caravam club 'dogs' survey

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Feb 16, 2009
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so much for getting on and tolerance,its not just dogs that are noisy or make a mess - try using the showers after unaccompanied children, or arriving on a pitch covered with *** ends!
Not just kids grown up as well, *** ends on pitches after they have left.

Probably the same people that book endless weekends and then don't turn up always want everything for themselves and to hell with the rest.

There surely is enough give and take so all can get along.

Feb 16, 2009
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Not just kids grown up as well, *** ends on pitches after they have left.

Probably the same people that book endless weekends and then don't turn up always want everything for themselves and to hell with the rest.

There surely is enough give and take so all can get along.

The same goes for dog owners that flout all the rules,if we all look after the site we are on at the time all should enjoy their stay.

Mar 24, 2009
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Just been on a rally last weekend and a van pulled up next to me with 4 yappy dogs....... Why don't they park in a corner of a field so they won't annoy others or at least stop the dogs barking at the crack of dawn every morning, and yes I'm a dog lover.


Mar 14, 2005
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my dogs are pretty well behaved.

Can I send you my kids though, they need sorting out LOL

Only if we can do a swap but I guess you'd soon get fed up of my daughter and her boyfriend when they fall out. LOL! You've got all this to look forward to...........he, he

Jan 19, 2008
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On C.C. sites I have seen lose dogs and also barking dogs but this is a rarity.

I have been troubled more by unruly brats than by unruly dogs but again this is a rarity. I wonder what sites Brian (St Albans) uses because from his past anti-dog posts it certainly isn't the C.C.

My belief is that this is all pie in the sky because of all the C.C. sites I've used a very high proportion are dog owners and I'd go as far as to say dog owning wardens are in the majority. The club couldn't afford to ban dogs but what they might be after is charging for them to help fill the coffers.

The only real grievance, along with mine, that dog haters like Brian must have is the amount of crap left on the dog walk but dog haters have no need to go on the dog walk, that is unless they need something to whinge about ;O)

I've filled mine in and this is my comments ....

It doesn't matter if there's free bags, more signage or control of dogs on leads because some are above this and will ignore it. These people when going against the rules should automatically be asked to leave and the warden should report the incident to HQ. As dog owners we are fed up of those who let their dogs foul dog walks without clearing it up or let them roam lose where they have no control over them or see where they are dumping. At Bladon Chains one couple on arrival let out their two dogs to roam lose while they set up. I saw one fouling the site and reported it to the warden. The warden did go and have a word but that was it. They should have been thrown off the site and out of the club.

It's not the dogs, they are trainable but unfortunately a minority of anti-social owners are untrainable and no matter what happens they will not change their ways. Sadly I haven't been on one dog walk, either Caravan Club or other, where it's been free of dog mess.

Sorry about the rant but it's a point I feel strongly about when responsible dog owners are targetted because of these morons.

Give the issue high publicity on the C.C. web site and the club magazine then there will be no excuses for the ignorati amongst us. No further warning for them who look down their noses at those who comply and when caught letting their dogs wander lose or foul the site/dog walk without cleaning it up, an automatic ban should come into affect.
Feb 12, 2006
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We had a dog, so I've completed the survey - but added the comment that if only all dogs were as good as their owners think they are, and all owners as good as they should be, there would be absolutely no problem. Unfortunately there sometimes is - we've been on sites with dog poo on the pitch, noisy dogs next door, unaccompanied dogs, snappy dogs, and dogs off leads. None of these should happen, but they do...... and they can be very annoying indeed, even for dog owners/dog lovers who have their own dog with them. Just because you don't like what happens doesn't mean you don't like dogs.
Hi, yes i have also asked that the 'must be kept on leads' rules should be enforced. we had a dog wee on our new awning when off lead, and all owners should pick up after the dog.
Sep 15, 2009
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Only if we can do a swap but I guess you'd soon get fed up of my daughter and her boyfriend when they fall out. LOL! You've got all this to look forward to...........he, he

I've got grown ups aswell, they get worse, but I don't need to take them with me LOL



Mar 17, 2007
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Someone famous who lived a couple of thousand years ago said, "Love your neighbour as yourself". If only more people were still listening....



