Woosie Club

Page 79 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Gafferbill said:
HI Woosies......greetings from sunny Spain

Now arrived to blue skies and Sun.......23 decC inside the caravan with no heating on! Lady Belinda caught up with the washing........... dry outside on a line in 3 hours. I washed the salt and muck of the outfit...........now relaxing with a San Miguel for a few days Cheers

You can go off some people.

Hear Hear!!!!
Apr 20, 2009
Sproket said:
Gagakev said:
Congratulations to our one and only Sir Dusty Dog (Bar) you have earnt this award and you can hold you head up high, well done

:image/jpeg;base64,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 Tonic Wine Anyone?
Flippin eck Kev ! .............A bottle of Buckfast contains 15% alcohol by volume and the same amount of caffeine in each bottle as in eight cans of Coke...... would sooner have a .... bottle of this to enjoy.....
Wots a Matter Wiv eeeee Sprocket, everyfink in moderation Lad, man I'm buzzing

(Dont tell no one but that was the first time I had tried it and havent had any since)
Mar 8, 2009
Hey up what's this?
A bright yellow glowing ball in the clear blue sky. Caravan not out this weekend but just wheeled my other '2 wheeler' out for a 'blast', (some cobwebs to be blown away!) I know it's wet in some places (commiserations to those folks) but this side of the country we ain't done bad (YET) apart from the tidal surge down the east coast just before Christmas, (Badly affected about 8 miles away from us) but we ain't done bad how about you Woosies?.


Nov 12, 2009
We had terrible weather in the West Midlands on Friday and Saturday with heavy rain and strong winds, we started off this morning clear and bright but the grey clouds have rolled in now, roll on summer!
Apr 7, 2008
Cracking the flags up here .....still a bit windy but, ... just power washed all of the green algi / slime that had built up on the concrete over the last month .... never seen as much in years ...
Dec 30, 2013
no rain here for the 2nd day in a row!! Beautiful sunshine yesterday, and a rain free drive home from the midlands on Saturday. The trench foot appears to clearing up, and the duck boards are visible! Not sure about the van - it's in storage and the owners can't get a tractor on to the land to check - all we know is that it's still there, thankfully with a cover!


Mar 17, 2007
It occurs to me that we have some new members of this PC forum who may be wondering what the Woosie Club is about and don't have the time or energy to read the drivel erudite postings of the last 196 pages. In brief, we are a group of vanners united by an aversion to emptying the toilet cassette and similarly unpleasant caravanning tasks. We enjoy ale, food, ale, a quiz and ale. King WC (Woodlands Camper) is our leige Lord this year. The rest of us are knights and ladies. This would be apparent from our purple signatures if the excuse for an IT system that runs this forum was working.
Membership is simple, join in and declare your own caravan related Woosiness and someone will propose and second you. The Woosies are meeting at the PC rally at Stowford and then at Wheathill (Shrops) this year.
Feb 4, 2014
I read through a couple of pages of Woosie-club stuff Mel, and my eyes started to glaze over......... However, from what I read I am sure I'd qualify for membership, being a confirmed arachnophobe, for a start. Neither do I like moths, daddy-long-legs or other creepy crawly things that make it their life's mission to scare your pants off. However, I have no hang-ups about emptying the loo, but if being as scatty as a basketful of bantams is a qualifying criteria, I'm yer girl!

I was a bit worried when reading about PC rallies. Flippin' 'eck, you'd be afraid of opening your mouth in case you offended someone! Then the penny dropped.... Ah! I thought, I still can't go on one, not being an officer of the law! Ok, I'm being silly now.......

