OAP Driving tests

Mar 14, 2005
Whilst watching the programme on whether persons over 70 yrs of age should be made to take a driving test every 3 yrs.

What are your thoughts on this proposal?
Mar 27, 2005
agree 100% , good idea , but why pick on just over 70s?

theres an equal number of younger drivers who to put it bluntly , "aint got a clue"

Id re-test EVERY driver say every 5 to 10 years and to really stir up a hornets nest make a test for towing caravans and trailers compulsory as well.No trailer / caravan license , you dont tow , end of !!

no doubt i will get slaughtered for this suggestion but surely it will be safer for everyone if they can tow safely , with the correct car/ caravan combination , maintained and loaded correctly.
Apr 11, 2005
I agree with john if you pass the test,no matter what age then

great,its not just an age issue I work with some people who are frightening drivers and are my age bracket(30 -40 )
Mar 14, 2005
IMHO iagree ask any h g v driver over 45 ,, a full medical every 5 years ,that should be the case for ALL drivers over 70 if you pass the medical a driving test should follow.. the doctor has a duty to inform the DVLA if you fail the medical no ifs no buts.
Apr 6, 2005
Re HGV tests, how many hgv vehicles are is crashes every year, how many people towing caravans have crashes?

I feel more education on road safety and driving would be more benifical.

I am all for road safety, yes some people are not safe medically to drive but still do, also as earlier stated what about the younger age group who have far more accidents.

Finally Jon do you tow a caravan???
Apr 6, 2005
As a second thought on the subject, if we had more active policing of the roads instead of speed camaras everywhere then the dangerous and un safe drivers could be stopped and suitably punished by the courts
Mar 14, 2005
i agree with wots been said i am not saying hgv drivers are the best on the road .... yes even in the hgv fraternity we have idiots ,, i have been caravanning for some 20 years .
May 3, 2005
I think that drivers of ALL motor vehicles should be required to undertake a test every 5 years.

Although on the face of it Martins suggestion for more Police sounds attractive, what we have to realise is that the Police can only put someone in front of the Court. Sadly that is where the system very often falls down ........ weak sentencing.
Mar 14, 2005
Here goes

I completely disaggree with the driving test whether it needs to be taken once or every 3-5 year. How can a system judge a persons ability to drive in just 30 minute, whether you pass your test or not, is all down to how you drive on the day, could this be the reason we see so many bad drivers on the roads?????

I have always felt that that a system were your instructor has more control over whether you are good enough to drive would be much better and it should be compulsory to take an advanced test within a set time period from initially gaining your full licence.

It's OK saying you have to retake your test every 3-5 years, but how many of YOU would be upset if this was implemented and you were unluckly and failed your test because you had a bad day, especially if it affected you employment? would you still be so supportive of it, I doubt.

Better policing and forcing bad drivers to take driver awareness courses is the way to deal with poor driving all that compulsory tests would do is create a new indirect tax for the government, stop feeding them with new ways of getting money out of us.
Apr 26, 2005
Here goes

I completely disaggree with the driving test whether it needs to be taken once or every 3-5 year. How can a system judge a persons ability to drive in just 30 minute, whether you pass your test or not, is all down to how you drive on the day, could this be the reason we see so many bad drivers on the roads?????

I have always felt that that a system were your instructor has more control over whether you are good enough to drive would be much better and it should be compulsory to take an advanced test within a set time period from initially gaining your full licence.

It's OK saying you have to retake your test every 3-5 years, but how many of YOU would be upset if this was implemented and you were unluckly and failed your test because you had a bad day, especially if it affected you employment? would you still be so supportive of it, I doubt.

Better policing and forcing bad drivers to take driver awareness courses is the way to deal with poor driving all that compulsory tests would do is create a new indirect tax for the government, stop feeding them with new ways of getting money out of us.
I have been driving for more than 30 years, and traveled the lenth and bredth of our country as a Plant Operator. There are bad drivers out there of all ages, lane discipline and total unwareness of others apears to be gating worse by the day!!

I think every one should be assesed by an IAM instuctor every 3-5 year and if there not up to cratch then a retest would be rquired.
Aug 4, 2004
I think that if you get a ticket that has penalty points then you should do a re-test. This would probably be the best way of educating drivers and also create a lot of job opportunities.
Mar 27, 2005
Re HGV tests, how many hgv vehicles are is crashes every year, how many people towing caravans have crashes?

