Woosie Club

Page 81 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Dec 30, 2013
Well done Parksy - you must have sprinted round Tesco's in what my OH calls a tactical strike, and what I call - forgetting half the shopping!


Nov 12, 2009
Why thank you my Woosie friends, I shove a mean shopping trolley :evil: and because of planning home improvements, arranging the finances and getting quotes we haven't had chance to get away in the caravan to use the last set of towing mirrors yet :(
'Stage 1', the new patio doors and new windows will be done on 3rd April we hope, so fingers crossed for good weather and I'll be able to stay in touch when we go somewhere with my new laptop and Mi-Fi if I can persuade Carole to leave Pickles the Cat for a few days when the windows are done. B)
Dec 30, 2013
I think whizzing round supermarkets must be catching! I've just gone round a brand new Waitrose, packed to the gunwales with people, got all the shopping, stood in a mile-long queue and still done it in an hour! phew!!


Jul 20, 2008
Think I should have gone with crazy guider I must have been in the worst queue ever!!! went to self service tills as only had a couple items and at least four people in each other queue, wrong idea!! just one person in front of me think she ought to apply for a job there talk about slow..... just me behind her when she started and by the time she'd finished 5 people behind me with lots of people huffing...... lol


Jul 20, 2008
Hi all, hope everyone is OK, we may have a new nominee to the Woosie club.

Friends of ours have always camped but have decided to upgrade to a caravan. So just after Christmas we got together and they asked Andy & Myself would hep in their search. So for the past couple of months we have been looking out for that little gem!!

We sat them down before we start our search to make sure they were aware of some of the cost's involved discussed layouts and budgets . I then took them both down to a local dealer Highbridge Caravans so I could show them the different . Turned out to be a very fruitful afternoon, Almost felt that I was on location locaton lol, when we started looking I said don't take notice of the price on the front of the van we are looking as layout, we need to ensure weight is ok before anything else.

After spending a couple of hours going in and out of caravan's I'd some how managed to get a little following!! didn't realise - One lady said do you work here to which I replied no I'm just a bit of a caravan geek!! She then said my husband and I are also looking for a caravan can you help us too as you've told us more info about caravanning than the sales man (to be fair have always found the safe very helpful but think the sales person may not have realised they were 1st time caravaners :lol: ).

Anyway back to our search needless to say we have looked as some gems as well some stinkers!! We've actually been looking at a van with Andy at home ready to bid only to find the price rocketed well out of our reach. But tomorrow we are off to pick their caravan, and we are hoping the first outing may be Easter if not it will be Stowford Reader Rally. As they are caravan virgins so I am sure we may have a nomination at the rally!!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon

Di :lol:
Feb 3, 2008
smiley said:
hello :)

Can I join the club? :unsure:

:whistle: say yeah course you can!! But how are you pronouncing it??? :lol:


Please could you read the postings on page 1 of this thread and state which criteria you can fulfill and how you can fulfill it. If the membership like your response then somebody will propose you, somebody else will second you, and I as this year's King will have the honour of bestowing a title on you.

You can pronounce the name as wussy (a person with no guts, ie doesn't like emptying the toilet cassette), or rhyming with boozie.
Nov 2, 2005
Well, not sure which would apply, years ago my daughter and I were on our way to portsmouth to catch night ferry.

We stopped at lay by did the nescessary step out, etc... After a while I had a thought about the step, my daughter had left it out at the layby.. I drove all the way back up the A34 found the lay by and continued again... than another thought where were the door keys..... shock was setting in so as soon as I could I stopped she had left them in the door!!! how they never fell out I don't know...

But I have all the usual things spiders above me yuk,,,,,,, height scared at chair height. Got stuck coming down some stairs with no rail had to resort to baby hood came down backwards on my hands and knees, very embarrassing .... and more
Jun 20, 2005
Well Smiley

On the basis you may post a picture of you coming down the stairs backwards on all fours :kiss: :cheer: . I may be persuaded to be a male Chauvinist Woosie and do the decent thing and propose you . As a long serving Forumite I believe you have the attributes to be a very good Woosie. Tell us a bit more and we will rally round I am sure. ;)
Apr 20, 2009
smiley said:
Well, not sure which would apply, years ago my daughter and I were on our way to portsmouth to catch night ferry.

