I have reached an age, similar to several contributors , where my concerns have become mainly focussed on the sort of future my grandchildren can expect. The current rush to net zero , coupled with the hollowing out of our once world leading manufacturing, is in my view the latest act of treason by governments of all colour during my lifetime.
We have been consistently misled and lied to by people who are supposedly elected to protect and safeguard the people of this country
When I left school, there was a stigma to being unemployed, the pupils at school with me either went to university, college, and apprenticeship, or joined the forces,
You worked to pay your way, you saved what you could, and when I needed a mortgage to buy our first home, we had to show we had been saving with the building society to even be considered, I also had to have a letter from my employer stating that I needed a house.
There was a feeling that Britain was a good place to live, that opportuties existed to do well,we did't have the internet, we did have party line telephones, Sunday Closing, Police on the beat, local doctors where you could just pitch up and wait your turn.Buses ran regularly, trains ran mainly on time.
So how have we got where we are today, I trace some of it to the Thatcher years, the abolition of mortgage tax relief, the capitulation over the Poll Tax, the selling off of Council Housing, but not replacing the sold off houses.
Then there was the rush to join what was then the Common Market, more lies, and so it went on until today we have politicians hoodwinking us with the rush to net zero, we have the epedemic of mental health issues, we have the Blair Legacy of uncontrolled immigration, and the Iraq war and the Afghanistan disaster,
I have increasing fears for the direction we are heading, with Starmer, Trump and Putin, but in the meantime our Council Tax will go up again to fund the pension funds of the local authority workers, while money is wasted on frivolous projects, Google Trowbridge street furniture as an example, at the same time as potholes remain unfilled.
Why should I believe the current crop, of politicians,history suggests that most are incompetent or incapable, some have never had a job in industry, they fabricate their CVs, they hammer their expenses, what other job can you get that pays the thick end of £100k plus expenses with no qualifications
So while I do my bit by recycling and buying recycled products, I will still run our diesels. while I am allowed, i won't go to any town or city with a low emissions zone, as I am not welcome,and I will continue to treat everything I am told about''Climate Emergency,Net Zero,Raising Sea Level with a huge dose of cynicism.