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Jul 15, 2008
........good luck with the caravan job Kevin :huh:
Sitting here in Glastonbury.......glass in hand......thinking of you grovelling under the caravan :whistle: ;) ;)


Mar 17, 2007
Gagakev said:
CyberCynth said:
Unpacked? You're not fair-weather caravanners, are you Kev?! I'm hoping to get out again next month, and looking for a New Year rally to attend, courtesy of the C&CC DAs. Onwards and upwards! Woo hoooo!

Fair weather caravanners :huh:
As most know it nearly always rains when I go away, mind you this year hasnt been too bad to be honest,
Unfortunately us workers only get allocated 15 days summer hols and 5 days bank hols (5 for xmas + 3 Bank)
We have to plan at the beginning of the year And allow 4 days for the Woosiefest of course and Lady mags always works either Christmas day/ boxing day and or New years day so christmas break is out for us :(
Managed to get in a grand total of 31 nights this year :)

About 10 days more than us Kev. :( This working lark really eats into the caravanning time. Whilst I subscribe to the school of thought that says a touring caravan is for touring; I am also persuaded by the school of thought that says, a caravan sat on the driveway is an expensive and not very attractive garden ornament. With this in mind we have taken a punt on a seasonal pitch for next year. The plan is that we can go Saturday to Sunday frequently and the adult offspring can use it as well. Dunno if this is going to work or not: more like an experiment really. I'll let you know how it goes. I will of course move it for the Autumn
Come retirement or semi retirement it will be a different plan. B)
Jun 20, 2005
That's interesting Mel.
When we worked , every other weekend we drove to a site within roughly 90 minutes away.
I cheated a bit as I was lucky to be my own boss and could come and go as I pleased.
We usually reached our destination by 6.30pm
Some friends of ours recently checked into a site 4 miles from home!
Good luck with the seasonal.
Apr 20, 2009
Gafferbill said:
........good luck with the caravan job Kevin :huh:
Sitting here in Glastonbury.......glass in hand......thinking of you grovelling under the caravan :whistle: ;) ;)

Thanks for the good luck wishes.....I need it, (ive got a glass in my hand now) Been at it 5 hours and still havent got the wheel arch off, It is stuck solid!!! slowly chipping away at it still got about 150mm (6 inches) to go.

Oh and to cap it off the right hand side floor is rotton as well now, one thing is for sure the dealer who did the original repair did not remove the arch!! :angry:
Apr 20, 2009
About 10 days more than us Kev. :( This working lark really eats into the caravanning time. Whilst I subscribe to the school of thought that says a touring caravan is for touring; I am also persuaded by the school of thought that says, a caravan sat on the driveway is an expensive and not very attractive garden ornament. With this in mind we have taken a punt on a seasonal pitch for next year. The plan is that we can go Saturday to Sunday frequently and the adult offspring can use it as well. Dunno if this is going to work or not: more like an experiment really. I'll let you know how it goes. I will of course move it for the Autumn
Come retirement or semi retirement it will be a different plan. B)

Mel you and Dusty have got us thinking now, just spoke to Ladymags about it and she is looking for an area she likes.
Dont think I would do the full seasonal though but a storage and pull on pull of facility would be appealing.
Food for thought.
Feb 4, 2014
Dustydog said:
That's interesting Mel.
When we worked , every other weekend we drove to a site within roughly 90 minutes away.
I cheated a bit as I was lucky to be my own boss and could come and go as I pleased.
We usually reached our destination by 6.30pm
Some friends of ours recently checked into a site 4 miles from home!
Good luck with the seasonal.

I really don't blame your friends for staying local! The great thing about caravanning is the 'wind-down' aspect: even if you are still close to home, you're away from all those niggling little jobs that keep shouting at your conscience - 'Mend me! Mend me!'
Apr 20, 2009
Gafferbill said:
.....another cunning plan is to retire :) :)
I was lucky enough to be able to do so at 54 :whistle:

I cant retire just yet............................daughter and grandson live in my pension pot :(
Oh and to cap it off her child hood sweet heart moved in as well last week :blink:
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Don't know when we will get out in the van again :( Perhaps January. Came back from Wheatalot to the joyful news of grandchild number 3 on its way. :lol: :cheer: Due at the end of April. This means PC rally will definitely be out if it is occupying its usual early May Bank Holiday slot.

Queen Mel can you raise my Bar status please we have grandchild number three on the way due in Feb.

congratulations on your 3rd............more money to be spent, ah but there worth it.

May be cause to down size the van now :lol: Didnt mind having the two but a THIRD is going OTT :lol:


Mar 17, 2007
Gagakev said:
Mel said:
Don't know when we will get out in the van again :( Perhaps January. Came back from Wheatalot to the joyful news of grandchild number 3 on its way. :lol: :cheer: Due at the end of April. This means PC rally will definitely be out if it is occupying its usual early May Bank Holiday slot.