I feel more education on road safety and driving would be more benifical.

I am all for road safety, yes some people are not safe medically to drive but still do, also as earlier stated what about the younger age group who have far more accidents.

Finally Jon do you tow a caravan???
yes tow a caravan regularly , have done for about 15 years.
Mar 27, 2005
Re HGV tests, how many hgv vehicles are is crashes every year, how many people towing caravans have crashes?

I feel more education on road safety and driving would be more benifical.

I am all for road safety, yes some people are not safe medically to drive but still do, also as earlier stated what about the younger age group who have far more accidents.

Finally Jon do you tow a caravan???
ps , just to add to the above , HGVs are a necessity for the obvious reasons and will do a lot more miles a year on average than any caravan + there are far more of them on the road so there will be more accidents.

we all love our caravanning but at the end of the day its a passtime and not a necessity and shouldnt really compare to HGVs who are the lifeline of this country , and no , im not an HGV driver :)
Mar 14, 2005
I like the idea of penalty points dictating if you have to take a test or not - seems sensible to me.

However, I do not find that older drivers are the main problem on our local roads though I was surprized some years ago to see an elderly lady get out of the passenger side go to the boot get out a Zima frame and then pull her husband out of the drivers seat and onto the Zima frame. I just watched in amazement as they then slowly walked away!

What was frightening was that the car was an old Jaguar! Imagine the damage that could do if out of control.

What concerns me more is the very young and inexperienced drivers doing suicidal things in cars. We have just had our little runabout written off by a 19 year old who turned right in front of us. His Father openly admitted that this was his sons fifth serious accident in 2 years!!

The insurance statistics prove that under 21 male drivers are a shockingly bad risk. I suggest that some sort of graded licence be introduced with severe penalties for those who repeatedly have accidents.
May 9, 2005
If people think oaps need to resit there test which I think they should instead of just filling in a form saying they can still see and have quick reactions times then if the question for this reasoning is that they cause a lot of accidents then why are they always offered cheap car insurance.
Mar 14, 2005
Linda, that is a very sweeping statement to make and I suspect a very inaccurate one! Do you have statistics to substantiate this? Would insurance companies give discounts for older motorists if they are causing (according to you) "lots of accidents"! I think not. Lots of accidents are caused by poor drivers and statistically this is the young driver aged between 17 and 25! By the way Iam not an o.a.p. and from the sounds of it neither are you!
Mar 14, 2005
I drive about 45000 miles a year, mostly on business, so far 4000 towing since last August & I completely agree that ALL of us should be re-tested every 5 years regardless of age, as the standard of driving is in the main appalling, especially lane discipline on motorways - but that's hardly surprising as the Driving Test does not include M/way driving & most L drivers rarely exceed 50 mph - until they get their full licence - then all hell is let loose! Incidentally, once you get to 70+ insurance premiums are as loaded as young drivers, so OAP's have a higher risk - again not surprising as many have never taken a test!!
Mar 14, 2005
I have not read such cant and hipocricy for a long time the only semblence of thought on this topic comes from matthews coments

Just think of it all you briliant drivers [ so your 3 year test comes round and you know if you fail your job is on the line ,will you sleep well and wake refreshed the next morning ready to take your test ???].I THINK NOT.But just think again if you do pass you dont need to worry again for 3 years .

I agree that drivers who cause accidents should be punished ,and any driver who is banned should have to re,take the test,but to make this mandatory to all drivers is not practical.In any case this will never happen ,no political party would introduce such a bill.So direct your campaign to something positive like attending and passing caravan towing courses before you can tow on the roads .Coljac
May 21, 2008
Wow, what a honets nest.

I have driven for over thirty years and hold both car, motorcycle and HGV class 1. I have been caravanning for over twenty years.

I can agree with people taking a driving assessment periodically and even a medical every five years. How many drivers would own up to having to squint to see signs etc!!!!!

Not many, as the human race are too damn proud to admit they might be wrong??!!

I am registered deaf for instance, which is a nuicence but not debilitating. But I'd be quite happy to be assessed every five years to make sure I'm not a danger to myself, my family or other road users. I have a cholesterol test every year as my family have history of heart problems, so why not confirm your safe to drive.