So, am I a big enough woos to be a part of your Round Table? Even if it's only to get a look at Parksy's (bigger) Lightpole!
Jun 20, 2005
OK . Welcome Cyber Cynth. Anyone mad enough to show any interest in Parksy's Lightpole gets my vote.
I am therefore more than happy to propose you are invited to become a Woosie.
Once seconded we need to have a name.
Lady Cyber Cynth or what you wish. Now where's my jar of spiders. LOL.
Mar 8, 2009
Hiya Cynth,
I'll second you, cos' like you (I'm a bit of a phony Woosie really!) After nearly 40 years the 'chores' of vanning don't bother me really. Obviously If I had room for the 'butler' in the van then he could do these chores. The 'maid' comes however but she has never volunteered, (just checked she's not looking over my shoulder). By the way , have you noticed it's not a very good place to meet the gentler sex (Elsan emptying point) so I had assumed that they all had an aversion to this task.
However depending on the "King" welcome to the 'table'.


Nov 12, 2009
CyberCynth said:
I was a bit worried when reading about PC rallies. Flippin' 'eck, you'd be afraid of opening your mouth in case you offended someone! Then the penny dropped.... Ah! I thought, I still can't go on one, not being an officer of the law! Ok, I'm being silly now.......

So, am I a big enough woos to be a part of your Round Table? Even if it's only to get a look at Parksy's (bigger) Lightpole!

The annual Practical Caravan Rally at Stowford Farm Meadows is always worth a visit Cynth.
The actual rally lasts from Friday2nd May until Monday 6th, over the Bank Holiday weekend and costs £45 for a pitch with ehu on a very nice site with full facilities in North Devon, a lovely part of the world.
Various events take place including a quiz night, barn dance, live music and cream tea so you really get your money's worth and as an added bonus you can meet the team of writers who put together each issue of Practical Caravan Magazine.
Even better, you can book up to 14 extra nights (on the same pitch of course) for just £5 per unit per night including ehu, a real bargain break.
We're going from 29th April until 8th May and the holiday including the rally cost only £75, cheap as chips

I don't think that anyone is easily offended so don't worry, the rally is a great event where you can make new friends and meet friendly caravanners and motorhomers from all walks of life.
The Woosie meets are really friendly social gatherings with food, drink and great company.
I'm sure that you'll enjoy the Woosie meets, we're lucky enought to be invited as an honorary Woosies and this years Woosiefest is near to the beautiful historic market town of Ludlow and of course I'll be bringing my lightpole because it gets dark out in the countryside coming back from the pub.
Feb 3, 2008
Gabsgrandad said:
Hiya Cynth,
I'll second you, cos' like you (I'm a bit of a phony Woosie really!) After nearly 40 years the 'chores' of vanning don't bother me really. Obviously If I had room for the 'butler' in the van then he could do these chores. The 'maid' comes however but she has never volunteered, (just checked she's not looking over my shoulder). By the way , have you noticed it's not a very good place to meet the gentler sex (Elsan emptying point) so I had assumed that they all had an aversion to this task.
However depending on the "King" welcome to the 'table'.

Hi Cynth
You have now been proposed and seconded by loyal members of the Woosie Round Table. I can therefore bestow a title on you and call you Lady Cyber Cynth, if you accept that name. Let us know if you want something different. Welcome to the Woosie Round Table.

If you can attend the PCv rally then ask Lady Mel nicely and she will produce a nameplate for you to display at the rally and the woosiefest.

PS Parksy's lightpole is MUCH bigger than a big torch.
Aug 4, 2004
Maybe Parksy can do a brief light hearted synopsis of the Woosie Club in a sticky to save people reading through pages and pages of highly professional technical jargon. LOL!


