Woosie Club

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Apr 7, 2008
A Queen cos

Jun 20, 2005
Sproket said:
A Queen cos

Congratulations Sir Sproket , you achieved the 300th whack. That deserves a medal so I suggest we now add CJ to your title just to prove you are our Court Jester plus like Sir Gagakev we will double up your acolade and add a BAR just like in the RAF.
So you are now Sir Sproket CJ ( BAR)
I do like the idea of a Queen especially one in bright purple hooped jumper who was of course responsible for The Woosies Corporate Colour


Mar 17, 2007
Gagakev said:
Dustydog said:
kopite said:
hi to all fellow woosies
i think it only fitting for our founders to be the 300th reply good luck Alan and Kev with you`re duel

Hi my fellow and Lady Woosies.
I've been thinking for some time now that rather than hog the Royal Throne we should take annual turns to be King or Queen of The Woosie Round Table.
In this regard and before we reach the 300th post I'd like to propose that Sir Gagakev WC (Bar) become King of The Woosie Round Table as it was he as a founder member who refused to go bogside in his Fleetwood.
I shall the become plain old Sir Dustydog WC.
I can then get a blue bucket with holes and copy Sir Chunky.
Now then fellow nights, what an honour to bestow!! BUT ---------- think the vote should be opened to all members of the woosie club and I propose a Queen, hows about Queen Mel????
The downfall I would have is that I havent got the bottle to throw fellow Knights into the dungeons and all hell would break loose
Thank you for the kind vote. However, I do not believe that I am worthy as my claim to Woosiness is not based on matters lavatorial. Methinks that as joint founder, you, Sir Gagakev, should consider sitting on the throne.

ps love all the grinning cats
Mar 8, 2009
Just reading DD’s olympic torch handling experience, when I thought about the ”Woosie” olympics? Where there could be events like Porta Potti emptying with different classes – eg solids/no solids or perhaps Olympics is not quite right, perhaps ‘Strictly come loo emptying” with a panel of judges awarding marks for – style, presentation, flair, problem solving – (eliminating splash back etc.) Other classes like aqua roll races? Etc. Welly wanging – (oh sorry forgot we shall all be wearing them and no spares! If like this years rally!) Awning pole throwing? Mallet slinging?

(Just thinking of Aqua rolls – was at the tap filling my plastic jerry can style water bottle at a CC site in Yorkshire last week. When this guy behind me with his obviously new and shiny roll says ‘you don’t have an aqua roll then?’ Not a bad observation really, considering I was filling a jerry can strapped to my nineteen nought blob antique trolley.. I said ‘No, I’ve been thinking about it for a while though, but can’t make my mind up what type to get.’ ‘Do you mean make?’ asks he ‘No- -whether to get a left handed one or a right handed one! – cos you see I’m right handed and granddaughter is left handed and she likes to fetch the water, so a right handed one would be ok for me but might be awkward for her, or alternatively if I got a left handed one for her it might be awkward for me? But I suppose I could get an ambidextrous one then it would be awkward for both of us!’ At this my can was full put the top on “See yer” and went. Kept glancing back on the way away, guy was looking at his roller while filling and I’m certain he was trying to work out which handed he had got.

Back to the Woosie Olympics – anyone any thoughts on other categories that could be included?
Apr 20, 2009
Gabsgrandad said:
(Just thinking of Aqua rolls – was at the tap filling my plastic jerry can style water bottle at a CC site in Yorkshire last week. When this guy behind me with his obviously new and shiny roll says ‘you don’t have an aqua roll then?’ Not a bad observation really, considering I was filling a jerry can strapped to my nineteen nought blob antique trolley.. I said ‘No, I’ve been thinking about it for a while though, but can’t make my mind up what type to get.’ ‘Do you mean make?’ asks he ‘No- -whether to get a left handed one or a right handed one! – cos you see I’m right handed and granddaughter is left handed and she likes to fetch the water, so a right handed one would be ok for me but might be awkward for her, or alternatively if I got a left handed one for her it might be awkward for me? But I suppose I could get an ambidextrous one then it would be awkward for both of us!’ At this my can was full put the top on “See yer” and went. Kept glancing back on the way away, guy was looking at his roller while filling and I’m certain he was trying to work out which handed he had got.

Back to the Woosie Olympics – anyone any thoughts on other categories that could be included?

