Woosie Club

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Jun 20, 2005
Sproket said:
Dustydog said:
Lady Di DI
I like it. Nice side saddle and dare I say a Chiffon "see through " skirt. A bit lady Godive maybe mmmmm

It gets my vote .

Don't spill your beer


On reflection no Knight or Lady would dress so skimply. We're all Woosies!!
Apr 20, 2009
Fellow knights and knightettes I have a confession I would like to share with you so you can take all my guilty feelings away.
We went away for the weekend but NOT in the van, the place had four brick walls and a flushing woosie pot. It was a weekend for the OH's birthday with the two (Grown up) kids joining us,
Guess where we went


I wanted to travel with my combine but son said the constipation sorry congestion charge would be tooo expensive so we hopped on a choo choo, my havent they changed in 33 years!! At the station I was looking for a Thomas the Tank engine look alike

So off we go heading to the village of London town for the first time in 27 years!!
The first evening we dined in an Italian resturant (I had steak--- ha ha) we were sat overlooking the small footbridge shown above.
Then I got the bill
then thought I could have paid for the next 4 to 5 years Woosie meets at Stowfolot.
Then it got me thinking I could use this trip to my advantage without SWMBO being any the wiser so on out travels I thought I would look for a uniform to empty the woosie pots on site and I found with this


Replica's like the above are availible for £2000.00 plus ------ real bargain if it keeps off the spills

Then I thought I could get one off these to carry the woosie pot if the woosie sludge tank was too far away


And finally Just to let you know we took in the Jersey Boys show all about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons really good show.
Mar 8, 2009
Wouldn't that 'woosie pot transporter' create even more of a cleaning problem about site? Particularly if you're that much of a woosie. I suppose you could weld hooks on it to hang the bucket & shovel on! Otherwise slavery comes to mind for the woosies clean up.


Mar 17, 2007
kopite said:
I`ve just heard that there is a new field open at stowfolot no6 i think just in case mel tries some reversing.only joking mel its...... 2 fields
Sir WC kopite...
Just 2. Thats a bit tight.
Apr 20, 2009
Di said:
Good Evening Sir Gagakev
One of my colleagues is a bit of an artist so she has kindly completed the outline for me/sites/practicalcaravan.com/files/images/Di%20Horse.png
Let me know what you think?

Hi Lady Di Di, think it is quite unique and original, clever lady your friend.
What we also need is a bigger response to the whole T shirt thing so come on you WOOSIES be proud and join us
Feb 3, 2008

What we also need is a bigger response to the whole T shirt thing so come on you WOOSIES be proud and join us


Yes Sir Gagakev - I would be proud to wear a Woosie T-shirt.
Jun 20, 2005

What we also need is a bigger response to the whole T shirt thing so come on you WOOSIES be proud and join us


Yes Sir Gagakev - I would be proud to wear a Woosie T-shirt.
Sir Gagakev and Sir WC
I think we have two excellent designs so far. Sir Gagakev's original and Lady DI Di's on a stallion. Sir Sproket's discreet Lady Godiva also looks good.lady
I can tell you that behind the walls of our castles in Crickalot Sir Mucky Pup TB has been busy . It's another good image of a Woosie Round Table. I'll say no more and keep it as a surprise for Stowfolot.
As well as the T shirts what do you think about some coasters or the like?
Jan 22, 2010
Afternoon sirs and ladies
I think T shirts are a must and how about a st goerge`s footie flag with woosie club across middle displayed in a window so one can be recognised by fellow woosie upon travelling down and on arrival to be greeted with jeers and looting.
Mar 8, 2009
Greetings Woosies

I had a bit of a dilemma deciding whether to be a ‘woosie’ or not as I thought that the things bothering you people didn’t really bother me. However I decided to join up a few weeks ago, and just a little story now to show I’m not an impostor now.
I was ‘vanning’ last week on a cl in Derbyshire. Decided Saturday to have a ride needed fuel for home journey. Came across store that apparently you have “more reasons” for visiting. So called in store first before refuelling, wife wanted a few ‘bits’. Both decided to call in the loos before shopping. Whilst doing the necessary 3 blokes came and went. Proceeded to wash my hands. (only one doing so), progressed to drier you know the ones that nearly take your skin off. Whilst stood there one of the trap doors opened and a quite distinguished gent in a tweed jacket and matching tweed trilby, quite noticeable. Exited instantly, now what part of the sign on the back of the door – now wash your hands – don’t they understand, or are the words just too long? Finished my jobs and waited in foyer for wife after picking up a basket. Wife duly arrived and we went in store, veggies first stop, and who should I notice there but ‘Tweedy’ fingering some pink ladies before selecting and bagging a couple, then ’Tweedy’ moved on to the granny Smiths again fingering several before selecting some. (should I tell the dirty b…..d, I thought about it, decided I didn’t want the hassle) He moved on to the tomatoes next, and guess what some more squeezing and pressing. Left him at this stage. On the way home telling the wife the story and her comment was “Oh there’s a lot of women have similar hygiene standards.” She says “have to start using prepacked stuff” but my comment was “what if the packers have the same hygiene standards as Tweedy?”
After seeing the above I am now a genuine woosie, perhaps that bite on the apple next time might just remind you also of tweedy.
I shall be washing my fruit in future. - You big woosie you!
I don’t suppose anyone on here would admit to being a “tweedy.”?

