Thank you for the congratulations.
Us Woosies are back in the land of reality after having had lunch in London at the Palace. Lady Squirrel was introduced, shook hands and had a conversation with HRH Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. The Duchess of Cornwall was on the other side of the room, so we didn't meet her. Other celebrities, in addition to us Woosies, included Roy Noble OBE, Felicity Kendal CBE, Patricia Routledge, and Liz Burnley OBE. The canapes included salmon sandwiches the size of Her Majesty's postage stamps.
The cost of using the thrones at the stations was 50p, however the thrones in the palace were free and more luxurious, including the soap and hand cream.
We must have looked very important and regal on the underground as people stood up and offered us their seats. It was either that or they thought we looked old and decrepit.
(Google "Diamond Champions" for the reason for the trip to London)