Does not surprise me one bit you have only got to see what they grab off the shelves in the supermarkets, Pasta and beans,I had to go to the local surgery (which has a built in pharmacy) to collect a prescription, there was a queue of about 6 people, all of whom were keeping to the 2m separation until a young woman barged in, and had to be told what to do...
Just walked around to a Tesco and Lidl to buy a dozen eggs for a friend who has just been discharged after two major bowel cancer ops during a three week hospitalisation. Neither had any eggs, or much at all. En route back home I passed the local pub. Absolutely packed; presumably having a good get together before the pub closes for a period. So much for the social responsibility that HMG lays so much store by.Why don't they stop it. Said it before, Super Markets are not going to stop it, they are making a fortune. Years average turn over ,in a few weeks. They are laughing all the way to the bank.
Glum. I’m cracking on with outdoor jobs that have been held over this rubbish winter. A nice albeit cool spring morning. Local landscaper/fencer has delivered me lots of timbers for bordering the lawn edges and raising beds. Paint arrived for decorating a bedroom and two IKEA wardrobes arrive next week. I’m just worried that I might get so much done that I will have to just sit out in the garden all summer.Another happy post on a glum saturday,
Good for you mate come and do mine next,Glum. I’m cracking on with outdoor jobs that have been held over this rubbish winter. A nice albeit cool spring morning. Local landscaper/fencer has delivered me lots of timbers for bordering the lawn edges and raising beds. Paint arrived for decorating a bedroom and two IKEA wardrobes arrive next week. I’m just worried that I might get so much done that I will have to just sit out in the garden all summer.
And living only 20 minutes from Westonbirt I might make even more use of my membership. The dogs will not object to that.
Got BH out of bed at 0630 yesterday to go to Sainsburys for the vulnerable folks slot. She was grumpy and complained. I qualify by being over 70 but she is younger. We did our normal shop except only went to one shop. We got what we needed except for UHT milk and tomato puree. The freezers were empty except for weight watchers and slimming world ready meals and some veggie stuff. Even the Quorn chicken pieces had gone, just hope folks who bought them expecting chicken aren't too disappointed. Also surprised that people voted for Brexit but are panic buying pasta- ironic. Called at paint depot for fence paint I'd ordered and they told me they'd been busy because of getting ready to make good use of time if in lock down. We are getting used to being restricted, normally got the year planned in the caravan. A message to otherclive; you called steak and kidney puddings babies heads. Our family does so and we are unsure where it comes from.
Clive , How things change in a week😎. I understand over 100 pure British companies are now manufacturing parts or whole ventilators. Companies include RR and G-tech vacuum cleaners. Well done all these companies and their staff for tooling up so quickly. Good old British ingenuity👍👍👍I didn’t know whether to feel sorry or annoyed at MattHancocks performance on tv yesterday. I really don’t know what planet he lives on if he think motor car manufacturers can convert production lines to make ventilators. He clearly hasn’t seen a modern car production line. If he’s trying to evoke the spirit of 1939 then as far as I’m concerned he made a fool of himself.
Making ventilators for use by NHS requires a specification. You can’t just go out and copy an exiting manufacturers unit. There are IPR, Product safety, EMC compatibility specs etc. Given all of those then there will be the design, supply chain and production issues to sort out. It can be done of that there’s no doubt. But what is required are companies that have agile and flexible organisations used to responding to production runs that are variable. If we currently have 5000 ventilators no one has said how many more are required. But let’s just say another 5000. Not too difficult for a designer, manufacturer and farmer.
On that basis I’m just going to finish vacuuming the lounge whilst my wife dries her hair, then ring up my stockbroker and buy shares before they rocket. Names on a postcard please.
That’s great but should I ask my stockbroker to sell the new Dyson shares? 🤗 When you see how many companies we have from the large RR down to SMEs it’s pleasing to see how they are responding. Perhaps in the longer term we may see a trend to more home based manufacture.Clive , How things change in a week😎. I understand over 100 pure British companies are now manufacturing parts or whole ventilators. Companies include RR and G-tech vacuum cleaners. Well done all these companies and their staff for tooling up so quickly. Good old British ingenuity👍👍👍