Nov 12, 2009
Surfer said:
Maybe Parksy can do a brief light hearted synopsis of the Woosie Club in a sticky to save people reading through pages and pages of highly professional technical jargon. LOL!
Unfortunately my 'powers' don't extend to creating sticky posts Surfer
Apr 7, 2008
Parksy said:
Surfer said:
Maybe Parksy can do a brief light hearted synopsis of the Woosie Club in a sticky to save people reading through pages and pages of highly professional technical jargon. LOL!
Unfortunately my 'powers' don't extend to creating sticky posts Surfer

Ah! well maybe this will help.....
Hi CyberCynth Hope this helps you get the sort of jest to the Woosie thread.....
To read a few pages forward from the start of the links just click on next
This was the Woosies first meet at Stowford Meadows ......
Then they met up again at Poston Mill .....
and then again at Rivendale ....
& we are going here in September ........
Feb 4, 2014
Thanks, Dustydog!
Name? How about Baroness Barmy and her dog Princess Wotamess (Mental image sent of Bearded Collie after walk in Very Muddy Field, as I haven't any photos of her in this state - thank goodness)

And if you come ANYWHERE NEAR ME with even ONE spider I will probably vomit all over you. You have been warned!
Feb 4, 2014
Thanks, gabsgranda!

Is that you pictured on the 'bike? What is it? I used to ride a Suzuki GN250, but not being so flush these days (no pun intended on the lavatorial theme of this thread!) unfortunately I can't afford to run a bike and a car. Boo hoo.
Feb 4, 2014
Wow, sounds good Parksy. I'd love to come along but I'm not sure if I'm going to be back at the wheel by then: having knee surgery 18th March, and will be unable to drive for 6 - 8 weeks after that, so will have to play that by ear. Or knee, even. Well, even if I can't attend the event in May I'm sure there will be others at which I can come and meet everyone, and dodge the jar of spiders with which I've been threatened!
I just need to know whether Princess Wotamess will be allowed in the pub; I like to line up the drinks and pretend half of them are for the dog......

Also, there will be cause celebre for me by then: the Decree Absolute of my divorce! Yee haaaa!


Nov 12, 2009
Woosie meets are always dog friendly Cynth, I hope that your kneehole surgery is a sucess and you could always come to the Woosie meet in late September, there are details below

Dustydog said:
UPDATE (9 vans and counting)

King WC and Lady Squirrell 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl.)
Sir Gagakev and Lady Mags 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl) (Can only do the 25th 26th 27th 28th)
Sir Dustydog and Lady Villa Week or so
Lady Di Di and Sir Walkalot
Hon. Members The Lightpole Man and Carole 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl.)
Surfer and Lady Surfer
Crazy guider and family Unable to make it

Lady Mel and The Aleman 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl.)
Sir Mucky Pup and his Lady Sylv 4 - 6 nights
Sir Deli Dave and Lady Linda 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl.)
Sir Baldrick and Lady Belinda 4 nights (Thurs to Sun incl.)
Sir Sproket and Lady Mick 4 nights (Thurs to Sun Incl.)
Sir Gabsgrandad and Lady Jean
Sir Kopite and Lady

That's 9 units so far.
I also realise there are Woosie members not yet mentioned who may wish to join in. Please say so asap if you wish to come. I was thinking of Martin in particular. We can all help him with pitching up etc and a super fully serviced pitch would suit him admirably.

Now the good news .

Lee Partridge of Wheathill Touring Park
Near Bridgnorth
WV16 6QT

has very kindly offered us a Woosie Round Table special price of £20.00 per unit per night instead of their usual £25.00. We all get a super serviced 16 amp pitch with brown and grey waste disposal. King WC and Lady Squirrell will be working overtime to make good use of these facilities

All you need to do asap is send Lee Partridge a £20.00 deposit advising the dates of your stay and that you are a Knight or Lady of the Woosie Round Table. Cheques I guess should be payable to ?????????? If you are unsure please ring Lee direct on
01584 823456.
I'll now sort out the Three Horseshoes for our Woosie fest.
I'll post later with the payee details. Lee is e-mailing me
Dustydog said:
Ok. Here's the deposit payment details anx guidance to site.