As a 60+ Daily Mail reader I am feel affronted. It is in the rack in the coffee shop, along with the Scotsman, Times and even the Independent. Even the 'Daily Weegie' when someone drops it in from the bus. The Guardian is not present as the coffee shop owner says he is not that stupid.

Haven't seen the Survey and am not likely to participate as any result will be screwed by the 'Uman Rights' lobby, whichever way it goes.

Ironically, I see fewer dogs on sites in France. Whether there is any reason I do not know but possibly the sign outside the Camp Restaurant may have had a bearing...'Local Caught Special tonight'!
Apr 23, 2008
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Are they also having a survey about unruly children playing havoc on sites?Last time out our caravan had a large stone thrown at it by a child and it has put a dent and mark on the side of it.I have never seen a dog throw stones or run amoc on a site!!!!

I love children and I know the majority on sites are well behaved.
Jun 4, 2007
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Thanks for pointing this survey out, I've just completed it.

I've never had any problem of any type with dogs on a CC site. I've always found members to be ver responsible.

Lets hope someone hasn't set about spoiling things for dog owners.

I notice that letter of the month in the CC mag is a complaint about dogs. When I read it I was shocked that this nonsense had made letter of the month, but it looks like it may be part of a campaign.

How abour a campaign aginst over zelous wardens instead.
Feb 12, 2006
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As a 60+ Daily Mail reader I am feel affronted. It is in the rack in the coffee shop, along with the Scotsman, Times and even the Independent. Even the 'Daily Weegie' when someone drops it in from the bus. The Guardian is not present as the coffee shop owner says he is not that stupid.

Haven't seen the Survey and am not likely to participate as any result will be screwed by the 'Uman Rights' lobby, whichever way it goes.

Ironically, I see fewer dogs on sites in France. Whether there is any reason I do not know but possibly the sign outside the Camp Restaurant may have had a bearing...'Local Caught Special tonight'!
We have taken our dog to France since the pet passport started and have allways found the site owners welcome dogs, many in France and Spain even provide dog showers, we talked to many more french people because we had our dog with us,
Jun 28, 2007
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dutifully completed.

The initial few questions seemed to be anti dog and to throw the 'Pleasurable......' statement in at the end is a bit sneaky. That one I seriously had to think about my response because of its wording.

I cant see where they are coming from as I'd guesstimate that dog owners on site form a fair percentage so to allienate this section of members would be financial hari-kari. Or maybe the opposite , start charging and reap the rewards?



Can I please ask you to think of the words 'tongue, cheek and in' when reading my Post. I like dogs just as long as they do not crawl all over me and lick me. Especially just after they have licked another dog's behind. Yeuch!!
Jun 20, 2005
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How right you are Thorpedo.

I too smell a campaign. It wasn't the easiest of surveys to find as we all found out. I wonder why?

Leave the dogs alone and focus on the parents (NOT ALL i know) who leave their kids roaming the site on bikes , no helmets, kicking balls and being a real bunch of young hooligans. This has been done to death before.

The dog factor only causes me concern because of the "star" letter in the CC mag. Maybe the CC will stat etheir position on the subject here or in the next cc mag??


Oct 13, 2008
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How right you are Thorpedo.

I too smell a campaign. It wasn't the easiest of surveys to find as we all found out. I wonder why?

Leave the dogs alone and focus on the parents (NOT ALL i know) who leave their kids roaming the site on bikes , no helmets, kicking balls and being a real bunch of young hooligans. This has been done to death before.

