I appreciate everybodies point of view on the Vapalux/Tilley/Petromax type lamp, and certainly you need to be sensible. If there is a naked flame, and ventilation, it will created a draw pulling in air. I can only say again, the forces have always used them, still do in great numbers and as far as I know, we never had any deaths from them. And again, arctic explorers uses these in great numbers in much more confined spaces than an awning. Yes, of course there is always danger from carbon monoxide, but sensible deployment should allow them to be used without issue.
Back to the job, my first unit with a nightheater was probably my favourite and the one I did most miles in, A Seddon Atkinson 405 with the Jake brake. That thing would pull all day and get you to the front of the queue for tipping. Remembering my second job, I was aksed if I could rope and sheet. Could I hell, but having seen a diagram of how it was done, of course I lied. Well, if you can, you have got the job said the yard foreman, go and sheet that flatbed up. Like a complete wally I set off to do just that. The sheet looked like a piece of crumpled paper and I set about roping it. Giving a hard tug on my first loop, I shot backward, did a backwards somersault down the bank, and landed on my rump in the ditch.
Out comes the foreman, near on wetting himself, looks at me and says
Well, I have never seen it done that way before, try this............. and gave me the job. I worked with him for years, a thoroughly decent guy and the man that taught me everything.
And yes, apologies to the OP but we are on a roll now :cheer: