some things never change!!

Mar 14, 2005
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Having stayed away from from this site for nearly a month because of all the bitching and childlike behaviour and also realising that Kanga had in fact 3or 4 logins..I logged in today to see if things has changed.Well where are all the people who actively supported Kanga and his clique,they have in some cases went quiet all of a sudden or are saying hear..hear..should never have been reinstated in the first place..

I for one am glad to see the back of him and friends??? and agree with one post stating that he needs help elsewhere.

I realise we have to move on but it does prove the point how fickle keyboard..friends can be.

One last point is that although Kanga and his like left a bad taste in the mouth,he certainly got all the attention he obviously graves,it was hard to find a message without him or one of his disguises being mentioned and in some cases encouraged..everyone loves a rogue..or do they...........
Mar 14, 2005
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I suppose many will not agree with me !!

I actually enjoyed all the banter backwards and forwards, good or bad.

There is always two sides, and things in the open are much better.

Lets restart so I can enjoy reading once more, whoever the author of the script is!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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There's always room for a little banter Marie, and if we could have had the "new and improved" Kanga things would probably have been ok. So, out with the old and in with the new and best foot forwards, I'm sure there's going to be something worthwhile reading regardless. Unless you're Kanga!
Jan 19, 2008
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Well in response I gave my support, rightly or wrongly, about Kanga not having a life time ban but I can assure john.b. that the only reason Ive been quiet is because Ive been away at Bladon Chains. I didnt agree with all of Kangas posts either as anyone will have read but what I will say is that in some of his posts there was a little humour to liven up what could be a dour forum.

Now Kanga has gone (I say that lightheartedly) what do you see about the forum john.b.

What I have read today is more arguing and more silliness of people not to post anymore, all because someone misinterpreted anothers post. Thats life john.b. we are ALL different and I for one dont want to be a part of a forum that talks about nothing but serious issues, I like to laugh and I dont care who makes me laugh as long as its not of a personal nature like name calling. We are a long time dead so I'm making the most of the time I have left.
Mar 14, 2005
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Well in response I gave my support, rightly or wrongly, about Kanga not having a life time ban but I can assure john.b. that the only reason Ive been quiet is because Ive been away at Bladon Chains. I didnt agree with all of Kangas posts either as anyone will have read but what I will say is that in some of his posts there was a little humour to liven up what could be a dour forum.

Now Kanga has gone (I say that lightheartedly) what do you see about the forum john.b.

What I have read today is more arguing and more silliness of people not to post anymore, all because someone misinterpreted anothers post. Thats life john.b. we are ALL different and I for one dont want to be a part of a forum that talks about nothing but serious issues, I like to laugh and I dont care who makes me laugh as long as its not of a personal nature like name calling. We are a long time dead so I'm making the most of the time I have left.
Lord.B. - I agree with most of what you say but Kanga did seem to upset more people than most.I also agree we are all entitled to our opinion and air our views but this is where maturity should kick in and not go out of our way to insult or upset people.

I am not a shy retiring wallflower but I treat others as I like to be treated,face to face or via the keyboard etc..

I can and do make a choice,as I have said I very seldom log into this site now and to be honest it has'nt changed much only the players have changed ,if thats what the majority want then thats democracy.

Thankfully I see there are still a good number of true caravanners giving good tips and advise for all to view and do not get involved in the politics.

Its not all stuffy and serious as you seem to think without the likes of Kanga,I agree you need a bit of banter to keep things going as you do in the real world but you also choose your friends but people like Kanga would tend to be ignored and have few if any friends.

Sorry if this all feels a bit heavy but I think you missed my point in previous post.
Mar 14, 2005
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It has been boring lately, I really miss all the banter.

As its something you only read from people you don't know DOES IT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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I agree Marie, I too like the banter but draw a line under it when it gets nasty and personal, there is no need for that, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. What I do find interesting or strange is that after Ive been 5 days away and 6 days since Kanga last posted people are still talking about him. I bet Kanga, when reading this because Im sure he will be, is laughing his a*** off. I know I would be if I was him.
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree Marie, I too like the banter but draw a line under it when it gets nasty and personal, there is no need for that, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. What I do find interesting or strange is that after Ive been 5 days away and 6 days since Kanga last posted people are still talking about him. I bet Kanga, when reading this because Im sure he will be, is laughing his a*** off. I know I would be if I was him.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?

Damn, thats my comedy routine out the window...
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh I am sure he is tittering away in the background probably plotting something else that he defines as "clever".

The reason why he is the topic of conversation is that he actually took the trouble and effort to construct a whole world of imaginary people around him to give himself the support and attention he craved. This is unusual and bizarre behaviour.

I am surprised certain professionals are not lining up to write their PhD thesis on him.
Jul 12, 2005
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Clive, I don't know about prof's with PHD's but I am sure some locals with pickaxe's would be possible.

Oh, and its me, Steve. Changed my name to stop any confusion. Are you joining us in Easter now?

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Steve

Yes - it looks like we are going to be able to make it.

I have been meaning to make specific contact with you (thanks for your email address) but we are on holiday last part of this week and all of next so am trying to cram 4 weeks work into two.
Jul 12, 2005
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Give us a shout when you get back. I am going to get the van out of storage today and may (if I can convince the wife) go away for a few days.



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