Gabsgrandad you little rascal you, I have nearly just choked on my pint of John Smiths, absolutly brilliant.
As you have a brilliant sense of humour I would like to award you a further acolade to add to your signature---- JOKER
You will know be known as the Woosie club joker Sir Gab (WC) Joker, well done.
Jun 20, 2005
Sir Gab ( WC) Joker
The thought of racing all The Woosies to the chemical disposal point with pegs on the nose, rubber gloves etc creased me up. I never knew you were such an articulate brilliant sense of humoured Woosie .
I hope our Nigel will publish your ditties in the next magazine and add the prize money to the next Woosie festival. Brilliant

Ok as Lady Mel has also thrown down the gauntlet or in her case a purple striped jumper it looks the odds are shortening on
Sir Gagakev WC (BAR) becoming our next annual King.
We need a good vote of confidence from the rest of our Ladies , Dames and Knights. Looked like I'll have to get you a Crown Kev . I'll save one from the Christmas crackers or in your case I may even stretch to a blue bucket with holes.
Apr 20, 2009
Just to throw you off the scent so to speak in case any one wants to propose any one else here is an up to date membership list in order of when they joined the Woosie club;
Joint 1 King DD Joint 1 Sir Gagakev 3 Sir Rob T 4 Dame TC 5 Sir WC (Woodlands Camper) 6 Lady Mel 7 Sir Chunky (Colin-yorkshire) 8 Sir WC Kopite 9 Sir Emmerson 10 Sir Gab (Gabsgrandad) 11 Sir Deli Dave 12 Sir Mucky Pup TB (Tea Boy) 13 Sir RogerF WM(washing machine) 14 Sir Martin24 Sir Outnumbered WC (4;1) 15 Lady Di Di 16 Sir Sprocket Jester CJ (Bar) Knights in Waiting (been proposed and seconded awaiting there acceptance) Crazyguider Sir Forest Gump Derek Brad Kevin
Surfer to be known as Sir Stagger just needs to apply with his reason
Apr 20, 2009
Woosie Meet
OK fellow knights there has been a certain amount of interest in another Round Table meet, I have never done anything like this before but hey ho lets have a go.
Dates could be the weekend of Fri 14th September, Sat 15th Sept, Sun 16th Sept, = 3 nights
or Fri 21st September, Sat 22nd Sept, Sun 23rd Sept, = 3 nights
Or if the majority require could move to a weekend in Oct
Those of you interested please could you provide the following;
Which date you prefer,
A rough idea of what part of the country you are in, this will enable a meet as central to every one as possible,
Once we have gathered this info we can start to look at sites and further info will be required
ie; Do you/have you been to a good site in that paticular area?
Do you reqiure EHU? etc etc
Will allow a couple of weeks in case any one is away at present
Question; Think to make it worth while do you think we should set a lower limit of attendees?
As this is the first one will at present limit it to Woosie Club members only but will allow a Mod to keep us in check-- guess who?
Ps if you dont want to/cant go I wont be offended if you tell me to Bog Off
Jun 20, 2005
Gagakev said:
Woosie Meet
OK fellow knights there has been a certain amount of interest in another Round Table meet, I have never done anything like this before but hey ho lets have a go.
Dates could be the weekend of Fri 14th September, Sat 15th Sept, Sun 16th Sept, = 3 nights
or Fri 21st September, Sat 22nd Sept, Sun 23rd Sept, = 3 nights
Or if the majority require could move to a weekend in Oct
Those of you interested please could you provide the following;
Which date you prefer,
A rough idea of what part of the country you are in, this will enable a meet as central to every one as possible,
Once we have gathered this info we can start to look at sites and further info will be required
ie; Do you/have you been to a good site in that paticular area?
Do you reqiure EHU? etc etc
Will allow a couple of weeks in case any one is away at present
Question; Think to make it worth while do you think we should set a lower limit of attendees?
As this is the first one will at present limit it to Woosie Club members only but will allow a Mod to keep us in check-- guess who?
Ps if you dont want to/cant go I wont be offended if you tell me to Bog Off

Great idea Sir Gagakev WC (BAR)
The first weekend we're at a 60th birthday party and the 2nd weekend down in Hythe, Kent.
October is free.
5miles from Cirencester Gloucestershire. But have wheels and will travel.

Prefer EHU as it keeps the battery fully charged to work the Thetford flush.
Personally if we are on a site I don't think it matters how many Woosies turn up. Maybe PC Stacie or PC Clare could coincide it with one of their caravan tests?
As for the Mod he can only come if he promises to illuminate his flagpole again and use his Woosie mug
Apr 20, 2009
Woosie Meet

Ok fellow Knights lets see if we can go for a weekend in October
Dates suggestions welcome.
Jan 19, 2008
Dustydog said:
Welcome Derek Brad and Kevin to the Woosie Round Table.
Number twos are now mandatory and you mustn't wear a nosepeg whilst emptying the waste tank at the designated dispoal point. I suggest you use the Elsan blue . It seems to disolve all matter of things far better than the Thetford stuff.

Gagakev said:
New member proposals

I hereby propose Derek Brad and Kevin to become members of the Woosie club
They both refuse to allow No 2's in there loos
Will a fellow knight please second them and we will await there acceptance.

