I dont know about statistics as regards emissions and enviroment concerns,but surely we all agree there are some "normal"older cars out there chucking out pollutant more readily than a newer 4x4,as for safety again dont know the statistics,but bieng in the ambo service I regularly attentd rta's,out of every 10 I'd say two involve two or more cars colliding,usually low speed with minor injs,regardless of make,the other 8 are solo cars, whatever,usually fatal,leaving the road,hitting lamposts etc etc... the cause............. SPEED,RECKLESSNESSAND DRIVER ERROR !!And I dont wish to stir up a hornets nest but have never been to one of these that involved 4x4 !! (thats in 12 years)
Ive said once and say again a car wheter its a micra to a big range rover can only ever be as safe as the person behind the wheel,A robin reliant can be lethal in the wrong hand s!!!
Ive said once and say again a car wheter its a micra to a big range rover can only ever be as safe as the person behind the wheel,A robin reliant can be lethal in the wrong hand s!!!