Say "YES" to 4x4 tax

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Jul 31, 2010
Why should I or any other 4x4 owner, have to justify our decision to own one? This is still a free country and as a bor and bred native, I will do any thing that I wish to do (within the law) without seeking approval from anybody. If that offends anybodys sensibilities, thats just to bad.

Steve W
Mar 14, 2005
You're right of course Steve. I don't care that much about what others think of my vehicle choice either.

It's just good sport playing with the anti's.

Grahams posting at 10:11 confirms that when asked a serious question about towing something large/heavy "the silence is deafening". The anti's only feel able to articulate their particular type of bully boy tactics when they feel comfortable that nobody is going to make them back up their extreme views.

Similarly, and predictably Capt Kanga has now effectivley said that a car type 4x4 is ok but an "off-roader" is not.

So their we have it - it's not all wheel drive that irks them (assuming Capt Kanga is representative of the anti's) its the fact that the 4x4's that makes them wet themselves with rightious indignation are able to do what they are designed to do - i.e perform in multiple roles both on the road and off it.

Some of us who need this capacity would be denied it if the anti's had their way.

This is an unreasonable view on their part which is ably demonstrated by the various threads and robust defence put forward by those that wnt the freedom to do what they want.

As Graham put it earlier - apart from Capt Kanga predictably putting both feet in his mouth by trying to use childish displacement tactics to say that it was me that did not know the diference (Yeah Right CK !!), the silence on how a Skoda 4x4 would be taxed has so far been deafening!

Come you anti's - you can do better than that.

Or can you?
Mar 14, 2005
You don't have to justify yourself. This is a debate about why 4x4 (off road cars) are allowed on the road.

If you're fine with arrigantly driving your "car" without any consideration of others, fine. There is no need to post the fact here.

If on the other hand you do have something to say in defence, I'd love to hear why you feel you think you should have more road space for the same price as other road users etc etc.
Mar 14, 2005
You don't have to justify yourself. This is a debate about why 4x4 (off road cars) are allowed on the road.

If you're fine with arrigantly driving your "car" without any consideration of others, fine. There is no need to post the fact here.

If on the other hand you do have something to say in defence, I'd love to hear why you feel you think you should have more road space for the same price as other road users etc etc.
Er, thats been covered here too Stinky. Look at the figures and you will find an average 4x4 does not take up any more road space than a middle to exec type car. Ford Mondeo estates, shall we ban them too?
Mar 14, 2005
You don't have to justify yourself. This is a debate about why 4x4 (off road cars) are allowed on the road.

If you're fine with arrigantly driving your "car" without any consideration of others, fine. There is no need to post the fact here.

If on the other hand you do have something to say in defence, I'd love to hear why you feel you think you should have more road space for the same price as other road users etc etc.
I find it incredible that people who tow a big white box behind them , for which they pay no road tax, and don't even have to MOT, have the cheek to lecture other road users on selfishness. If you believe that a car should be taxed on its size and the amount of fuel used then all caravan owners should pay road tax on the van, which should require an annual test certificate. There should be a tow bar tax payable on any vehicle having a tow bar fitted.
Mar 14, 2005
I find it incredible that people who tow a big white box behind them , for which they pay no road tax, and don't even have to MOT, have the cheek to lecture other road users on selfishness. If you believe that a car should be taxed on its size and the amount of fuel used then all caravan owners should pay road tax on the van, which should require an annual test certificate. There should be a tow bar tax payable on any vehicle having a tow bar fitted.
Shush Pete, Tony B and Gordon B might be listning......
Mar 14, 2005
Crikey Clive, you don't hang about do you!

I really, really tried not to add to this debate as we're just covering old ground... again.

The term 4x4 that we are all using refers to the "off road" vehicles that are oversized, over heavy and downright dangerous. Not 4 wheel driven road cars.

The Scoda etc would be taxed as a normal car, as I think (hope) you already know.

The 4x4 cars are dangerous (and this is the important bit) to "other" road users as they are too heavy, to high and have little crumple zone. This means that, during a crash with a normal car, the 4x4 car passengers have more chance of survival "at the cost to the normal road user". They are desinged for impact with little damage to itself and this makes them a hazard on roads.

I travel a lot through small country roads, many with only one lane and most, if not all, the 4x4 drivers coming the other way keep their road postion and speed and use the cars weight and size to bully the other road users.

