Well folks after our epic 11 nights (well epic for us!!) 3 different sites,1036 miles on the clock, 46 gallons of fuel,and a squeaky tow bar, it has all come to an end
Arrived at pickalot with the squeak and by the time we arrived at Lickhill Manor in Worcester it was like thunder!! Spent an hour cleaning it yesterday and all fine again on way home today.
fully serviced pitch at Lickhill BUT had two brand new Torbeck valves for the aquaroll (one should have been a spare!!!) and both didnt work Grrr
But still filled with hose pipe so no great problems.
The bank manager says I have got to give up my semi-retirement and get back to
WORK on Monday and start saving for next years
Note to Dusty....on way home today i tooted my horn at junction 11, did you realise it was me :lol: