Woosie Club

Page 278 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!


Mar 17, 2007
Great Idea, but I hope it is not the end of the Woosie Club thread here.
Mar 8, 2009
Not for me it won't be Mel. I do use a mobile but purely as a telephone, and I ain't gunna change! All my other computer work is done on my PC or laptop!
Nov 16, 2015
Gabsgrandad said:
Not for me it won't be Mel. I do use a mobile but purely as a telephone, and I ain't gunna change! All my other computer work is done on my PC or laptop!

Same for me , end up with too many replys to everyone one. JOHN, i will just contact you as normal. Too much High tech for me.
Nov 16, 2015
EH52ARH said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Not for me it won't be Mel. I do use a mobile but purely as a telephone, and I ain't gunna change! All my other computer work is done on my PC or laptop!

Same for me , end up with too many replys to everyone one. JOHN, i will just contact you as normal. Too much High tech for me.

Maybe your bored after retirement. :p
Nov 16, 2015
EH52ARH said:
EH52ARH said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Not for me it won't be Mel. I do use a mobile but purely as a telephone, and I ain't gunna change! All my other computer work is done on my PC or laptop!

Same for me , end up with too many replys to everyone one. JOHN, i will just contact you as normal. Too much High tech for me.

Maybe your bored after retirement. :p
let us find sites for next year, . I need to use some miles on my caravan tyres before they get time expired.
Jul 15, 2008
WhatsApp messages are encrypted and groups are private to specific individuals and their mobile number.
You can send messages, pictures, have phone calls, send videos and have video chats all for free as long as you have an Internet conection.
This can be done from anywhere in the world. ........works for me :)
Sep 29, 2016
Mel said:
Great Idea, but I hope it is not the end of the Woosie Club thread here.

No threat to this thread Mel nor is it intended to be, just another tool in the box for those who want to use it.

One advantage in addition to those that Gafferbill has outlined is that it is a Personal Message facility, and PM's can be restricted to be viewed only by the intended recipient within the group if the sender so wishes.

It may not be for everyone but for those who would find it useful then it is there and free to use for Woosies and their partners etc.


Mar 17, 2007
Thanks for the reassurance folks. Heard and understood. I also use WhatsApp and can see its uses. I will send Alan my mobile number.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Mel

The What’s App does not and never will replace PCv. It is just a little chat line thing. Eg this morning out with dogs I posted a brilliant sunrise from our back garden. I’ll try and post in on here!

Here it is.
Sep 4, 2017
General Notice:
Re September Elm Cottage Touring Park
Preparation has started on the "Saturday Night" pub quiz.
Heads up so participants can start swatting!
Good luck!
Prizes to be awarded!


Nov 12, 2009
Anseo said:
Woosie Group is now set up on WhatsApp.

To join, just download WhatsApp and pass your mobile telephone number to either myself, Dustydog, Gaffer Bill, or Grey.

I'm just catching up after a blissful 8 days away from tv, Brexit, computers and the outside world in general.
Nobody owns the internet and everyone is free to use whichever means of communication that suits them best.
If What's App floats your boat that's fine, it can be a bit awkward at times to post pictures to this forum and to date we have no private messaging software.

Practical Caravan forum depends on your continued loyalty to continue to function as a growing online community and we are fortunate to have such loyal and knowledgeable members.

This is a legacy of the Haymarket administration which took this online community along with the hard copy magazine as far as they wanted it to go.
There's not much more to tell about that decision.