I think I've answered all your points, but I'm sure you'll let me know if I've missed anything.
Mar 14, 2005
That is just it Stinky - I do not take up more road space than many estate cars. My friends Espace has comprable dimensions in all aspects. In fact my "off-roader" to use your term is shorter than the Ford/VW/Seat people carrier and the same height.

It has a smaller road "footprint" than many luxury cars.

So I do NOT take up more space on the road.

And can prove it.

Will you back down now and concede that I have a right to purchase and drive a vehicle that:-

a) I need as I tow a wide range of trailers etc.?

b) Is shorter than many other passenger vehicles

c) Is the same height as people carriers

d) Is no wider than the average large car

e) Runs on LPG so it is more "green" than any normal petrol/diesal car.

I think you guys have just about painted yourselfs into a corner on this one. It is not really the fact that all wheels drive is it? After all any one would half a brain would relalise that the Audi Quattro proved the advantages of 4x4 drive many years ago.

What gets your knickers in a twist is the fact that these vehicles can do more than the average and yours cannot. It is a form of jealousy or envy on your part is it not?

Come on now - it is time to put up or shut up.
Mar 27, 2005
For crying out loud give it a rest will you all. Haven't we heard enough about 4 x 4s. Change the record its boring, boring, boring
Mar 14, 2005
There it is Clive, "do more than average cars".

The "avarage" car is specialized in breaking, cornering and even crashing on the road.

The 4x4 is a jack of all trades but master of none. In fact they lean slightly towards the offroad capablities, cutting some important corners (excuse the pun) on the road capablities.

You missed the weight factor out, omission of truth is as bad as a lie.
Mar 14, 2005
I really tried Martyn, but the 4x4 mob keep telling lies. I really wanted to talk about nasty adult only sites, dogs and windbreaks.. but the proud 4x4 brigade wont stop.... please make them stop.... PLEASE......
Mar 14, 2005
Crikey Clive, you don't hang about do you!

I really, really tried not to add to this debate as we're just covering old ground... again.

The term 4x4 that we are all using refers to the "off road" vehicles that are oversized, over heavy and downright dangerous. Not 4 wheel driven road cars.

The Scoda etc would be taxed as a normal car, as I think (hope) you already know.

The 4x4 cars are dangerous (and this is the important bit) to "other" road users as they are too heavy, to high and have little crumple zone. This means that, during a crash with a normal car, the 4x4 car passengers have more chance of survival "at the cost to the normal road user". They are desinged for impact with little damage to itself and this makes them a hazard on roads.

I travel a lot through small country roads, many with only one lane and most, if not all, the 4x4 drivers coming the other way keep their road postion and speed and use the cars weight and size to bully the other road users.

I think I've answered all your points, but I'm sure you'll let me know if I've missed anything.
Based on your comments I know why you have an anti 4x4 view. You clearly feel intimidated by larger vehicles. I am sorry for you.

And lets get real please - 4x4 denotes 4 wheel drive it does note denote Off-Roaders. If you mean Offroaders for goodness sake say what you mean. If 4x4's are to be taxed diferently then saloons with 4 wheel drive will be included.

If Off-roaders are to be taxed diffently then what about the Toyota Hi-Lux, Tata truck, and the new Nissan X-trail that all offer two wheel drive versions. Also not all Land Rover products have been permanent 4 wheel drive. If you look in a Series vehicle there are levers in the cab that you have to use to engage 4 wheel drive!!

All of these vehicles are the same height size etc to the 4x4 versions so you augument falls over!!

Sorry Stinky - just like Capt Kanga you have walked straight into this one and your ignorance of the true facts is expossed for all to see. (Or at least all of those who havn't been bored to death by now by this debate)
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry Stinky - you show me a non 4x4 that can do what I need to do on a regular basis and I will consider it.
Mar 14, 2005
Based on your comments I know why you have an anti 4x4 view. You clearly feel intimidated by larger vehicles. I am sorry for you.

And lets get real please - 4x4 denotes 4 wheel drive it does note denote Off-Roaders. If you mean Offroaders for goodness sake say what you mean. If 4x4's are to be taxed diferently then saloons with 4 wheel drive will be included.

