Thetford C250 not flushing

Jul 8, 2012
Hi can anyone advise where the fuse or resister is for this toilet mine is not working and having read up on it there is a fuse or some have called it a resistor behind the flush tank but I don't know how to get to it, I had a friend check the power to the PCB and that's ok but there's no power going to the pump, he has checked the pump and that is working but was a bit slow to start with but fine now so we thought we would check the fuse first???
Nov 11, 2009
If the pump is working fine now it’s not the fuse but you could have had a poor connection somewhere. I had a similar problem which turned out to be the contacts under the flexible push membrane. They are notorious for getting corrosion if not used. So mine get a push every couple of weeks when not in use. I cleaned the contacts using electrical contact cleaner and very very fine polishing emery. Some have then sprayed the pcb with lacquer to reduce the likelihood of it happening again
Jul 8, 2012
Hi thanks for the advise the pump is working but only if jumped across the battery we took it out to do this it wouldnt work through the PCB or switch but I will get some cleaner and clean contact although they look perfectly clean, could you advise where the fuse is or how to get to it please just so I can rule this out
Nov 11, 2009
Sorry but when I too had a problem I looked all within the thetford compartment and couldn’t find one. Despite reading a number of web threads from different forums. So I cleaned any wiring connections in that area and then took the flush push membrane off.
Sorry that I can’t be more help.
Oct 17, 2010
In my C250 toilet, there is a fuse right at back of the waste tank compartment. There is a "L" shaped piece plastic with a fuse in at least one (room for two) in the bottom right hand corner. .


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