I don't think you will have any problems. The pitches are supposed to be level..
Dear Sirs, Lords, Ladies and others,We are looking forward to your presence in our small hamlet of WheathillThis email is confirmation of your booking at Wheathill Touring ParkFrom: Tuesday 23rd SeptemberTo: Departing on Monday 29th September 2014 (All to be confirmed by your members)Pricing Details: £20.00 per night.All deposits need to be made out to our sister company .Please make your cheque payable to Bromdon Caravan Park Ltd. Postal address at the bottom.Additional Information:On arrival please park in the arrivals bay located directly ahead of the main gate. If the office is unattended use the smart bell for attention. It is best not to follow the SAT NAV as this sometimes takes you off the B4364. We are on this road next to the Three Horseshoes pub.If any of these details are incorrect or if you have any additional queries feel free to contact me.If at all possible could you give us a guide to the time of your arrival either by email or text on the day of arrival.078 038 90 777. Remember to include your surname.Regards,Lee PartridgeWheathill Touring ParkWheathill,Nr Bridgnorth,Shropshire,WV16 6QT.

ALL Cheques made out to Bromdon Caravan Park Ltd
Jun 20, 2005
Woodlands Camper said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Hiya Cynth,
I'll second you, cos' like you (I'm a bit of a phony Woosie really!) After nearly 40 years the 'chores' of vanning don't bother me really. Obviously If I had room for the 'butler' in the van then he could do these chores. The 'maid' comes however but she has never volunteered, (just checked she's not looking over my shoulder). By the way , have you noticed it's not a very good place to meet the gentler sex (Elsan emptying point) so I had assumed that they all had an aversion to this task.
However depending on the "King" welcome to the 'table'.

Hi Cynth
You have now been proposed and seconded by loyal members of the Woosie Round Table. I can therefore bestow a title on you and call you Lady Cyber Cynth, if you accept that name. Let us know if you want something different. Welcome to the Woosie Round Table.

If you can attend the PCv rally then ask Lady Mel nicely and she will produce a nameplate for you to display at the rally and the woosiefest.

PS Parksy's lightpole is MUCH bigger than a big torch.


Oh pray your Royal Woosieness. I think you have dropped a Boyal Rollock.
Lady Di Di does the laminated name cards not our lovely maiden Lady Mel


Mar 17, 2007
Thank you sir DD; I was just about to put the record straight. I have no IT skills with which to produce such lovely work as Lady Di Di doth bequeath upon us.
Thank you sir for referring to me as a "maiden". I am afraid that the maiden ship sailed some time ago.
. However, I remain a Lady.
Feb 3, 2008
CyberCynth said:
Name? How about Baroness Barmy and her dog Princess Wotamess (Mental image sent of Bearded Collie after walk in Very Muddy Field, as I haven't any photos of her in this state - thank goodness)

Cynth - as requested I hereby bestow the Woosie name of Baroness Barmy on you. If you wish, you may call your dog Princess Wotamess, but I hope we are not setting a precedence on all the other dogs belonging to Woosie members as they may feel they are the under-dogs.

Dustydog said:
Oh pray your Royal Woosieness. I think you have dropped a Boyal Rollock.
Lady Di Di does the laminated name cards not our lovely maiden Lady Mel

My esteemed apologies to our Royal Ladies in confusing your tasks. I will admonish my scribe (the King is never wrong).
Feb 4, 2014
£20.00 pupp??? That's quite a lot for a one-girl-band. I don't usually spend that much on an outing; the last 4 day DA meet I attended only cost me £29.00 for the whole event! I'd better start saving up now, or else camp in a nearby CS and meet you all in the pub? Maybe a rich auntie will leave me lots of money in her will. Trouble is, I haven't got one.
Feb 4, 2014
Woodlands Camper said:
Cynth - as requested I hereby bestow the Woosie name of Baroness Barmy on you. If you wish, you may call your dog Princess Wotamess, but I hope we are not setting a precedence on all the other dogs belonging to Woosie members as they may feel they are the under-dogs.

Thank you, Your Royal Water Closetness! and I won't tell the other dogs about the conferring of a Woosie name on my dog if you don't.


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