The dog factor only causes me concern because of the "star" letter in the CC mag. Maybe the CC will stat etheir position on the subject here or in the next cc mag??


i think the cc club is becoming the cc and dog club stayed on a cc club site in devon this summer and guess what we had on our new vans carpet dog shht not everybody cleans it up ! i noticed a lot of private sites dont allow dogs is that why cc sites are over run with them as no other sites take them and no i am not anti dog i have one he goes into kennels why should i spoil somebodys holiday with a dog
May 4, 2005
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Lord Braykewynde wrote

"I wonder what sites Brian (St Albans) uses because from his past anti-dog posts it certainly isn't the C.C."

"The only real grievance, along with mine, that dog haters like Brian must have is the amount of crap left on the dog walk but dog haters have no need to go on the dog walk, that is unless they need something to whinge about ;O)"

I don't use the van much these days Lord B but in the past we have mainly used club sites so I'm afraid it was CC sites I was talking about. I don't walk around the dog walk because I haven't got a dog but on walks on paths leading from the sites to the beach or woods (Godrevy and Sandringham spring to mind)I get really pi$$ed off by the amount of dog cr*p left by inconsiderate dog owners.

Im not a dog hater Lord B just hate bad dog owners.

Although I still wouldn't trust one as far as I could throw it ;O)

Jun 4, 2007
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In reply to 'Comments' from Jerry hidden under Dusty's note above.

Sorry to hear about Dog poop on you new carpet, I'd also be furious.

I'm relatively new to dog ownership (3 years) I've been wary having been attacked by a maternal Alsation not on a lead when I was about 14.

But in the 15 Caravan trips I've made over the past 2 years in CC site, Cl's and comercial sites I've never had even a hint of a problem with dogs.

I've seen problems with badly behaved Adults and kids though.

I've camped or caravaned for 50 years and never had a problem with dogs on sites. I've seen the odd unscooped dog manure, but that won't ruin my holiday.

I'm surprised by your final paragraph "why should i spoil somebodys holiday with a dog". I can't fathom how as a responsible owner you could possibly do that as you would have your dog under control.

As for the statement that CC sites are "over run with them" ? Maybe you had one bad experience, but Cmon surely you can't have been that unluckly more than once.

In the current economic climate, I can't beleive that CC club would do anything as daft as alianate a significant % of members.
Jun 20, 2005
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Sorry to hear you messed up your new carpets. Being blunt , you are clearly anti dog on site. Ok you are entitled to that view but why don't you take your shoes off outside the caravan?? We never wear our shoes or boots insie just incase. Afterall most of the CC sites are in the country whose ground is covered with all sorts of poos, dogs , cats , sheep, cattle , horses , rabbits etc. Any one of these could damage your new carpet.

It is noticeable that most wardens these days have well behaved dogs of their own most of whom join their owner on bin fatigue etc.

I know from previous threads on this subject the owners who do not pick up after their pooch are in the minority but as usual the majority of responsible dog owners take the wrap!

Our dogs are our "babies " a large part of our family and no way are they being put into kennels. Our previous dog took 6 months to recover from her experience of a kennel. She clearly felt we had abandoned her.

Frances Smythe of Axminster wrote the dog damning letter in the cc mag. I hope he / she posts here.


Jan 21, 2014
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I've just filled in the survey!

We wouldn't dream of going anywhere without our dog, and it'll be a very sad day if the CC prohibits dogs on sites!

There aren't any bad dogs, just bad owners IMO!
Mar 7, 2006
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Oooops should read 'Status dog units'
We do encounter the same problem with our GSD. Which is a shame as she's so quiet & soft and makes no noise whatsoever - you wouldnt even know she was with us in the van!

The sites loss!
Sep 5, 2006
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I've twice been disturbed recently by stupid dog owners on CC sites. One family turned up with 2 dogs & left them in a cage in the awning all night. The dogs cried & whined all night wanting to get in the van with their owners who were somehow oblivoius of the noise. The other brought 2 big dogs & left them caged in the back of their 4x4 all day but with the hatch open. They barked like mad at anyone walking past. It gets irritating after the 500th bark!!

If you wanna take a dog thats fine - just keep it quiet, under control & pick up after it at all times. If you cant do that then you should be banned from CC sites

PS. I'm a dog lover as well.


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