What I can tell you is that a couple of weeks before my recent off grid holiday I was invited to take part in a Skype group chat with the Future plc Global Community Vice President Joseph Pishgar he lives in Manchester, which is in New Hampshire USA and is a very influential figure in the world of online community development, and Steven Haines a.k.a 'Allen the Alien' who is the recently introduced administrator and facilitator of this website for Future plc.
I was very impressed by the positive 'can do' attitude of both gentlemen, and they both see a great future for this forum.
Their intention in the longer term is to move this website to a much better more user-friendly online platform, and they will be looking for suggestions from all of us about what to include, what to leave out and what format we'd prefer.
During our chat I happened to mention that I felt bad about having to delete postings from bona fide forum members who have unused caravan accessories, awnings or even their own used caravans for sale.
I was very impressed by the readiness of these busy gentlemen to immediately take on board my suggestion, and by the speed with which it was implemented.
These guys are quite passionate about online community development, and yes, they do use advertising to fund their progress but which modern online platform doesn't?
Thanks for sticking with us so far, and hang on tight to prepare for an exciting ride into the future, (see what I did there?) good things will be happening on this website fairly soon.
Jun 20, 2005
That sounds very good Steve. Thanks for all the personal time you spend making things happen on the Forum.
Whats App imo was never and never will be a substitute for PCv. It is there for idle banter and chat on many things including private things..... Personally I never thought for one moment there would be an abandonment of PCv :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Nov 16, 2015
Dustydog said:
That sounds very good Steve. Thanks for all the personal time you spend making things happen on the Forum.
Whats App imo was never and never will be a substitute for PCv. It is there for idle banter and chat on many things including private things..... Personally I never thought for one moment there would be an abandonment of PCv :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Fully back up Dusty Dog and hope you had a good time .

I know its count down to The Woosie fest, as my Tomatoes are getting ready to harvest that week. And the apples are ready as well.
Jun 20, 2005
As we approach the Woosiefest I will remind our Monarch to be that it is long overdue awarding BARs to those Woosies who have achieved nothing :whistle: :whistle:
Sep 4, 2017
Sitting in a park - Hill Farm Cottage - Fordingbridge. Practicing for the Woosie Fest. Life's tough
Nov 16, 2015
Grey13 said:
Sitting in a park - Hill Farm Cottage - Fordingbridge. Practicing for the Woosie Fest. Life's tough

Have a nice time , As Woosie Knight . Whats The Churchill Arms Pub like. ???
Nov 16, 2015
Well went too the caravan today, in storage, pigeon have move from our rafters to someone else. Tyres checked, all gòod. I was going to take the battery home after 3 months but its still at 12. 7 volts. So left it and can be recharged at home. 00. Looking forwards to get away to the fest. Old mates and new Friends, Parksy, hope you and Caroli can make it but hope all has gone well..
Mar 8, 2009
We're having a re - Woosiefest here at Woosiethorpe Hall (Again!) Had a couple in here last night (rehearsal for fest).

Very quiet here, (bank holidayers must have gone home.) then few days at home and Cheshire here we come next week. Don't seem a year since we 'convened'
Nov 16, 2015
Grey13 said:
Sorry guy's it seems an old layout is shown when using a mobile but the correct one on desktop. So here is the correct one especially for mobiles (I hope)


I just thought I would put the layout out again so we all know where we are. Not long now.
Jun 20, 2005
Gabsgrandad said:
We're having a re - Woosiefest here at Woosiethorpe Hall (Again!) Had a couple in here last night (rehearsal for fest).

Very quiet here, (bank holidayers must have gone home.) then few days at home and Cheshire here we come next week. Don't seem a year since we 'convened'
We are arriving Wednesday week.
See you there.
Feb 17, 2018
Looking forward to meeting you all, off this Sunday down to Yeovil for the week, Long Hazel park with the dog, unfortunately i will be working in the week, but its still a break.
This will be our third trip since July, so getting a few miles under our belt, & loving it.
After Woosie fest off to Tywyn for a week's Holiday, then i think we may just get one more in this year.
Loving the lifestyle caravaning is giving us, not missing holiday's abroad at all.
Nov 16, 2015
We haven't been abroad with the van for three years, but hit Switzerland a few times, but now getting ready for a few winter trips out after the Woosie fest , looking forward to meeting you Grizzly and also Icaru 5. Unfortunately Thingy will not make it as will neither Sir lamppole. . Kev and Mags cannot make it so the weather should be good, and also Mel and Rodger will not be there as they live in a different Country with immigration laws.


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