Storage / In or Out

Mar 14, 2005
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Our van ( 95 vintage , 2 owners fm new inc us )is currently stored under cover , however the storage facility may have to close (due to our wonderfull government wanting extra monies from the site owners for tax of some sort ) unless all the owners of vans cough up extra money to help pay for this . My question is what is better " inside storage or outdoor " I like the idea of out of site out of mind , not being subjected to the weather all year round but due to where the vans are you cannot just turn up and collect your van as others have to be moved out of the way (bit like a rubiks cube , although the site owners are very careful moving the vans ) but is it worth an extra 3 figure storage charge per year.

all comments welcome , thanks
Mar 14, 2005
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I too prefer indoor storage until I met a fellow camper who said he always stored his outside but had an offer to store inside - may be a coincidence but his van leaked he reckoned the mastic shrunk as it was so dry - so put me off


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