Queen Mel can you raise my Bar status please we have grandchild number three on the way due in Feb.

congratulations on your 3rd............more money to be spent, ah but there worth it.

May be cause to down size the van now :lol: Didnt mind having the two but a THIRD is going OTT :lol:

Many congratulations Sir Kev. In recognition of your services in producing grandchildren, brewing beer and caravan repair I hearby convey a further Bar. Prop it up with honour.
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Queen Mel I will forever be your loyal servant :kiss:
Many thanks for presenting me with my 3rd Bar, talking of bars my next project is to build a bar in the house to stash the home brew :woohoo:
That will be after completing my balustrade on the decking outside (weekends due to dark evenings) and the caravan repair of which I have started and have hit a problem, whilst removing the wheel spat (Arch) i SPLIT it GRRRR awaiting a new one to arrive!! One thing is for sure when the dealer ATTEMPTED the repair they certainly did not remove it to do a proper job as it has taken over 5 hours to get it of and it's still not off!!! The mastic is really tough and awkward to get at but I will get there. Also found that the floor underneath on the other side of the arch is rotton so surely a design fault, oh well onwards and upwards or should I have said underneath!!!!


Mar 17, 2007
Dustydog said:
That's interesting Mel.
When we worked , every other weekend we drove to a site within roughly 90 minutes away.
I cheated a bit as I was lucky to be my own boss and could come and go as I pleased.
We usually reached our destination by 6.30pm
Some friends of ours recently checked into a site 4 miles from home!
Good luck with the seasonal.

Thanks DD. Our trouble is that we are lucky to be hitched up by 6.30; which pjuts us on a site, steadies down and wine open at about 8.00. Then we are winding the steadies up again at 11.00 on the Sunday morning. It isn't worth the effort for a weekend. I don't know if the numbers will stack up. We are going to have to go an awful lot to stop the seasonal being the most expensive pitch in the history of caravanning . However if my adult daughters use the van for a couple of holidays then we will be in profit, as they have no money and any hols tend to be courtesy of the Bank of mum and Dad anyway. It could be that at the end of the season we write it off as an expensive mistake, or we will feel jolly smug B) . As Sir Aleman said, we could spend the same on a package holiday, get a tummy bug and that would be an equal waste. I am quite prepared for any outcome.
Live and learn
Jul 15, 2008
........escaped the rain in Sussex and swapped it for the warm rain in Albufeira!!! :)
When the Sun is out it is warm enough to relax on the beach here.....someone has to do it so I volunteered ;)

Left the caravan at home courtesy of Easyjet


Mar 17, 2007
Gafferbill said:
........escaped the rain in Sussex and swapped it for the warm rain in Albufeira!!! :)
When the Sun is out it is warm enough to relax on the beach here.....someone has to do it so I volunteered ;)

Left the caravan at home courtesy of Easyjet

Yep, you can't get a caravan in the overhead locker
Have a lovely time
Apr 20, 2009
I'm feeling right at home just now.
Peeing it down most off the day with wind speed about 2 mile from work recorded at 93mph. Berryhead Brixham. Lads have been out catching flying scaffold boards all day. More expected tonight. Sunshine!!! Gaffabill you don't know what you are missing!!


Jul 20, 2008
Hi all

Long time no speak bear with me as can only use mobile!! hope your all well, Stowford have just posted on Facebook taking bookings for reader rally xx

Count us in please and hopefully have laptop up and running again soon aghhh!!!!

Feb 4, 2014
Di3 said:
Hi all

Long time no speak bear with me as can only use mobile!! hope your all well, Stowford have just posted on Facebook taking bookings for reader rally xx

Count us in please and hopefully have laptop up and running again soon aghhh!!!!


Hi Di, nice to see you posting again, looking forward to meeting you at Stowford,
Best wishes, Cynth.
Feb 3, 2008
Moving the Woosie discussion about the PC Rally 2015 over to this thread - I hope all those who go have a very good time and good luck for the quiz. ;)


Mar 17, 2007
Thank you Sir WC.


I happy to be middle woman for the booking, although I am not going myself. I believe Parksy circulated our email addresses last year. Mine has not changed. If those of you who want to go email me, I will send you my postal address; you send me the cheque and booking form and I'll send them all orf together. Are there favoured pitches?

Apr 20, 2009
Looks like we wont be going this time, been three times so with my limited holiday entitlement we will probably
pop off somewhere different. Shame it's at Stowford again.
Jun 20, 2005
We will probably give it a miss too next year. My mum lives between Bideford and Barnstaple. She has been in and out of hospital over the last six months . At the moment we are suffering from an over indulgence of North Devon.If we do Scotland it will be May or September. Undecided at the moment.


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