Rover 75 V6

Mar 14, 2005
Slightly off topic, but I do use the car to tow! We have noticed the fuel consumption has dropped from around 29 mpg to 25 / 26mpg and cannot understand why? I am taking when not towing? I have also noticed that as soon as I put the climate control on, be it for heat or cold air, and even when I first start the car in the morning the fan comes on? I am not sure if it is supposed to but it is definately on all the time the climate control is on, turn it off and the fan goes off. Does anyone know if this is normal (Only had the car just under a year)..could this be the eplanation for the drop in fuel consumption, cannot see any other reason at the moment? many Thanks and sorry for this not being a direct question on towing, but on the other hand wonder how many mpg I am going to get on Sat when we tow again??
Jul 12, 2005
If it is the petrol then I may have an answer for you.

Underneath the back seat is a second fuel tank, this is used to pressurise the system to a very high level. Now in there is a white container that has its top and botton joined by a bayonet fitting.

Now, this is known to come loose and as the pressure drops so the fuel consumption goes up. Until it seperates and then does not start.

So, Wanna fix it? If so let me know and I will give you the instructions. If not and you live near Redditch, I could do it for you on a weekend afternoon as I did mine and it is great now

Jul 12, 2005
Just in case

1) Remove the rear seat bottom (Pull the front upwards to unclip then push backwards to release at rear. It will probably require a grovel underneath the raised seat to help release the rear.)

2) Remove the body cover plate over the filter / regulator assembly (That is the access plate on the left hand side behind the passenger seat . The access plate on the right hand side covers the similar installation for the fuel pump.)

3) Release any trapped pressure in the fuel system by depressing the schrader valve (under a trendy coloured dust cap by the throttle body under the bonnet)

4) Detach the push fit fuel pipe by pushing in the green retainer clip and tie back out of the way.

5) Make up a simple metal tool to remove the locking ring, and detach it. (mine was actually made from a couple of stainless steel wall ties bolted together, but whatever you use, it must be capable of the 38Nm installation torque)

6) Partially remove the filter regulator assembly, and twist both halves firmly back together (The joint is immediately above the stainless steel reinforcing band)

7) Reassemble by reversing the process, and ensuring that the seal between the tank and assembly is correctly installed and the locking ring torqued to 38Nm.
Jul 12, 2005


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