PS I’ll even go as far as a T- shirt, whatever logo/motive is decided on, now I know I'm a woosie.
Jan 22, 2010
We cant change peoples bad habits and they have no morals all we can do is the right thing.
There was a study done some years ago on a sample of nuts from a pub bar guess what there were 8 differant speciemens of urine found guess i`ll stick to eating my own


Mar 17, 2007
kopite said:
There was a study done some years ago on a sample of nuts from a pub bar guess what there were 8 differant speciemens of urine found guess i`ll stick to eating my own
There's people who would pay money to see that.
You must be very flexible.

Mar 11, 2007
kopite said:
We cant change peoples bad habits and they have no morals all we can do is the right thing.
There was a study done some years ago on a sample of nuts from a pub bar guess what there were 8 differant speciemens of urine found guess i`ll stick to eating my own

Is that why they are called Pee nuts?
Jun 20, 2005
Sir Gab (WC)
This most unwoosie like behaviour never ceases to amaze me.

In a similar vein I have seen supposed respectable family men come out of the trap, miss the handwash and then proceed to cook the BBQ using bare hands preparing the salad!.
They'll get salmonella and then blame the site water supply!
Mar 8, 2009
Hello honourable ‘Woosies’ it seems very quiet on the woosie front these days.
So here’s a little (again true) story from way back in our rallying days . We had caravanning friends from the opposite end of the county to us, (80 miles apart) but we used to meet up quite regularly on holiday rallies.
In those days we use to pack in from October to Easter. Come Easter this particular year first time out for “John”, pitched next to us and wasn’t long before he was visiting us, kettle was on anyway. His conversation starter was “You won’t belief this xxxxxxx , but have you anything to break a ‘crust’ with? It soon became clear what he wanted the crust breaker for. After his last trip out the previous October (now April) it was raining at the end of the rally so he had decided to empty the loo at home, which he duly forgot to do. So when he went to make the loo up on this his next rally (Do you remember the old freestanding porta potties? – it was one of those) he was confronted with a thick crust which wouldn’t move but had to be got rid of so he could have a loo for the weekend. Funnily enough none of his “friends” offered to help cos’ as you know this sort of story soon spreads among friends!. But it caused many folks a laugh for a long while. Sadly he ‘s probably still breaking crusts at that big site in the sky!
Oct 22, 2009
Greetings your Woosinessess, how many of your worthy selves visit onsite facilities and quickly retire to a distance until said facilities are completely unoccupied? I confess I am such a one. I am not able to share such spaces with another person and inevitablly end up going back to my own wee space! You can imagine my first experience of a French toilet block.Horror of horrors!!Shared facilities.I sent Himself to make sure the coast was clear and spent a very uncomfrtabel few minutes listening for footsteps.Do the honourable members think I may grow out of this?.I am 64yrs old. Perhaps some therapy is available.
TC ( Hon Dame de Woosie with roll and air freshener)
Apr 20, 2009
Hi Dame TC, here's a little tip for you, go in get yourself ready then just before the action starts FLUSH the loo, the sound of running water helps cover certain noise's

By the way nice to see you again.
Jun 20, 2005
Dame TC
Woosie of Woosies , where have you been?
Now us Woosies having taken all the stick and mick takes know full well we are the chosen few who don't need to worry about site facilities. I and SWMBO have just returned from a week on a bog free CL. This morning, slightly red faced SWMBO offered to empty the throne. Being the Woosie I am I actually refused and saved the fair maiden her embarrassment. I did it . Only because I knew she might drop the cap into the cess pit.

We bought the Wyoming because of the bathroom , so let's use it is our motto. I'll give it all a god double clean tomorrow with all those lovely sweet smelling chemicals.... cost a fortune etc. But at least we know the throne is ready for the next trip.
And My darling Dame I am only five years younger if that helps
Oct 22, 2009
My Honourable Knights of the WC I extend my gratitude for your courtly address.This Lady will take onboard your advice and I feel sure I will be flushed with success in my future encounters with the Facilities Dragons!!!!
TC (Hon Dame WC with Royal Flush )
Jun 20, 2005
Sproket said:
Gagakev said:
Di said:
Purple it is, quite like purple but we could go two tone pink on purple??? just dont ask how to get it on you signature77
But love the Woosie Club attire

Tee Hee Hee!!!

Coming soon------ a Tee shirt just for you

For Woosie Knights only, sizes and costs to follow if interested
Just a thought
How about your chosen Woosie colour ?

Ok My Knights and Ladeis. Time to firm up on our Woosie attire.
Amongst others, Vistaprint can do both sexes T shirts at reasonable prices. All under a tenner. I appreciate size may be personal so if we can agree the final design colours etc I'm happy to negotiate a deal with Vistaprint or anyone else who may be better and leave you all to order individually. Equally I am happy to place the order if you let me know your size by e-mail via Parksy if he's willing to help.
I thought Lady Di Di and Sir Sproket's , Lady Godiva was also a goodun. What do you all think?
Oct 22, 2009
Woosinesses.I am quite happy to wear the chosen attire in the preferred livery. Any colour as long as it is NOT brown!!!! Pleeease???
TC (Hon. Dame WC)
Apr 20, 2009
OK I will make the first definate proposal

I like the colourful knight with the white Tee shirt, only because after emptying the Woosie pot the splashbacks will prove Ive been to the elsan point

Size XL and I will pretend it's for the OH
Oct 22, 2009
Sir Gagakev I am in full agreement with your selection and I need size 16 or equivilent.please.How would you like your money paid? If the mods have time they have my permission to give you my email info,
TC ( Hon Dame de WC with Portfoliloo)


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