What crisis🤔

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Nov 11, 2009
In view of the CAMC latest edict I am certain seasonals are fully entitled to a full refund. However it is a different situation with private sites as the Woosies found out. All Ts&Cs ar different.

Yes it’s going to put both Club and private sites under tremendous financial pressure given their future income is now lost for a normal busy period, and any refunds will only exacerbate an already difficult position. No one can be very certain in what financial condition they will be in when the end of this tunnel is reached.
Oct 17, 2010
Just been sunning myself in the garden, beautiful spring day. Looking up at a completely blue sky, with wisps of high cloud. Suddenly thought how quite it is. I can hear the motor bikes on the main road below us, but not many. So far this isolation thingy don't seem so bad, so far. Then a small aircraft flew over, watch it float away, then I realised there are no con trails, that usually criss cross the sky, above us, not one.
From were I sit the flight path to East Midlands Airport runs to the east of us, and I usually can watch then fly left to right of me before they turn left onto there final approach to Donnington, not one. I know it's Sunday but you usually see one or two. So quite!!!
Jun 17, 2011
Thanks Otherclive, mentioning HMS Intrepid. I thought it must have been an naval phrase and you confirm it.
Jun 20, 2005
On a brighter note at 6.00am today Tesco Cirencester shelves were 90% full. The only item unavailable was UHT milk. Plenty of everything else including bog rolls. One downside you are restricted to 3 of each item . I was allowed three £1.00 bunches of daffodils🤪🤪 Well done all the staff who worked overnight at Tesco to achieve full shelves 👏👏👏
Nov 11, 2009
Our daughter called into Sainsbury’s Chippenham yesterday and bought us a couple of bags of shopping. She separated hers from ours in the trolley and when questioned at the checkout as some items were over the limit she showed them her NHS card and explained she was buying for herself and us and that was okay. She said that even around mid day there was enough stuff with something’s empty but not show stopping.
To lighten her load a bit I’ve tried to arrange a Sainsbury on line order for 2-3 weeks hence. We’ve not had one since we moved home 12 months ago. I logged on at 0300 no slots for delivery or collect. Updated the app at 0650. Zilch. Haven’t received the email to be sent to the silver shoppers. So rang the given telephone number. Zilch. What has been surprising is how our family and us are sourcing more from other suppliers. Milk being delivered. Farm shop veg boxes on order or collect. British meat from Yorkshire. Eggs from local free range farm. Our daughter says that supporting these small businesses feels good and she plans to continue when all this is over as we will probably need them after 31 December 2020. :)
Nov 11, 2009
If only they had caravans or motorhomes they could hoard so much more :) This could be a future market opportunity for the industry. Your own self contained isolation pod on the drive available to hire via AirbnB.
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Sep 5, 2016
Went down to our local sainsburys at 8010 and compared to lat monday it was like a normal day by the way the knly item I wanted was a tub of ice cream,
Nov 16, 2015
Our tiny local Costa Coffee shop is closed and the manager was giving away the bags of milk. So free beer from the pub and free milk , not bad for a Rural Milton Keynes village.
I didn't need any milk, left it for others.
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Nov 11, 2009
The degree and speed of innovation with IT and social media is quite breathtaking. I now see real time online gyms, school lessons and community support initiatives.

Our granddaughters Taekwondo club were caught out just as they were in the run up to2nd Dan grading. So they now have sessions on Skype in the evenings. These are monitored by the senior instructor so that keeps our granddaughters record for “ keep fit” up to date for her Duke if Edinburgh. And it also allows her to instruct her group which again counts for community volunteering with DOE. All this has been set up within a couple of weeks. When all this is over it will be interesting to see how many of these changes continue to evolve our society.
Sep 26, 2018
I think you're right; this outbreak has opened up many features to a lot of people. Once done, I'm sure we'll go back to some of the "old ways", but the new ways will persist... Who knows it may stop the ridiculousness of an employee driving x hours for a 30 minute meeting and back....
May 24, 2014
Has any one found an online pub yet?

Yeah but I wasnt impressed with it. I only drink draught, and with the online stuff there was a tang of copper wire, obviously picked up from our behind the times network. Apparently the stuff that comes down the newer pure fibre is spirits only, as its fibre optic. Geddit?
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Sep 5, 2016
Just had a post from a lorry driving mate and he is delivering to a Aldi RDC, 32 loading bays all full with lorries delivering food items which we all need also there are another seventeen lorries waiting to unload, don't panic buy this proves you don't need to,
May 7, 2012
Went to our local Tesco this morning and the shelves while not full are certainly starting to fill up again. Providing you accept whatever brand is there, and swap a few other things for alternatives, there was enough to survive. They even had a few toilet rolls.
Sep 26, 2018
Went to our local Tesco this morning and the shelves while not full are certainly starting to fill up again. Providing you accept whatever brand is there, and swap a few other things for alternatives, there was enough to survive. They even had a few toilet rolls.
+1... Except not loo roll, kitchen roll or detergent/washing up liquid
May 24, 2014
Handy hint. If no loo roll, get Plenty kitchen roll and cut it in half with a jig saw. If neither available, Im afraid its the belt sander.
May 7, 2012
If all else fails there is always newspaper, but do be aware of the black bottom and wear black underwear.
Nov 11, 2009
This article from Der
Spiegel makes for sobering reading re the aftershocks of Covid 19.

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Jun 20, 2005
Not good logic imo. The reality is we are all fighting for our lives. Let’s focus on surviving 👍👍
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May 24, 2014
Perhaps we can get a bulk delivery of Der Spiegl seeing as how scarce Andrex is right now.

With newspapers discard 50% of what you read and distrust 49% of the remainder.
Jun 17, 2011
Had an online delivery from Sainsbury’s yesterday. A few substitutes but nothing drastic. Didn’t want bog rolls, we’ve been on an economy drive using both sides, (sorry), nor cleaners or pasta and mainly had fresh stuff. Restricted to 2 uht milk which we like for porridge. On the bog theme I told grandchildren that granddad has to pay for every drop of water and so they don’t leave tap running. They’ve stuck rigidly to the rule, before the present scare, and my water bill is low. I’ve had to rod the drain twice!!! Drain runs slow because of insufficient water. Keep safe and cheerful.
May 24, 2014
We have been lucky this week. Had a Sainsburys delivery, no shotage of loo roll, UHT milk or pasta. Got most of what we asked for with few subsitutes. After delivery, my daughter logged into our account and got another delivery for herself for Friday. We have also ordered one of the Morrisons Meat Eater Food Boxes, coming Friday so that should be good for a laugh. Online, managed to pick up 50 Andrex loo rolls for a fiver plus delivery. Its definitely beginning to ease.

Oone of our sons in law has had to carry on working, and unfortunately it looks like he picked up the virus. It absolutely floored him for three days but hes well on the mend already. We are expecting our daughter and grandson to start soon. A very worrying time.


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