Welcome to the new PCV forum

Page 4 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Aug 6, 2010
Alot better than before. I could not use my old login so I have rejoined, A great improvement to the old site.
May 22, 2006
What a right carry on to get logged in to this revamped/made worse site, doubt very much if i`ll be bothering to come back. What was wrong with the old layout? was so much easier, faster and BETTER good bye.
Aug 6, 2010
As JD and Austin have said in this thread and elsewhere, there are some bugs and snags with the site which they are working flat-out to eradicate – which is one of the reasons I've wandered over from my 'day job' to try to help out with answering users' questions about the operation of the site.
Please bear with us while we try to get things sorted.
Jan 19, 2008
Terry_5112949 said:
What a right carry on to get logged in to this revamped/made worse site, doubt very much if i`ll be bothering to come back. What was wrong with the old layout? was so much easier, faster and BETTER good bye.

I see you're not noted for your patience Terry. :O(

Oh I forgot .. goodbye.
Nov 2, 2005
Yes, I have noticed the slowness of this new set up. Have sorted out a few furrballs. This is why I don't bother with other sites when the pages are like this. but it seems to be still working on old system a bit. I did prefer it when new posts came in that topic was visibly brought to the top of the page.
Jan 19, 2008
smiley said:
I did prefer it when new posts came in that topic was visibly brought to the top of the page.

Agree but they are supposed to be going to work on that or a 'view all unread posts' which will be even better.
Aug 6, 2005
Just trying a post to see if it all works. Haven't posted on here for ages and now have a motorhome so feel a bit a a fraud. Great new set up and a whole lot better then before and I'm sure once the bugs are sorted everything will be fine.

Hi Lord b and Sooze

Jan 19, 2008
Hi Gill :O)

Just because you've bought a motorhome doesn't mean you can hob nob it with the aristocracy. You can only afford that because of the better than average wages I pay you but I will admit, you are the best stable lass I employ :O)
Aug 6, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
Hi Gill :O)

Just because you've bought a motorhome doesn't mean you can hob nob it with the aristocracy. You can only afford that because of the better than average wages I pay you but I will admit, you are the best stable lass I employ :O)
Its a terrible pity you don't have any horses, your Lordship, but I seem to be kept busy :O)

(Can't wait for some icon's)
Aug 12, 2007
I was going to ask what he's been riding....but since this is supposed to be a 'Welcome' and 'How to....' thread (and someone might misconstrue my question and come up with a slightly risque answer) I'd better not....... *holds hand out expecting a sharp smack with a ruler a la schooldays*


Nov 12, 2009
Parksy - Moderator said:
.....I see that the Buy / Sell tab at the top of the webpage leads to the Practical Caravan Finder where members can advertise their caravans for sale f.o.c.
A forum section or a corner of the Caravan Finder site where members could sell their unwanted accessories, used awnings or aquarolls for example would be good.
It would be easy for moderators to keep commercial advertisers looking for free advertising off, we did it succesfully on the old site but we had to throw the baby out with the bathwater and stop normal non commercial members from advertising.
At the moment our members have to navigate away from our website to buy or sell used accessories, a place on this forum where they could do this would keep them here.

As can be seen from these recent posts from both the old forum and this new website the demand for a private classified section for the sale of used caravan accessories exists.
Moderators had to regularly delete posts from private individuals trying to sell their unwanted caravan items on the old forum. Every other caravan forum that I know of hosts a facility for it's members to sell used accessories and the only thing that Practical Caravan achieved by insisting that the adverts were removed was the alienation of it's own forum members who simply went elsewhere.
Feb 19, 2010
No doubt a lot of work has gone into making this site all bells and whistles, but it is DESPERATELY SLOW to move between items.
Aug 12, 2007
Did seem to be a bit faster yesterday, but now it's the slowest it's ever been, could fall asleep waiting for pages to load! (It's been a long day).
Jan 10, 2010
what does this mean I keep getting this message
This website is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.
Unfortunately there were no suitable nodes available to serve this request.
Jan 19, 2008
Derek the Second said:
what does this mean I keep getting this message
This website is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.
Unfortunately there were no suitable nodes available to serve this request.

I get that at times. It's when it's slow and I think it times out before the page loads.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Austin / Andrew
Well the rubbish at the top has gone so things are looking up .

In terms of being user friendly ,as many people on here may have arthritis, stiff digits etc, is it possible for the latest post to always be shown at the very top? This means moving each subsection as the latest post appears.
IMO making timing the prime mover will always ensure the latest posts are immediately brought to my attention.
Aug 6, 2010
Within the forum sections, the most recently replied topic wlll always sit at the top of the list – unless there's a 'sticky' thread, such as this one, which we've pinned in place, Below this one all the threads are in order of most recently posted.

Derek the Second,
Sorry about lack of tunes, didn't have time to grab any.
As explained just before the weekend, my day-job is moderating one of Haymarket's other forums, and I also moderate on the Gramophone forum (which uses the same software as this one), so I asked the techie guys if they'd like me to sign up for the first week or two of the site's new existence to provide what technical help and assistance to forum users in terms of how this new set-up works.
So don't be surprised if I vanish from the scene when things smooth out: I'm only here temporarily to help with the turbulence, and remember that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!


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