Hi All,
Started caravanning 4 years ago,having spent my childhood loving caravan holidays and now wanting my children to have the same amazing experiences.
We have just bought our second caravan, a 2009 Bailey Pageant Bretagne. Took a long time looking for the right one as being naive, I got sold an absolute crock for our first one! So happy with our new van, its everything our first one wasn't, first trip away over Easter and I cannot wait!
Started caravanning 4 years ago,having spent my childhood loving caravan holidays and now wanting my children to have the same amazing experiences.
We have just bought our second caravan, a 2009 Bailey Pageant Bretagne. Took a long time looking for the right one as being naive, I got sold an absolute crock for our first one! So happy with our new van, its everything our first one wasn't, first trip away over Easter and I cannot wait!