Having slated the CCC's site managers on another thread, I feel I must put in a word for their Carefree Travel Service here, since it is one of the reasons we continue to pay our membership fee. In fact, its prices will average out pretty much the same as the CC's - it will depend very much on your choice of dates, crossings and sites as to who will offer the cheapest deal for a particular holiday. Both give an excellent service. We also know people who have used Select Sites, and their prices appear competitive. Eurocamp will always be more expensive. I would suggest that they are probably only worth considering if you are very nervous and want the backup of on-site representatives. We have never felt the need for this, but only you can decide if you feel it is worth paying perhaps a few extra hundred pounds for. (I am not knocking them, we first got into this great hobby by hiring one of their ready-erected tents - that was in 1985, and the rest -as they say - is history!).