It might be because I'm in my dotage but I'm confused.
DD is saying you MUST use your throne for ALL motions but Kev is saying you MUST NOT use them.
Now to my mind a Wuss, or Woosie in your cases, refuse to use OR empty the cassette.
Please explain because this person is totally confused
Apr 7, 2008
Well just to start it off then........
Date's not a problem, how about here ?

Everything that a Woosie would require, easy to use Elsan points with minimal splashback
excellent toilet & showering facility's, EHU, small shop on site, plenty of room to walk the dogs, supermarket just down the hill about a mile away to stock up on items forgotton

As long as you don't let it get this full you will be allright
Aug 23, 2009
We're rather tied up with weekends still at the moment due to difficult contact issues with the eldest two peeps so at this time unlikely we'd be able to attend anything unless it was on the doorstep. Can't imagine why anyone would want to come up to the flat cold and windy East Yorkshire while we're just desperate to get home!! That's not to say you wouldn't all be welcome up here!! We will be on a CL somewhere in N Devon for October half term.

No facilities and no ehu for us!! Can't go splashing out on expensive sites, bad enough having to pay £6 this coming week just because they have a loo!!!!
Jun 20, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
Dustydog said:
Welcome Derek Brad and Kevin to the Woosie Round Table.
Number twos are now mandatory and you mustn't wear a nosepeg whilst emptying the waste tank at the designated dispoal point. I suggest you use the Elsan blue . It seems to disolve all matter of things far better than the Thetford stuff.

Gagakev said:
New member proposals

I hereby propose Derek Brad and Kevin to become members of the Woosie club
They both refuse to allow No 2's in there loos
Will a fellow knight please second them and we will await there acceptance.

It might be because I'm in my dotage but I'm confused.
DD is saying you MUST use your throne for ALL motions but Kev is saying you MUST NOT use them.
Now to my mind a Wuss, or Woosie in your cases, refuse to use OR empty the cassette.
Please explain because this person is totally confused
Hi my old mucker LB.
Oh how these lavatorial matters enthrall you.

The sole principle of becoming a Woosie was the original inability of one to make full use of the regal throne in one's caravan.
Once one has become a fully fledged Woosie , with some cajoling and encouragement one may just pluck up courage to sit down and relax so to speak.
Sir Gagakev WC (BAR) quite correctly pointed out with some bluntness the inability of Derek Brad and Kevin to fully baptise their Thetfords and remove them from Original Sin, so to speak. It was / is that inability that has caused them to be called a Woosie. With practice most Woosies are now using their own facilities but a number of them don't like emptying, or shall we say slopping out.
I apologise in advance if what I have said is a load of cr@p but even I get confused.


Mar 17, 2007
Well done Sir kev on organising a Woosie meet. Please bring the Mod and his illuminated flagpole; if we all pack an extra bottle of booze each we should be alright. All the weekends you suggest are fine for us and Sprockets site looks great. We would prefer EHU especially in October. However, you cannot please all of the people all of the time and it may come to the point of you making a choice and folks join in or not.
Mar 8, 2009
"Woosie Meet" - can do September, but booked rally in Lake District 8th. - 15th. Oct.
Prefer electrics (but would survive without). I reckon 150 miles is enough for us - which will take in the Cotswolds , OK
Apr 20, 2009
Fellow Knights, in your response could you please give us an idea of area you are in.
The two sites suggested by both Sir Sproket CJ ( BAR) and Sir Gab (WC) Joker both look little gems,
Think the Cotswold one would be more central but has no bar for the hollow leg brigade bearing in mind October will be darker in the evenings.
Parklands has every thing but may be a bit far to the East, these are just my opinions at the mo and I can be over ruled
However until we now approx locations we wont be able to tell.
If you dont want to publcise your approx location on the forum you are welcome to ask Parksy for my email address, that will keep him busy

So far we have more or less decided on;
Shower/Woosie Block
Possible Bar

Please feel free to add your requirements
Jun 20, 2005
Parklands looks good to me. However there are other possibilities once we know who's coming from where.
Anytime in October is ok for us but like Mel I'd like EHU . I don'twant the dogs getting cold
Apr 20, 2009
Lord Braykewynde said:
Gagakev said:
New member proposals

I hereby propose Derek Brad and Kevin to become members of the Woosie club
They both refuse to allow No 2's in there loos
Will a fellow knight please second them and we will await there acceptance.

It might be because I'm in my dotage but I'm confused.
DD is saying you MUST use your throne for ALL motions but Kev is saying you MUST NOT use them.
Now to my mind a Wuss, or Woosie in your cases, refuse to use OR empty the cassette.
Please explain because this person is totally confused
Dear LB, please read carefullly I do not say MUST NOT I say they REFUSE TO ALLOW and that is exactly where i started but alas last year at a wedding wild camping (in my van) it had to happen but never since


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