Time for another discussion. What are the members feelings on the modern curse, fog lights? These must be the most miss-used items fitted to modern cars. Rear fog lights are a good idea, front ones are generally useless. Now most drivers don't seem to know that fog lights should only be used in fog or poor visibility. This is because the beam is low and wide, and so reduces glare. Incidentaly, the old yellow ones only reduced glare because they gave out less light, the colour had nothing to do with it. Therefore, fog lights should only be used with side lights, not with dipped headlights. A local motorist recendly received a £100 fine for using fog lights when not needed. One extra thing, isn't it surprising how many people will spend a lot of mony on new car, yet won't buy a hands free kit for their phone. I have one which has an audio amp and remote mic, and actually works better than it does without. Although as a radio amateur I can use a mic whilst driving, for sheer convenience, ignoring the safety angle, I always use a remote mic.