Say "YES" to 4x4 tax

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Mar 14, 2005
I'm sure the so-called antis don't care whether it's 2 wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, car or trucklike design, their argument is basically an attack on the need for extra energy (fuel) needed to move unnecessary deadweight and the consequent pollution caused by burning the extra fuel. Their criticism is surely not levelled against using such vehicles where necessary for commercial purposes, only when used privately and especially when seldom for towing or offroad.

Objectively, except in exceptional circumstances such as frequent off-road or winter use, there is absolutely no real need for a 4x4, off-road vehicle or whatever you want to call it tow a caravan. Even the largest caravans can be legally towed by a saloon car so long as the maximum permissible towload is adequate. Those who claim they need anything bigger do so because they feel safer to stay below the 85% ratio not because they have to.

Actually, contrary to what Clive says, the safety performance of big 4x4's is not, on the whole, that good. Hit a brick wall at 30mph and you'd probably find that your chances of survival are better in a modern saloon than in most big 4x4's, simply because they don't crumple very easily and don't absorb the crash energy as well. OK, if you hit a small car you'd be better off but that's a rather selfish attitude, "I'm alright, Jack, (and all my passengers), never mind the rest".

Therefore, people who tow with big 4x4's do so simply for emotive reasons, same as those who like convertibles and it's pointless to counter opinions with rational arguments.
I don't know why you are arguing with me. If the conditions that you encounter warrant a 4x4, so be it. I was just pointing out that in most cases a saloon car would do the job, too, and the occasions where it won't are so isolated that they don't justify the need for a truck-like four wheel drive. The exception proves the rule.
Mar 14, 2005
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Captain. A pearlescent white Toyota Landcruiser V8 Amazon with gold coloured chromework has got to be the most beautiful piece of engineering that was ever put on 4 wheels. I wish I could afford one.
Mar 14, 2005
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Captain. A pearlescent white Toyota Landcruiser V8 Amazon with gold coloured chromework has got to be the most beautiful piece of engineering that was ever put on 4 wheels. I wish I could afford one.
pass the puke bag! uuugh!
Mar 14, 2005
So, why did you feel it important what course they were doing then if the age was what you wanted to compare with?
Mar 14, 2005
Pro 4x4 on Google. How about we call it quits for tonight, and start early again in the morning?
Mar 14, 2005
Nice long winded post Paul. I must admit I got to the end of the first paragraph before I realised what you was saying wasn't new, or strictly speaking truthfull. Good try though.
Mar 14, 2005
Interesting comment considering the last two replies to yourself were "Whatever" and "whosacleverboyden"

I am used to dealing with complex issues and reporting on them. My personal opinion is that you and the other anti's only seem to be able to look at the subject from a limited perspective.

Also I tend to set out my replies in standard "report format" rather than one great block as others do. If you do a word count I think you will find my responces are, on average, no longer than others, but clearly they are more difficult for the anti's to mentally digest.
Mar 14, 2005
To be fair Stinky - I did not interpret the comment as you did. Knderdarden, infant, junior, High School - all could have been used but it seemed clear to me that GNVQ was used because that was where the actual experience of the individual lay.

I do not know how we are going to "square this circle" because you and I have a history of your badly misinterpreting what has been said then your going "off on one" - accusing me of attacking you personaly and now you are doing exactly the same to someone else.

We have an unwritten rule in our office that emails must be reviewed before sending because it is very easy to use finger before brain is fully engaged. May I tactfully suggest you take more time to consider your responce and to analyse what is actually being said.

And if you think something is offensive - ask for clarification before going off like a rocket. We have all meant to say one thing but have written something different by mistake.
Mar 14, 2005
I know I'm gonna get pummeled for this but I find the worst bullys are the "suit executive looking type"in their BMW'S,driving round like they're god with their mobiles in thier hands !!!!!
You've seen me then!


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