Unfriendly Caravanners - surely not!!!

Aug 28, 2005
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It seems to be more and more of a trend now days, having pitched and sorted your self out you do not sit outside your van and pass the time of day with your fellow caravanners but erect 4 or 5 windbreakers completely surrounding your van and yourselves. What is going on? Why do you do it - if you are that unsociable - stay at home!!! We have just come back from a stay at Cherry Hinton and there was no shortage of "Breakers" there - also a very interesting luminous blue feather parasol - another question that begs why!!!
Jun 30, 2005
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we use a couple of wind breaks as a kind of corral to allow our toddler the freedom to roam within the confines of our "allocated space". I agree it does look like Fort Knox a bit but it does give us a bit of piece of mind knowing that the baby can't escape.

Aug 28, 2005
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we use a couple of wind breaks as a kind of corral to allow our toddler the freedom to roam within the confines of our "allocated space". I agree it does look like Fort Knox a bit but it does give us a bit of piece of mind knowing that the baby can't escape.

Totally understand that scenario - have two toddlers myself - my annoyance is at the people who completely cut themselves off and in my experience it is the people who are caravanning without children. As I say over this past year I have come across many of the "breaker brigade" and find it all rather odd that they partake in one of the most sociable and enjoyable things to do and do not wish to speak or look at other people.
Aug 28, 2005
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Totally understand that scenario - have two toddlers myself - my annoyance is at the people who completely cut themselves off and in my experience it is the people who are caravanning without children. As I say over this past year I have come across many of the "breaker brigade" and find it all rather odd that they partake in one of the most sociable and enjoyable things to do and do not wish to speak or look at other people.
Jun 30, 2005
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Totally understand that scenario - have two toddlers myself - my annoyance is at the people who completely cut themselves off and in my experience it is the people who are caravanning without children. As I say over this past year I have come across many of the "breaker brigade" and find it all rather odd that they partake in one of the most sociable and enjoyable things to do and do not wish to speak or look at other people.
Again I agree earlier in the year in Torquay we saw a couple put up a wind break with the only purpose of stopping kids from using the direct route to the play area, i.e going passed their awning, forcing them to make a 50 yard detour around said windbreak, their 4x4 and a set of taps/bins. I do feel guilty when we put up ours, as we like to be friendly, however the toddler rules!

Jul 31, 2010
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Blimey, moaning about fuel prices, putting up wind breaks, is there anything else that we are all doing wrong. I sure everyone will be happy to stop whatever it is so they don't spoil your enjoyment of caravaning.If you dont like wind breaks,then don't look at them, but please stop the moaning.

Steve W
Mar 14, 2005
One can't force people to be sociable. Some caravanners are perfectly happy to be left on their own little island all to themselves and don't have the urge to talk much to anybody else. If that's what they want, why should one deny them the right to go caravanning?
Aug 28, 2005
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Forgive me but I imagine that you are some of the people who wax lyrical about what a sociable and friendly past time caravanning is. I am all for live and let live but would it really hurt just to say "hello" or "morning"??

My point was that is gives a very unfriendly air which is a shame.

As for not looking at them - you can hardly miss the multi coloured strips of nastiness!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Why is a certain %'age of contributors on this Forun SO judgemental?? So what if people like to have windbreaks. Good grief - could it actually be that it is WINDY !!!

Nothing like being able to breakwind in private.

Far too much opinion and too little respect for others views. If we let the "anti's" of any type have their way we will all be given a prescriptive list of what we can and cannot do with our caravan, tow car, etc. etc.

As for MONKEY saying "if you are that unsociable - stay at home!!!" - What arrogance.

Who the h*ll are you to dictate how others should enjoy themselves? Go join the "happy clappys" if you want and need a social life.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hark at the kettle calling the pot black you,ve got some front reading all your bits and pieces you spout about.Don,t throw stones in glasshouses.Jim
Aug 28, 2005
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I take it you are part of the "breaker brigade" and if they are all as rude as you - perhaps they are a fantastic idea!! Because I would not like to talk to somebody like you on my holiday. Taking a pop at what you call "the happy clappy" people - do you scrape the floor when you walk or can you get any lower?

My point was that surely people should have the manners to say hello and give a smile. I am not saying they are wrong what I am saying is - is it really neccessary to place breakers all around your van - having to lift them out of the ground to get anywhere further than 6ft away from your van.

