Why was my post removed

May 31, 2020
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Hey everyone I'm relatively new to this forum. I previously posted question and for some reason it's been removed. Can anyone explain why ?
May 31, 2020
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Please see a Private Message

Wont even let me reply to your conversation.

Yesterday I posted asking if anyone new of any sourses for caravan valuations. Then someone sent me a link of a company on a different platform. So I replied to my original post on here asking if anyone one here has heard of this company.


Nov 12, 2009
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Mea Culpa
Please accept my abject apologies.
Forum members often highlight spam posts (unauthorised advertising) in case we haven't noticed them to remove them.
I was half awake this morning getting ready to prepare breakfast and I quickly checked the forum, and I noticed that someone had referred to your link as possible spam.
Without really looking properly as I should have, I activated our spam cleaning software.
In effect this suspended the membership of Jamsell 89 and removed all of the posts.
By this time I'd had that all important gulp of Sunday morning tea and had woken up properly.
When I realised my mistake I reinstated everything, and have only just looked in again since then.
Sorry about that, I'm usually wide awake when I look at the message boards, but not today.
Jun 20, 2005
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Mea Culpa
Please accept my abject apologies.
Forum members often highlight spam posts (unauthorised advertising) in case we haven't noticed them to remove them.
I was half awake this morning getting ready to prepare breakfast and I quickly checked the forum, and I noticed that someone had referred to your link as possible spam.
Without really looking properly as I should have, I activated our spam cleaning software.
In effect this suspended the membership of Jamsell 89 and removed all of the posts.
By this time I'd had that all important gulp of Sunday morning tea and had woken up properly.
When I realised my mistake I reinstated everything, and have only just looked in again since then.
Sorry about that, I'm usually wide awake when I look at the message boards, but not today.
You are forgiven my son, say three hail Mary’s 🤪🤪
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