I commute 14 thousand miles a year by car to work and probably do the same distance for pleasure, and boy oh boy do I see some plonkers on the road, from all ages creeds and proffessions. I've seen people drive off the road after finishing a night shift just because they can't admit to themselves that they are tired. One HGV driver I know finished a 10 hour day and then got into his motor home and drove overnight to the south of France.

You get the people with mobile phones (even blue tooth head sets) who are so pre-occupied with the conversation that they make mistakes.

By the way you've all heard about people being nicked for eating while driving etc, but what about those who smoke while they drive. I doesn't matter if it's a kit kat or a *** you hold it in your hand which impares your grip on the steering wheel!! But atleast the ki kat won't burn you if you drop it!!

I'd best get off my soap box now I've wolloped the hornets nest and upset 80% of the drivers of the nation, but I felt it had to be said cos it seems only the minority want ot be good drivers the rest just want to drive. Opps there I go again falling into the cauldren of life.
Mar 14, 2005
I took a driving assessment with an instructors instructor last summer, and it was very interesting to see how teaching methods have changed since passing my test in 1986 (17 years old). I do about 25K per annum(15K on business), and agree you see plonkers of all ages driving a range of vehicles. I have also had my licence taken away for 2 years due to epilepsy, yet a neighbour has had 4 heart attacks in 6 months and is free to carry on driving whenever he wants.

I'm afraid I now no longer want to race to the next traffic jam, so just set wth cruise control on motorways etc (when safe to do so) anf go with the flow at the speed limit. I am proud to admit my licence has never had points, maybe i've been very lucky, particularly as Lancashire are very keen on slowing you down, but thats another story.
May 21, 2008
I took a driving assessment with an instructors instructor last summer, and it was very interesting to see how teaching methods have changed since passing my test in 1986 (17 years old). I do about 25K per annum(15K on business), and agree you see plonkers of all ages driving a range of vehicles. I have also had my licence taken away for 2 years due to epilepsy, yet a neighbour has had 4 heart attacks in 6 months and is free to carry on driving whenever he wants.

I'm afraid I now no longer want to race to the next traffic jam, so just set wth cruise control on motorways etc (when safe to do so) anf go with the flow at the speed limit. I am proud to admit my licence has never had points, maybe i've been very lucky, particularly as Lancashire are very keen on slowing you down, but thats another story.
Like you I've taken my instructors assessment and ahve been an advanced driver for many years. I go with the flow and must admit I do smile at the stressed erics we see every day.
Apr 11, 2005
Like you I've taken my instructors assessment and ahve been an advanced driver for many years. I go with the flow and must admit I do smile at the stressed erics we see every day.
we went on our first caravan trip last week and therefore took things nice and steady, what a joy it was, we stayed on the inside lane and caused no trouble and watched everyone stressed out and whizzing past at horrendous speeds !!! I unfortunately have the task of turning up at these rta,s the most recent an old chap in a busy town centre reversing into a space,pressed the accelerator instead of the brake .took out ashop and the young man walking past lost both his legs while his kid watched,

DEFINATELY have retests young or old .
Mar 27, 2005
OK. I'm 40, been driving for over 20 years, never had an accident and still have clean lisence, passed the advanced driving test years ago, had skid pan training and defensive driving training through work ( an enlightened employer! ) and never had a problem with any tests or exams. BUT, I don't consider myself to be a brilliant driver. I drive too fast, too close and am generally too impatient. Faults I recognise but find hard to overcome. Testing me every 3/5 years won't make an atom of difference, I can pass tests, you just need to concentrate for an hour.
Mar 14, 2005
I have not read such cant and hipocricy for a long time the only semblence of thought on this topic comes from matthews coments

Just think of it all you briliant drivers [ so your 3 year test comes round and you know if you fail your job is on the line ,will you sleep well and wake refreshed the next morning ready to take your test ???].I THINK NOT.But just think again if you do pass you dont need to worry again for 3 years .

I agree that drivers who cause accidents should be punished ,and any driver who is banned should have to re,take the test,but to make this mandatory to all drivers is not practical.In any case this will never happen ,no political party would introduce such a bill.So direct your campaign to something positive like attending and passing caravan towing courses before you can tow on the roads .Coljac
I hope for your sake any re-test does not involve a written test!
Apr 11, 2005
i whent on the camping & caravanning clud carr avan manoeuvring course. i lert quatlot stuff & got a lot of tips as well. that was last week. it only cost


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