Satellite TV abroad

Apr 3, 2010
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Now that BBC has switched to Astra 2E with it's much smaller footprint I shall be leaving the dish at home when we go to Spain/Portugal next month- still one less thing to forget ;-)
Apr 3, 2010
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No. It has been moved to Astra 2E to stop non licence fee paying Europeans watching BBC! Much smaller footprint which also improves reception to the UK. If you want to get Astra 2E signal beyond SW France you need a very big dish - >1.2M. Reading on the web that there are an awful lot of unhappy ex pats in Spain and Portugal. The answer seems to be I player which you cannot get without a UK internet supplier. You can still get BBC news channel on Astra 2D but thats all.
Nov 6, 2005
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The move wasn't just to suit the BBC - all the UK-based channels were happy with the move.

The main benefit is for users in the UK away from the SE conurbation as smaller dishes can now be used in the west and north of the UK.

Ex-pats in Spain don't contribute to the BBC through licence revenue nor to UK advertisers on commercial channels so their free ride has come to an end - tough!
Mar 14, 2005
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RogerL said:
The move wasn't just to suit the BBC - all the UK-based channels were happy with the move.

The main benefit is for users in the UK away from the SE conurbation as smaller dishes can now be used in the west and north of the UK.

Ex-pats in Spain don't contribute to the BBC through licence revenue nor to UK advertisers on commercial channels so their free ride has come to an end - tough!

It's not the fault of the ex-pats that they are not able to pay for a TV licence. A lot of people we meet would be vary happy to pay if they could get the programs. If it was possible to set up some sort of subscription viewing many ex-pats would use it. We see the Germans and Dutch getting all their home programs with just a 60cm dish so I dont know how their TV is funded.
Your comment that it's "tough" that their "free ride" has come to an end shows an unpleasant, I'm all right Jack, attitude that one rarely comes across in the friendly caravan fraternity.
Nov 6, 2005
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Clive-Cardiff said:
Your comment that it's "tough" that their "free ride" has come to an end shows an unpleasant, I'm all right Jack, attitude that one rarely comes across in the friendly caravan fraternity.

Unlike the "I'm alright Jack" types that let those of us resident in the UK fund TV for them to watch free. As an alternative, they can use internet streaming if they really don't mind paying.

I'm pleased as a licence payer that I can watch TV more easily on holiday in Scotland - just what the British Broadcasting Corporation should be doing.
Mar 14, 2005
Clive-Cardiff said:
We see the Germans and Dutch getting all their home programs with just a 60cm dish so I dont know how their TV is funded.
By licence, just like in the UK. I guess German channels figure that most people watching TV by satellite elsewhere in Europe continue to pay their licence subscription back home, so they don't make a loss in allowing them to watch TV while out of the country. Besides, a very high proportion of viewers in Germany watch TV via satellite anyway so it would be difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between them and others abroad.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lutz said:
Clive-Cardiff said:
We see the Germans and Dutch getting all their home programs with just a 60cm dish so I dont know how their TV is funded.
By licence, just like in the UK. I guess German channels figure that most people watching TV by satellite elsewhere in Europe continue to pay their licence subscription back home, so they don't make a loss in allowing them to watch TV while out of the country. Besides, a very high proportion of viewers in Germany watch TV via satellite anyway so it would be difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between them and others abroad.

If only the UK authorities thought the same. I pay a license fee to use satellite TV in the UK but I cant get it abroad because of the footprint change. Just hope the German powers that be don't go down the same line on some spurious reason


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