If Off-roaders are to be taxed diffently then what about the Toyota Hi-Lux, Tata truck, and the new Nissan X-trail that all offer two wheel drive versions. Also not all Land Rover products have been permanent 4 wheel drive. If you look in a Series vehicle there are levers in the cab that you have to use to engage 4 wheel drive!!

All of these vehicles are the same height size etc to the 4x4 versions so you augument falls over!!

Sorry Stinky - just like Capt Kanga you have walked straight into this one and your ignorance of the true facts is expossed for all to see. (Or at least all of those who havn't been bored to death by now by this debate)
Jun 7, 2005
Graham, you asked what vehicle to consider instead of an offroader (I will not call it a 4x4 as Clive is unable to differentiate between a saloon car which has 4 wheels driven and a big offroader)

Why not a Bentley, should be heavy enough for your van and have plently of torque. ................. or don't fill the van up to the mpltm and use a BMW 535d, in fact even with your van loaded to the hilt you should the beemer fine.
God imagine a caravan on the back of an Arnage!!!!!! No doubt it would be powerfull enough. Dont know about comfort for 7 people though. As for the beemer no chance. Anyway surley a big Bentley is worse in every conceivable way ( polution, road space weight etc) than the biggest 4x4.
Jun 7, 2005
Graham, you asked what vehicle to consider instead of an offroader (I will not call it a 4x4 as Clive is unable to differentiate between a saloon car which has 4 wheels driven and a big offroader)

Why not a Bentley, should be heavy enough for your van and have plently of torque. ................. or don't fill the van up to the mpltm and use a BMW 535d, in fact even with your van loaded to the hilt you should the beemer fine.
Anyway who the blob can afford a Bently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 14, 2005
On several ocasions I have used my 4x4 to help get stuck outfits of muddy sites, now I am wondering if one of the anti 4x4 brigade got stuck would they decline the assistance of a 4x4? or would they accept?
Mar 14, 2005
Crikey Clive, you don't hang about do you!

I really, really tried not to add to this debate as we're just covering old ground... again.

The term 4x4 that we are all using refers to the "off road" vehicles that are oversized, over heavy and downright dangerous. Not 4 wheel driven road cars.

The Scoda etc would be taxed as a normal car, as I think (hope) you already know.

The 4x4 cars are dangerous (and this is the important bit) to "other" road users as they are too heavy, to high and have little crumple zone. This means that, during a crash with a normal car, the 4x4 car passengers have more chance of survival "at the cost to the normal road user". They are desinged for impact with little damage to itself and this makes them a hazard on roads.

I travel a lot through small country roads, many with only one lane and most, if not all, the 4x4 drivers coming the other way keep their road postion and speed and use the cars weight and size to bully the other road users.

I think I've answered all your points, but I'm sure you'll let me know if I've missed anything.
I think this is just a case of moving the goalpost
Mar 14, 2005
Why exactly should 4x4 be tax more, it's clear from the anti's that it's got nothing to do with fuel economy or the enviroment, so come what is it??????????????????????????????????????????

It seems strange to me when caravaners are attack from non caravaning groups blaming us for traffic congestion, that we're here having a go at each other because our views on what type of vehicle we drive differ, who really cares. To me reading these comments I feel most of you think stalin was a great guy and had the right idea.

So to solve it, from now on you all have to drive the same car (same colour, same engine size and fuel), then there'll be no arguing.

This reminds me so much of the time I tought a class of 16-18 year old GNVQ students, same mentality arguing for arguings sake.
Mar 14, 2005
Why exactly should 4x4 be tax more, it's clear from the anti's that it's got nothing to do with fuel economy or the enviroment, so come what is it??????????????????????????????????????????

It seems strange to me when caravaners are attack from non caravaning groups blaming us for traffic congestion, that we're here having a go at each other because our views on what type of vehicle we drive differ, who really cares. To me reading these comments I feel most of you think stalin was a great guy and had the right idea.

So to solve it, from now on you all have to drive the same car (same colour, same engine size and fuel), then there'll be no arguing.

This reminds me so much of the time I tought a class of 16-18 year old GNVQ students, same mentality arguing for arguings sake.
I would argue that last point Matthew
Mar 14, 2005

Why are you comparing to GNVQ students? Do you think they are a good marker for lesser people?
Mar 14, 2005
Del, there is no worries fom proper car drivers if they get stuck in the mud. A 4x4 driver is always at hand and very keen to use the extra traction at least once in the cars life time.


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