So this will be my last message on the subject - remember a smile costs nothing.
Mar 14, 2005
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Jim - you should read more carefully - I have never, ever said that my views are what others should do. I am dead against the "anti's" of any size shape or colour.

Take the trouble to read and understand what I have said previously and you will realise you are very much mistaken.
Mar 14, 2005
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Monkey - your responce tell me morte about you than anything else. Telling people to stay at home unless they conform to your idea of what is acceptable is hardly a christian act.

Get a life
Aug 28, 2005
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Could'nt let this go Clive could you - so I must just say - I have never said that people should conform to what I say - unlike yourself I am not arrogant enough to think that I am correct all of the time - you do not seem to understand my point was not necessarily the breakers but the attitude of people like you who use them.

You know nothing about me whatsoever so do not say that you do - as for getting a life hardly a christian sentiment.

I have a life and I obviously enjoy it more than you as I am not as confrontational and aggressive as yourself.

Just think about what you say to people Clive - sometimes it comes across as being plain not nice - is that what you are intending - if so well done your'e a master.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you Chrissie - lets all do what we want to do when camping not what some "jobs worth" thinks is correct.

I caravan for the freedom it give me and the chance to meet new people. I have never found that people with windbreaks or not are any different as regards how they great you.

I think its more to do with a minority view on what people should be allowed to errect on site -

"Multi coloured strips of nastiness" says Monkey!!!!!!

I think the nastiness resides elswhere - not on any camp site.
Mar 14, 2005
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whoops - really touched a nerve here Monkey. However - I can say this with absolute accuracy and honesty - I DO NOT OWN OR USE WINDBREAKS !!!!

Yet you assume that I do and pillory me for it.

Like I said earlier - Get a life - I feel sorry for you.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ok lets have a "totting up" shall we_

You state that people are unsociable if they have a wind break and that they should stay at home.

You then go on to call windbreaks multi coloured strips of nastiness

What is it about this that is not an overt display of arrogance?

As for me wanting to get people to conform to what I say - all I want is for people to respect each other and if they want to use windbreaks - so what?

If they want to tow their caravan with a "whatever" - so what?

Sorry Monkey - before pointing out the spec of wood in my eye you might want to take care of the plank in yours.
Aug 6, 2005
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Hark at the kettle calling the pot black you,ve got some front reading all your bits and pieces you spout about.Don,t throw stones in glasshouses.Jim
We used to live in Glasshouses, N Yorks, and got really fed up with all the stone throwing that went on!! Come on you lot, a windbreak is not the end of the world and not worth getting into a paddy about especially on such a nice sunny day. Live and let live is wot we say, everyone is differant and does it really matter if some people erect windbreaks and not wish to speak to you
Aug 28, 2005
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There is an obvious reply about the only plank being you but I am a grown-up and am sick of this level of debating.

Does a debate always have to resort with you getting personal with people - can you not just have a friendly debate (remember the good old days)? You get very personal therefore making them retaliate.

I am sure the majority of users of this forum want us all to be able to express our opinions without being shot down and personally attacked for it.

This forum is turning into a bear pit and it does not have a nice feel about it.

Can't we kiss and make up Clive?:)
Mar 14, 2005
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I have no problem with agreeing to disagree! Draw the line at kissing tho!!!

Seriously - I do not think it fair that emotional wording is used such as telling people to stay at home if they have windbreaks or describing the item as nasty.

As I said - I do not have a windbreak - but please consider how people new to caravaning who wanted a bit of privacy would feel having read your posting.

I am all for live and let live. And yes I am a person who hates the "anti's" of any shape colour or form.

I have always said as a group we have more in common than differences. Believe it or not I do not like windbreaks either!! I like to sit outside my awning and look as far as possible and enjoy what goes on and what goes by. I say hello to all and sundry. We have a great time!!

What I do not do is judge people and I do not like to see others being unfairly judged. I cannot stand dogma and will stand up against it every time.

If we can agree to disagree we should "shake hands" on it.

I am more that happy to do so
Aug 28, 2005
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Clive, I agree that I should not have told people to stay at home - and for this I apologise to the many people who enjoy the benefits of a wind breaker.

I was merely sounding off after being totally ignored by a couple of wind breaker weilding caravanners on my last trip away.

Consider our hands shaken and peace and harmony restored on the forum.


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