Woosie Club

Page 99 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Dec 30, 2013
Hope you're all having and continue to have a wonderful time. As you can see from the colour of this post, I'm green with envy :sick: doesn't help that the van is still in pieces and therefore not useable at present; also we have 2 kids who we can't disguise as adults yet!!
I'll drink to you all when I open a new bottle tomorrow evening!
Cheers all and enjoy.
Jun 20, 2005
In true Woosie style. Lady Mel and Sir Aleman are holding an open air beer fret at their country home Wheatalot.
Looking good plus it's not raining.
Jul 15, 2008
............ :) :) :)
Nice evening all chatting round the beer table at Wheatalot.
Thanks to Gagakev and Lady Mags and Lady Mel and Sir Aleman.

........Oh and thanks to Sprocket for the lighting ⚡⚡
Jun 20, 2005
Dame Crazy Guider
you may have just received His Royal Woosienesses last script as King WC
Tonight he reveals to all the Woosies who his successor is.
King WC has been an excellent Woosie King leading us backwards and forwards over the last 12 months.
The feast is being prepared.
It all kicks off in The Three Horseshoes Wheatalot 7.00pm.
Sorry you won't be with us.


Nov 12, 2009
Good morning Woosies, I hope that none of you have thick heads or indigestion after last nights festivities B)
Thank you all for inviting Carole and myself as honorary Woosies and,congratulations to the worthy winners of the quiz which was as usual compiled and hosted so very well by Sir Dustydog.
I have to go out soon for for anyone who I don't see later who is off home today, Au Revoir and have a safe journey.
Feb 3, 2008
Dustydog said:
Dame Crazy Guider
you may have just received His Royal Woosienesses last script as King WC
Tonight he reveals to all the Woosies who his successor is.
King WC has been an excellent Woosie King leading us backwards and forwards over the last 12 months.
The feast is being prepared.
It all kicks off in The Three Horseshoes Wheatalot 7.00pm.
Sorry you won't be with us.

To all those who were unfortunate not to be at the Woosiefest last night - our new leader for the next 12 months is:

Queen Mel :kiss: :kiss:

We wish her all the best for her reign, and will serve her diligently. ;)
Feb 4, 2014
All hail, Queen Mel! 'Tis your trusty servant Baroness Barmy and Princess Wotamess, here to drop to one knee to thank you for your kindness on my arrival on site on Thursday - especially for the cup of coffee, very welcome! In fact, thank you to all knights and ladies of the Woosie Round Table for accepting me into the fold with such a warm welcome! Wow, what a sumptuous feast last night, and a great quiz to round the evening off!

Queen Mel and your prince consort, just in case I don't see you before you go, have a safe journey home, take care, and look forward to seeing you again.
Dec 30, 2013
Salaams to you Queen Mel. May your reign be one of peace and fortitude! Consider I've bent the knee in obsequios observance of your majesty. I could go on but I've run out of words... Congrats, Mel.
I'm also greatly honoured to have received the last royal communique from our retiring King.
Sounds like you're all having a blast! Safe journey home everyone. See you at some point, hopefully. :cheer:


Mar 17, 2007
Thank you one and all for the brilliant Woosie Fest, the great food (not to mention drink,) and the even better company. We may even have broken the rain curse of Sir Gagakev. We arrived home in one piece and thank you Sir Sprocket for your unhitching tip: worked like a dream.

I wish you all a super evening. I can imagine the sunshine over those lovely hills and hope that you are sitting outside gazing at the vista, glass in hand.



Mar 17, 2007
crazyguider said:
Salaams to you Queen Mel. May your reign be one of peace and fortitude! Consider I've bent the knee in obsequios observance of your majesty. I could go on but I've run out of words... Congrats, Mel.
I'm also greatly honoured to have received the last royal communique from our retiring King.
Sounds like you're all having a blast! Safe journey home everyone. See you at some point, hopefully. :cheer:

At the feast there was talk of next years autumn meet and how we could facilitate your attendance. Not an adults only site is obvious; but would we need to be nearby so you could be there Friday to Sunday as getting out of work is not possible?
Dec 30, 2013
Awww, thank you, we'd really love to make a Woosiefest. I'm quite used to finishing school and being hitched up by 4.15pm with kids help. Oxfordshire/west Mids are entirely doable for a short break, and we can be there in a couple of hours, traffic permitting. Stayed at a lovely site in Oxon, near Blenheim, called Greenhill Leisure Park. They have a small rally field, barn and games room, and lovely facilities including fishing ponds. Don't know much about West Mids except that we would never stay at Clent Hills C+CC ever again!
Glad you all had a good time. PC Rally next...
Feb 3, 2008
We're home, unfortunately. :( Had a good time at the Woosiefest and it was nice to see a lot of the members again. ;)

Yes, hope Crazyguider and gang can make the next one.
(Now just plain Sir. Have a good reign Mel).
Apr 7, 2008
Where did the weekend go ??

And it looks like the curse of the wet weekend has been broken by a super turn out of Woosies..

Well after a long journey home it's now time for a pot O' tea An a slice O' cake :p

Well the diet starts again tomorrow :whistle: :kiss:
Apr 20, 2009
Congratulation's Queen Mel


Only four of these in the world and Queen Mel has got one


This has got to take the top prize, supplied by Sir Sprocket

Feb 4, 2014
Wow, what a brilliant bit of film! Why can't we have nice colourful caravans like they were in the 50s? Loved seeing all the classic cars, too. I think we should definitely have a caravan parade, as per the video, (if only to wind Clarkson up!) and the driving skills tests would be a bit of fun, too. Who's up for organising that then?!

Whilst posting I just wanted to say thanks to Dustydog and Parksy for sorting out my last minute hitching glitch yesterday, and getting me safely on my way.

All cleaned out, scrubbed up, repacked and ready for my next outing now!
Jul 15, 2008
........some more photos.

Queen Mel gets queened


.......about to cut the cake


........unfurls her banner


.............and a rare species of Zebra found roaming up on the Long Mynd ;)


Thanks to all the Shropshire Woosies for a great four days and it brought back happy memories for me.
I spent two years as a carefree student in the county way back in the late 1960's and is where and when I met my wife :)
Apr 20, 2009
CyberCynth said:
Wow, what a brilliant bit of film! Why can't we have nice colourful caravans like they were in the 50s? Loved seeing all the classic cars, too. I think we should definitely have a caravan parade, as per the video, (if only to wind Clarkson up!) and the driving skills tests would be a bit of fun, too. Who's up for organising that then?!

Whilst posting I just wanted to say thanks to Dustydog and Parksy for sorting out my last minute hitching glitch yesterday, and getting me safely on my way.

All cleaned out, scrubbed up, repacked and ready for my next outing now!

Mines all cleaned out, scrubbed up UNPACKED and ready for hibernation until next year :( :( :(
Just got to drain down and give him a coat of polish.

Cynth please accept our apologies for not coming to say our goodbyes yesterday, it was very rude of us.
But glad you got sorted by the experts and you arrived home safely.
Oh and here's a kiss :kiss: for Princess Wotamess.
Feb 4, 2014
Unpacked? You're not fair-weather caravanners, are you Kev?! I'm hoping to get out again next month, and looking for a New Year rally to attend, courtesy of the C&CC DAs. Onwards and upwards! Woo hoooo!

Hope everyone got home safely from the Woosiefest, looking forward to seeing you all again next year xxx


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