We stopped at lay by did the nescessary step out, etc... After a while I had a thought about the step, my daughter had left it out at the layby.. I drove all the way back up the A34 found the lay by and continued again... than another thought where were the door keys..... shock was setting in so as soon as I could I stopped she had left them in the door!!! how they never fell out I don't know...

But I have all the usual things spiders above me yuk,,,,,,, height scared at chair height. Got stuck coming down some stairs with no rail had to resort to baby hood came down backwards on my hands and knees, very embarrassing .... and more

Surprised the van step is not out of reach :lol:


Mar 17, 2007
sir kev is too busy laughing to second you; so I will do that. I formally second Smiley The King will be along shortly to confirm your membership. many of us are meting at Stowford in May (sadly not me :( ) and at Wheathill in Shrops in September :cheer: . There is a page a bit further back with the details if you would like to join us.
Feb 3, 2008
Dustydog said:
Well Smiley

On the basis you may post a picture of you coming down the stairs backwards on all fours :kiss: :cheer: . I may be persuaded to be a male Chauvinist Woosie and do the decent thing and propose you . As a long serving Forumite I believe you have the attributes to be a very good Woosie. Tell us a bit more and we will rally round I am sure. ;)

DD said he 'may' be persuaded to propose you and requested you 'tell us a bit more', :eek:hmy: so at the moment I cannot confer a knighthood. :(
Please, pray, tell us more. ;)
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
sir kev is too busy laughing to second you; so I will do that. I formally second Smiley The King will be along shortly to confirm your membership. many of us are meting at Stowford in May (sadly not me :( ) and at Wheathill in Shrops in September :cheer: . There is a page a bit further back with the details if you would like to join us.

All the details are on page 197 with a link from Sprocket about Septembers site.
Come on Smiley just one more amusing post and you will have for filled the criteria.
Nov 2, 2005
We'll, not sure if this counts. But this one time on holiday as usual hubby put his trunks on the car to dry. Next day we went out off site, arrived back (Poitiers site) getting changed for the pool, suddenly normal man style , "where's my trunks".
conversation then ensued back tracking too do previous days events. would you believe had to get in car and drive the morning route, would you believe it, there on the side of the road was a pair of English trunks!!

do I now qualify??????
Jul 15, 2008
smiley said:
do I now qualify??????

Come on guys......Surely Smiley is now over qualified to be a Woosie.
DD has sort of proposed ...... Mel has seconded .......I will third!

King WC ....do your stuff or is Baldrick speaking out of turn your Royal Highnessness? :silly:
Feb 3, 2008
My arm is being twisted here, but I note the first story was your daughter's fault and the second was your husband's fault, therefore YOU must be perfect ;) other than not liking spiders and being a regular to this forum.

Out of the goodness of my heart (and because I want to squash a rebellion among my subjects) I will admit you to the Woosie Round Table and call you Lady Smiley.

Welcome to the Woosies. :silly:
Apr 20, 2009
Phew the King has got a heart, well done King WC

Welcome to the Woosie Club Lady Smiley

Present for you

Hope your not scared :lol:
Nov 2, 2005
oh gosh thank you guys what good knights you are!!

I'm a lady wait til I tell hubby.

To be honest I didn't go looking for his trunks, I was going to look stupid searching the street I sent them out on their bikes.....LOL

But I am a wus when I buy clothes from the shops and bring them home all those that are no good (which is everything almost) I get hubby to take back..
Jun 20, 2005
Oh wondrous Lady Smilie
A very warm welcome to the Woosie Round table .Will you be at Stowfolot or the Woosie Fest later this year?


Jul 20, 2008
Hi WC, sorry not received an email but yes the offer still stands, just thought you may of sent to my MSN email address, this has be blocked out and MSN have advised that take upto six weeks before they will unlock!! so set up new one on yahoo same format
If you could resend to the above email will sort



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