Cameron says they will face the full force of the law. What? The same full force that the student demonstrators felt? It's laughable because only a few went to court. The mass majority were released without charge despite the CPS saying they had winnable cases against them all.
Put the army on the streets and let it be known looters will be shot on sight. Kill a couple and it will soon stop.
This isn't disenfranchised youth. Parksy puts it admirably.
The police, judiciary, politicians etc. need to do a complete turn on how we bring kids up. Parliament needs to remove the shackles of the police, teachers etc. and put those same shackles on those whose fault it is why we are in this situation, the human rights lawyers, liberal politicians and quango's like the ERHRC although I've heard good news that the ERHRC has been recommended to be disbanded. Anyone heard from Chami Chakrabati lately? Don't worry, she'll be out of the woodwork defending the lowlives human rights soon and we the tax payers will be paying her.
Unbelievably some, even on this forum, believe there's nothing wrong with Britain. We haven't seen half of it yet.
Jan 19, 2008
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mullsy1 said:
The Police reactions during these riots have been interesting.When they were outnumbered they kept their distance and watched the shops being looted but in this video, see a couple of kids on bikes and they're straight in.Also,continuing to strike that person when they're on the floor ,to me,is unnecessary.

Sorry Mullsy but if I was the cop I would hit him and if he went down I'd want to make sure he stayed down. Treat like as like. I'm sure the thug wouldn't have stopped stamping on a victims head once they went down no more than if the cop let him get back up he'd cooly let them arrest him. Also it might send out a message to those who think it's their God given right to loot and burn. No, not one bit of sympathy. If they can't stand the pain of having a cracked nut don't do the crime.


Nov 12, 2009
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Prof John L said:
Hello Parksy,
I am in now way condoning the action of the politicians with their false accounting and expenses claims, They should be brought to book, but I am not about to debate the expenses scandal at this juncture what they did was criminal, but it did not violently endanger other human beings.......
What has happened over the last few days is more than just criminal the readiness of these people to commit violent offences not just against property but against other human beings does make their actions far more serious.
My point in highlighting the criminal venality of some politicians within the context of this latest manifestation of criminal lawbreaking on the streets is meant to show that self serving politicians of all parties who's abandonment of their electorate and complete dereliction of duty over the past several years have allowed this criminal underclass to flourish unchecked despite repeated warnings.
Another issue would be that if politicians who embezzle thousands of pounds can escape any legal consequences for their criminality then there's little wonder that the low life Shameless generation chancers who have been breaking in to shops and businesses, committing robbery with violence etc have no respect for the law or for society as a whole.
The writing has been on the wall for years, kids having kids, no structure, discipline or family life and the liberal elite presiding over this cess-pit society and making excuses for the underclass with bleeding heart soft toothless justice and the avoidance of any consequences for actions taken.
LMH said:
Sproket said:
LMH said:
Where did you lift that photo from? Is it actually taken at one of the riots? If I was at home at the moment, I might have been able to extract the exif and check myself. Unless anyone else can do that? (Although in hindsight, the press are very sneeky and do remove the exif for obvious reasons).
This looks like the same PHOTO ( click throught to the 7th )................
Thanks for that, looks like it is a photo from the riots. But, the Police are allowed to have a refreshment break for god's sake........
Lisa x
As it happens Lisa the photograph was widely available on the internet this morning and I 'lifted' it because it was under a headline which said that because of a large influx of police London was mainly quiet last night.
Many of these police reinforcements had been bussed in from other parts of the country including Manchester, so London was hunky dory with cops sitting around while Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Nottingham ,Wolverhampton and West Bromwich burned. Thieves were quite openly stealing from businesses while outnumbered police largely allowed them to get on with it to such an extent that three Birmingham men were killed and ambulances couldn't be allowed through to them on Health and Safety grounds because police were busily 'protecting' Selfridges in the city centre where there was no real trouble instead of forging a path through whatever was in the way of medical help for these victims.
I'm not trying to blame ordinary police officers, the entire fabric of policing needs a damn good shake up starting with Chief Constables having to seek election from the general public based on their past record and intended policies to regain control of our streets, estates and open spaces. Boots on the ground zero tolerance policing should be used rather than the present day over reliance on CCTV surveillance which allows the criminal element to always take the initiative and set the agenda.
It's as though the police are prepared to allow criminal activity to take place without interference and officers then try to arrest and charge offenders using CCTV evidence after the event. Even if a low life is convicted this is little consolation to the small shopkeeper or business person who'se livelihood has been destroyed and who can't get insurance because the streets have been given over to these thugs.
B.T.W. Lisa, if the scummies don't take meal breaks when they are robbing and destroying their neighbourhoods then why should the police expect to take meal breaks when desperate business men and women have no protection whatsoever?


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