Woosie Club

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Sep 29, 2016
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Grey13 said:
May I ask - who chose this weekend for the Spring meet. Was he perhaps looking deep in a Gelnfiddish glass? Got confused. Have you seen the forecast?

Only those who have been at the barley would pronounce Glenfiddich as Gelnfiddish (or were you giving us your Sean Connery impersonation :) )
Nov 16, 2015
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Anseo said:
Grey13 said:
May I ask - who chose this weekend for the Spring meet. Was he perhaps looking deep in a Gelnfiddish glass? Got confused. Have you seen the forecast?

Only those who have been at the barley would pronounce Glenfiddich as Gelnfiddish (or were you giving us your Sean Connery impersonation :) )

John, be gentle with Him, he has to learn how to cook an a Gas Bria. . :p And he will get there first and get best pitch. .
Hopefully get there around 2PM. Depends on the traffic of course.
Jun 20, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Anseo said:
Grey13 said:
May I ask - who chose this weekend for the Spring meet. Was he perhaps looking deep in a Gelnfiddish glass? Got confused. Have you seen the forecast?

Only those who have been at the barley would pronounce Glenfiddich as Gelnfiddish (or were you giving us your Sean Connery impersonation :) )

John, be gentle with Him, he has to learn how to cook an a Gas Bria. . :p And he will get there first and get best pitch. .
Hopefully get there around 2PM. Depends on the traffic of course.
What do you reckon? Shorts or trousers?? :unsure:
Jun 20, 2005
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Gabsgrandad said:
+ 'Wellies' !!!????
Just started half way through erecting awning
Ok DD, Hutch and Gaffer have all arrived safely. Rain stopped and some sunshine. Awning up , dogs sorted free high grade WiFi.looks like the Marton Arms will have to put up with us soon.
Mar 8, 2009
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I/we are in deepest Lincolnshire this week had glorious weather, (forgot sun hat(s)) forehead pealing like an orange! Guess what? --- Woosies go away today and we've had a thunderstorm! -- Must be a moral somewhere in this?
Apr 20, 2009
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Just popped in to wish you all a jolly good Woosie meet.
Had to go away last weekend for 4 days with the grandson as he complained he never went any where last year.
(Me and Mags only had 4 nights away in total) :(
He picked some glorious weather, sun drenched we were.............. B)
Hope the traditional rain keeps away for you.
Have a good time.
Jun 20, 2005
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Gagakev said:
Just popped in to wish you all a jolly good Woosie meet.
Had to go away last weekend for 4 days with the grandson as he complained he never went any where last year.
(Me and Mags only had 4 nights away in total) :(
He picked some glorious weather, sun drenched we were.............. B)
Hope the traditional rain keeps away for you.
Have a good time.
Thanks Kev,
Rain due at 6.00pm this evening. Missing you and Mags. Will be near Ashburton end of June. Will arrange a meet up. Meanwhile Hutch has excelled himself. Massive fully serviced pitch in a lovely part of the country. Don’t work too hard and make more use of Mr Fleety :cheer:
Jun 20, 2005
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You and Matt need to get to another Woosie Fest. Why not try the September one?
Anyway we are all comfortably settled enjoying the Yorkshire countryside and local hospitality :)
Lurchers are welcome here and at the autumn fest. Elmbrook
Apr 20, 2009
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Gafferbill said:
Gagakev said:
..........Just popped in to wish you all a jolly good Woosie meet.
..........wish you two were here :cheer:
You need to have a break from propping up Devon with metal tubes and planks of wood :whistle:

Ah Thanks Gaffer, Got to prop this place up it's falling apart, remember our trip to Dartmouth, well we have a grade 2 listed building to completely cover in the very near future. Full scaffold structure with temporary roof over.
Apr 20, 2009
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Dustydog said:
Gagakev said:
Just popped in to wish you all a jolly good Woosie meet.
Had to go away last weekend for 4 days with the grandson as he complained he never went any where last year.
(Me and Mags only had 4 nights away in total) :(
He picked some glorious weather, sun drenched we were.............. B)
Hope the traditional rain keeps away for you.
Have a good time.
Thanks Kev,
Rain due at 6.00pm this evening. Missing you and Mags. Will be near Ashburton end of June. Will arrange a meet up. Meanwhile Hutch has excelled himself. Massive fully serviced pitch in a lovely part of the country. Don’t work too hard and make more use of Mr Fleety :cheer:

Must be raining now...........Storm Hannah tomorrow :(
Where you staying near Ashbucket sorry Ashburton :lol:
Good to meet up, Welcome Stranger at Bickington it will be then, Delhi Dave loved it, he went back the next night. you have my email.
Think we have the bug again now, actually think last years break did us good, really did get fed up with the bad weather, and luckily Mr Fleety wasn't sold, yes we did consider it.!!
Yes work load did contribute but coming together now so watch this space.

Have a good one folks.
Jul 15, 2008
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.......not many pictures of the meet yet as storm Hannah has been entertaining us :eek:hmy:



Fulfilled an ambition to get up close to the Ribblehead viaduct in a rain break


Nov 11, 2009
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Gafferbill said:
.......not many pictures of the meet yet as storm Hannah has been entertaining us :eek:hmy:



Fulfilled an ambition to get up close to the Ribblehead viaduct in a rain break



Nice pictures of a wonderful area. Good ramble around Thorn Gill not far from Ribblehead. Good circular route from hostel along towards Ribblehead and back. Open moorland and crevice like gills.


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